29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 (2024)

Table of Contents
1. Start a blog 2. Create blog posts (for others) 3. Establish a niche website 4. Self-Publish a book 5. Create affiliate content 6. Write scripts for video creators 7. Write show notes for podcasts 8. Create written content for social media 9. Produce content for local businesses 10. Submit magazine articles 11. Create an information product 12. Ghostwrite online content 13. Write video game guidebooks 14. Create destination guides 15. Write poetry 16. Transcribe documents 17. Write personal essays 18. Create greeting card sayings 19. Write product descriptions 20. Start copywriting 21. Create email sequences 22. Write technical manuals 23. Post on a revenue sharing site 24. Enter a writing contest 25. Write resumes 26. Write and sell songs 27. Review books 28. Do SEO writing 29. Write sponsored content How can you find paid writing opportunities online? Cold pitching companies you want to work for Searching online job boards Pitching bloggers who accept guest posts Searching on social media Submitting queries to publications Networking with other freelance writers Posting on social media Creating a website to share your services Searching on Craigslist in major cities Asking past freelance writing clients if they have more work for you Where can you submit your writing online for money? Essays Business, career, and finance Family and parenting Travel Food Tech How to send a pitch for an online writing gig 5 tips for successful pitching as a freelance writer 1. Follow directions 2. