100 Best Performance Review Comments And Phrases! (2024)

Performance Review Phrases About Communication Skills

While communication skills are a key aspect of employee performance and have a place in performance appraisals, performance review comments or phrases about communication skills have a very thin line to walk. Out of all the supervisor comments examples on this list, review phrases about communication skills have the most risk of making the employee feel like this is a direct attack on their personality.

While many aspects of employee performance or position-related competencies depend on voluntary decisions and planned actions, how individuals communicate is more natural and reflexive. To help you navigate this area, here are sample performance review phrases about communication skills.

Positive Performance Review Phrases:

  1. “You consistently impress with how you communicate your ideas and feedback so clearly and effectively. You ensuring everyone understands your perspective and that is a huge asset to your team.
  1. “You excel at active listening and it helps you address concerns and provide thoughtful responses to your team members.”
  1. “You regularly use clear and concise language in your written communications. Messages from you are always easy to understand, leaving no room for misunderstandings.”
  1. “Regardless of the situation, you always maintain a positive and approachable demeanor and it hasn’t gone unnoticed!You easily encourage open communication and collaboration among your colleagues.”
  1. “You effectively facilitate meetings, ensuring all participants have a chance to contribute and feel heard.”

Constructive Performance Review Comments:

  1. “You could benefit from providing more detailed explanations when sharing complex information to ensure all team members fully grasp the concepts.”
  1. “You sometimes dominate conversations, which can make it difficult for others to share their thoughts. Try to balance speaking and listening.”
  1. “You might improve your communication by considering the audience’s perspective and tailoring your messages accordingly.”
  1. “You tend to rely heavily on email for important communications. Incorporating more face-to-face or virtual meetings could enhance clarity and understanding.”
  1. “You could work on managing your tone and body language during stressful situations to avoid misunderstandings and maintain a positive work environment.”

Examples of Quality of Work Performance Review Phrases

Performance review comments about quality of work form the backbone of the performance appraisal process. More often than not the quality of an employee’s work is one of the most simple and direct indicators of high or low performance. As is the case with all different performance feedback types, there are some areas to be mindful of.

Regardless of an individual’s seniority in the organization, whether we are writing performance review comments for managers or direct reports, we need to keep in mind that people have a tendency to fall in love with their work. When that work is criticized without care, it may damage the relationship. Below you will find performance review comment examples on quality of work:

Positive Phrases:

  1. “The work you deliver is consistently at a very high quality. This not only reflects well on your performance and benefits the organization but also sets a high standard for your teammates..”
  1. “You pay great attention to detail. We’ve noticed that your work is always crisp, accurate and free from errors.”
  1. “This review period, you’ve demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence, regularly going above and beyond to produce outstanding results.”
  1. “I can see that you show a deep understanding of your tasks, which is reflected in the high quality of your outputs.”
  1. “You take pride in your work, consistently producing thorough and well-researched deliverables.”

Constructive Phrases:

  1. “You could benefit from dedicating more time to reviewing your work to ensure it meets the expected quality standards.”
  1. “You sometimes rush through tasks, leading to avoidable errors. While we appreciate your desire to be more productive,slowing down and double-checking your work could enhance its quality.”
  1. “You might improve the quality of your work by seeking feedback from peers and incorporating their suggestions.”
  1. “You tend to overlook minor details, which can affect the overall quality of your work. Paying closer attention to these details could improve your results.”
  1. “You could work on enhancing the thoroughness of your work by ensuring all aspects of a task are fully addressed before considering it complete.”

Performance Review Comments About Role-Related Competencies

One of the core goals of a performance review is the development of talent. Employee performance should be evaluated with the intention of helping that employee grow and develop their skills in order to improve that very performance within the upcoming review period.

In order to achieve that very goal, discussing role-related competencies is a must. While the performance review comments and phrases in this section are on the more general side when it comes to employee competencies, these example phrases can be customized to match the competency framework your organization uses.

  1. “Throughout the review period, you’ve demonstrated a high level of expertise in your role, consistently applying your knowledge and skills to achieve excellent results.”
  1. “You are proficient in using the tools and technologies required for your job, which enhances your efficiency and productivity.”
  1. “You continuously seek to improve your competencies by staying updated with the latest industry trends and best practices.”
  1. “You effectively apply your problem-solving skills to overcome challenges and find innovative solutions.”
  1. “You exhibit strong analytical abilities, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that benefit the team and organization.”

Constructive Phrases:

  1. “You could benefit from further developing your technical skills to better meet the demands of your role.”
  1. “You might improve your job performance by seeking out additional training or professional development opportunities.”
  1. “You sometimes struggle with applying theoretical knowledge to practical situations. Gaining more hands-on experience could help bridge this gap.”
  1. “You could work on enhancing your decision-making skills by thoroughly analyzing all available information before taking action.”
  1. “You tend to rely on familiar methods and approaches. Exploring new techniques and innovative solutions could improve your job performance.”

Examples of Initiative Performance Review Phrases

Taking initiative at work is a great indicator of a high-performing employee. That is why the discussion of taking initiative is always welcome in performance appraisals. Taking initiative not only shows the employee has taken ownership of their role and responsibilities but also how they are willing to take on more work.

The discussion of initiative in performance reviews can quite easily facilitate conversations of succession planning and career pathing. The initiative performance review phrases below are there to help you kickstart those conversations in performance reviews.

Positive Phrases:

  1. “You’ve shown a strong tendency to take the initiative to identify and tackle problems before they escalate. This is a sign of your proactive attitude.”
  1. “You are always willing to take on additional responsibilities and go above and beyond your regular duties.”
  1. “On many different occasions, you’ve proposed new ideas and improvements. This shows your commitment to enhancing our processes and outcomes.”
  1. “You take the lead on projects, coordinating efforts and ensuring tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.”
  1. “You demonstrate strong self-motivation, regularly seeking out opportunities to contribute to the team’s success.”

Constructive Review Phrases:

  1. “We know you are capable of contributing more. You could be a bit more proactive in identifying areas where you can help without waiting for direction.”
  1. “You sometimes hesitate to take on new challenges. Embracing a more proactive mindset could help you grow in your role. We trust your judgement. So should you.”
  1. “You have the potential to be more effective by simply taking the initiative to address issues as they arise, as opposed to waiting for them to be assigned.”
  1. “You could work on suggesting solutions to problems you identify, rather than just pointing them out.”
  1. “You tend to rely on others to drive projects forward. Taking more ownership and initiative could enhance your impact on the team’s success.”

Performance Appraisal Comments About Problem-Solving

While each role may have its own set of competencies associated with it, the ability to solve problems as they arise is a competency shared by almost any role in an organization. So it is only natural to have performance evaluation phrases about problem solving.

Below are 10 supervisor comment examples about an employee’s problem-solving skills. While these review phrases can be used as they are, we strongly recommend you customize them to reflect specific instances where an employee’s problem-solving skills were on display.

Positive Phrases:

  1. “It hasn’t gone unnoticed that you demonstrate strong problem-solving skills. You quickly identify the root causes of issues and nd develop effective solutions.”
  1. “You approach challenges with a positive attitude, using creative thinking to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.”
  1. “You excel at analyzing complex problems and breaking them down into manageable components. On many occasions, you’ve made iteasier to find solutions.”
  1. “You actively seek out information and resources to address problems, demonstrating resourcefulness and initiative.”
  1. “The way you effectively collaborate with team members to brainstorm and implement solutions has enhanced the overall problem-solving process in our organization.”

Constructive Phrases:

  1. “We believe you are capable of developing a more structured approach to problem-solving, and ensure all potential solutions are thoroughly evaluated.”
  1. “There have been instances in which you’ve focused on the symptoms of a problem rather than the underlying cause. Identifying the root issue could lead to more effective solutions.”
  1. “You might improve your problem-solving skills by seeking input from colleagues and considering diverse perspectives.”
  1. “You have the tendancy to rush through the problem-solving process. This in turn can result in overlooking important details. Slowing down and being more thorough could enhance your effectiveness.”
  1. “You could work on becoming more proactive in identifying potential problems before they arise, allowing for preemptive action.”

Performance Review Comments About Time Management

Another key area that has gained more and more prominence in performance appraisals is time management. Performance review comments and questions about time management skills have over time evolved to reflect an employee’s ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Creating a culture where your employees know just how much you value their work-life balance can help immensely with issues such as employee disengagement and feeling burnt out.

Positive Phrases:

  1. “You regularly complete tasks ahead of schedule, demonstrating excellent time management skills and reliability.”
  1. “We appreciate the way you prioritize your workload. You always ensure that high-priority tasks are completed on time and with high quality.”
  1. “You are adept at managing your time during meetings, keeping discussions focused and productive.”
  1. “You set an example with your use of productivity tools and techniques to stay organized and manage your time efficiently.”
  1. “You balance multiple projects seamlessly, meeting all deadlines without compromising the quality of your work.”

Constructive Phrases:

  1. “We’ve noticed that you could be setting clearer priorities to ensure that high-impact tasks are completed on time.”
  1. “You sometimes take on too many tasks at once, which can lead to missed deadlines. Delegating when appropriate might help manage your workload more effectively.”
  1. “We appreciate the amount of work you are taking on. Perhaps you could make your life easierby breaking down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks with specific deadlines.”
  1. “There have been instances where we noticed that you underestimate the time required for some tasks. Allocating buffer time could help in managing unforeseen delays.”
  1. “You could work on minimizing distractions during work hours to enhance your focus and productivity.”

Leadership Performance Review Comments

Performance reviews are often meant to be followed up with succession planning. Whether that includes using the 9-box talent grid or mapping out career paths for employees, this process more often than not includes the employee moving on to roles that rely more heavily on their leadership skills.

For that and many other reasons beyond counting, we put together a list of performance review phrases about leadership. These review comments are centered around recognizing the areas in which an employee’s leadership skills shined as well as discussing some areas of improvement.

Positive Phrases:

  1. “You demonstrate exceptional leadership skills, consistently guiding your team towards achieving their goals with clarity and motivation.”
  1. “You lead by example, maintaining high standards of integrity and professionalism that inspire others to follow.”
  1. “You excel at delegating tasks effectively, ensuring that team members are empowered and tasks are completed efficiently.”
  1. “You possess strong decision-making abilities, confidently addressing challenges and making informed choices that benefit the team.”
  1. “You foster a positive and inclusive work environment, promoting teamwork and collaboration among all team members.”

Constructive Phrases:

  1. “Improving your communication with team members can help ensure everyone is aligned and informed about key objectives.”
  1. “You still have some room to grow when it comes to providing constructive feedback. Developing this skill could help team members grow and improve their performance.”
  1. “You could improve leadership effectiveness by being more open to input and ideas from your team.”
  1. “You could work on better managing conflict within the team, addressing issues promptly and fairly to maintain a harmonious work environment.”
  1. “You tend to take on too many tasks yourself. Delegating more effectively could help you focus on strategic priorities and develop your team’s skills.”

Performance Review Comments About Creativity

The last “specific” performance review comment area we want to highlight on this list is perhaps the most versatile of them all. Performance review phrases about creativity and innovation are truly necessary. Whether you are praising an employee’s creativity or simply encouraging them to be more innovative, the discussion of creativity in performance appraisals is gaining more importance every single day.

Positive Phrases:

  1. “You bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table. We’ve seen how this helps drive the team’s creative efforts forward.”
  1. “You have, throughout the review period, demonstrated a strong ability to think outside the box, finding unique solutions to complex problems.”
  1. “You are always willing to experiment with new approaches, and they often lead to successful and innovative outcomes.”
  1. “You inspire creativity in others by encouraging a collaborative and open-minded work environment.”
  1. “You regularly contribute original and valuable ideas that enhance our projects and processes.”

Areas of Improvement Phrases:

  1. “We appreciate your consistency but we believe you could benefit from taking more risks with your ideas, even if they are unconventional, to foster greater innovation.”
  1. “You tend to focus on traditional methods, which can limit creativity. Embracing a more open approach could lead to more innovative solutions.”
  1. “We know you have a lot of creative potential. You can improve your creative output by seeking inspiration from a wider range of sources and industries.”
  1. “Have you considered working on developing your brainstorming techniques to generate a broader array of creative ideas.”
  1. “Your commitment to excellence sometimes results in you overthinking new ideas. This can stifle innovation. Trusting your instincts more could help unleash your creative potential.”

Overall Performance Comments

We didn’t want to provide you with just very specific appraisal comments. Below we included some overall performance review comments and phrases that can be used in a variety of different performance appraisal scenarios.

Positive Overall Performance Review Phrases:

  1. “You have exceeded expectations in your role and demonstrated exceptional performance alongside a strong commitment to our organization’s goals.”
  1. “You show remarkable dedication and enthusiasm for your work, consistently delivering high-quality results.”
  1. “You are a reliable and valued team member who regularly contributes innovative ideas and solutions.”
  1. “You exhibit excellent leadership qualities, effectively managing your responsibilities and inspiring your colleagues.”
  1. “You have shown significant growth and development over the past year, continuously improving your skills and performance.”

Constructive Phrases:

  1. “We’ve noticed that you could be setting clearer goals and priorities to help focus your efforts and improve your overall performance.”
  1. “You on occasion struggle with meeting deadlines. Enhancing your time management skills could lead to more consistent results.”
  1. “We appreciate your effort but we believe there is still room to grow.You could build upon your overall performance by seeking regular feedback and actively working on areas for development.”
  1. “You have a tendency to rely heavily on established methods. Being open to new approaches and ideas could enhance your effectiveness.”
  1. “You could work on building stronger relationships with your colleagues to improve teamwork and collaboration.”

Examples of Self-Appraisal Comments by Employees

No performance review would be complete without a self-review on behalf of the employee. So here are some examples of self-appraisal comments by employees. If you have a performance appraisal coming up and you are not quite certain how you should phrase the self-review section, these employee self-review examples can surely be of assistance!

Positive Phrases:

  1. “I believe I always strive to exceed expectations in my role by delivering high-quality work and meeting deadlines efficiently.”
  1. “I take pride in my ability to collaborate effectively with my team, fostering a positive and productive work environment.”
  1. “I have demonstrated strong leadership skills by successfully managing projects and guiding my team to achieve our objectives.”
  1. “I am committed to continuous improvement, regularly seeking out opportunities for professional development and skill enhancement.”
  1. “I have effectively managed my time and resources, balancing multiple tasks and projects to ensure timely and successful completion.”

Constructive Phrases:

  1. “I recognize that I need to improve my time management skills to better prioritize tasks and meet all deadlines consistently.”
  1. “I acknowledge that I could benefit from seeking more feedback from my colleagues and supervisors to identify areas for growth.”
  1. “I am working on enhancing my communication skills to ensure that my ideas and feedback are clearly understood by the team.”
  1. “I realize that I sometimes hesitate to take on new challenges, and I am committed to being more proactive in seeking out opportunities.”
  1. “I understand the importance of delegating tasks more effectively to empower my team and focus on strategic priorities.”

How to write performance review comments?

When you’re writing performance review comments, there are some things you should make sure your performance review comments always are. Three key things to keep in mind as you’re writing your performance review comments are:

1. Start with positive feedback: Begin your comments with positive feedback to set a constructive tone and make the employee feel valued.

2. Focus on behavior: Focus on the employee’s behavior, rather than their personality. This helps the feedback feel less personal and more actionable.

3. Avoid vague language: Avoid using vague language like “good job” or “needs improvement.” Instead, be specific about what the employee did well or what they need to work on.

What should I avoid saying in performance reviews?

Performance reviews are a crucial part of employee development and growth within any organization. They provide an opportunity for constructive feedback and goal-setting.
Delivering effective performance appraisal comments can be challenging, and using the wrong words or phrases can have a detrimental impact on your team’s morale and productivity.
So in this particular section, we’ll explore what you shouldn’t say in performance reviews and provide examples to steer clear of these pitfalls.
Negative Language
Avoid using harsh or negative language in your performance appraisal comments. Phrases like “You always” or “You never” can be demotivating and unproductive. Instead, focus on specific behaviors or incidents and provide constructive feedback.
Example: Instead of saying, “You always miss deadlines,” try, “I noticed a few instances where deadlines were not met. Let’s work together to improve your time management skills.”
Comparative Statements
Refrain from making direct comparisons between employees in your performance review examples. Using phrases like “You’re not as good as [colleague]” can create unhealthy competition and resentment among team members. Instead, concentrate on individual strengths and areas for improvement.
Example: Avoid saying, “You’re not as efficient as Sarah,” and opt for, “I believe you can further improve your efficiency by implementing time-saving techniques.”
Vague Feedback
Performance review phrases that lack specificity can be frustrating for employees. Avoid vague comments like, “You need to do better” or “Your work has room for improvement.” Instead, provide clear examples and suggest actionable steps for improvement.
Example: Say, “Your recent project lacked detailed documentation. To improve, please make sure to document all processes thoroughly for future projects.”
Personal Criticisms
Keep your performance appraisal comments focused on work-related matters. Avoid making personal criticisms or judgments about an employee’s character or personality.
Example: Don’t say “You’re too introverted for this role,” and opt for, “To excel in this role, consider taking on more proactive communication and teamwork initiatives.”

How to make supervisor comments and recommendations?

As a supervisor, it is your job to offer supervisor comments and recommendations to your direct reports. While this may seem like a mundane task at first, effective supervisor comments and recommendations can prove to be the most valuable out of all your performance review comments.

1. What is the point of your supervisor comments and recommendations?

Many leaders fall under the false impression that since they are a supervisor, they are under the obligation to offer comments and recommendations. Unless there is a distinct purpose behind your supervisor comments and recommendations, you should abstain from handing them out. Or you will start skirting the dangerous line into the micro-management territory!

2. Do your homework first!

To make sure your comments and recommendations as a supervisor are hitting the mark, you need to do your research and do it well! Some of the best ways to gather that information include:

Pulse Surveys
360-Degree Feedback
Anonymous Feedback
Check-in Meetings

3. Focus on solutions instead of problems.

Instead of just pointing out problems, provide recommendations for improvement. Better yet, turn your feedback session into a discussion where you and your direct reports brainstorm on fixing any existing problems together. Supervisor comments and recommendations are opportunities to show your team that you’re in it together.

Here is a quick video tutorial on just how you can gather 360-degree feedback inside Microsoft Teams:

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Written by Emre Ok

Emre is a content writer at Teamflect who aims to share fun and unique insight into the world of performance management.

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100 Best Performance Review Comments And Phrases! (2024)


100 Best Performance Review Comments And Phrases!? ›

Positive Feedback:

Your writing is concise and persuasive, making reports easy to understand. You listen attentively in meetings and provide thoughtful feedback. You consistently ensure all team members are informed and up-to-date. Your ability to negotiate effectively has been key in several team successes.

What should I write in my performance review comment? ›

6 Steps for Writing Effective Performance Review Comments
  • Be comprehensive. ...
  • Embrace positivity. ...
  • Share specific feedback and provide examples. ...
  • Include 360-degree feedback. ...
  • Pair constructive feedback with developmental suggestions. ...
  • Stay organized with the right solution.
Mar 27, 2023

What do you say in a positive performance review? ›

Positive Feedback:

Your writing is concise and persuasive, making reports easy to understand. You listen attentively in meetings and provide thoughtful feedback. You consistently ensure all team members are informed and up-to-date. Your ability to negotiate effectively has been key in several team successes.

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Here are some phrases that emphasize an employee's strong work ethic and overall performance:
  • “Consistently meets sales goals”
  • “Assists coworkers and helps them achieve their own goals”
  • “Completes all tasks on time”
  • “Works well with all members of their team”
  • “Follows directions for all assigned tasks”

What not to say during a performance review? ›

Never discuss personality traits—especially negative ones. You can say, “You have a fabulous attitude.” But saying, “Your attitude isn't great” focuses on personality, not performance. Maybe your employee does have a bad attitude.

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Simple, Direct, Honest, Personal, And Blunt: How The 5-Word Performance Review Works Wonders.

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How To Write A Self-Appraisal?
  1. Share efforts and obstacles. Mention how your efforts made a measurable impact on the team and the organisation. ...
  2. Identify areas of improvement. Make sure to point out areas where you hope to improve. ...
  3. Quantify achievements. ...
  4. Ask for growth opportunities. ...
  5. Set goals. ...
  6. Stay positive and respectful.
Feb 15, 2024

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Positive self appraisal comments
  1. I have a clear understanding of what I am expected to do as a part of my role.
  2. I understand the value my work is able to contribute to the overall organizational success.
  3. I was able to meet 80% of my OKRs in the last quarter.
  4. I stay updated on the latest trends and insights in my field.

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When writing overall performance review comments, you should highlight the accomplishments of the employee. While the review is supposed to be objective, you should also ensure that you validate the achievements of the employee by providing ample examples of how they have met some of their KPIs.

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Key Elements of Positive Reviews

Providing unbiased written detailed description that makes it valuable. Make sure to share personalized experiences or specific scenarios where the product was beneficial. Include photos or videos that make it more engaging and provide visual proof of the product's quality and features.

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Examples of positive phrases:
  1. "Leads a highly engaged team that works well together and consistently meets deadlines"
  2. "Offers assistance to colleagues and collaborators"
  3. "Has taken the time to form strong relationships with all members of the team"
  4. "Encourages team members to provide support for each other when needed"
Jul 5, 2024

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Strong Relationship Building

Clients regularly provide positive feedback praising her for her innovative approaches to problem-solving and great communication. Her ability to foster rapport and build relationships was instrumental in landing four new enterprise accounts last month.

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You are very punctual and have shown excellent work behaviors in every aspect of the job.” "Shows a strong work ethic by consistently staying until all daily tasks are completed.” "You consistently go above and beyond by exceeding your quarterly goals.”

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Tips for your next performance review
  1. Keep track of your accomplishments throughout the year. ...
  2. Review your job description. ...
  3. Write down your performance goals at the beginning of each quarter or year. ...
  4. Look for ways to contribute more to the workplace. ...
  5. Understand why you're valuable as an employee. ...
  6. Ask for help when you need it.

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When approaching comments for your performance review, be specific and provide concrete examples of your achievements, challenges, and areas for growth. It's important to focus on both the positive aspects of your performance and areas where you need to improve.

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Now, let us look at some positive review examples at large.
  • “The team at the X Restaurant went above and beyond to provide us with the best dining experience ever! ...
  • “What an incredible experience with XYZ service provider! ...
  • “We have been shopping at YZ mall for years and always feel happy and satisfied while leaving.
Jun 13, 2024

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Positive feedback you can give: "I'm really happy with your determination to finish this project. I know it wasn't easy, but I knew you could do it. Your helpful attitude makes it clear that you can continue to take on new challenges and grow with the company.

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I never hesitate to participate in challenging tasks and go above and beyond. I take my job responsibilities seriously and believe in working in a team-oriented work environment. With sheer dedication, I have exceeded my (mention your goal) performance goal by (mention the numbers).

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.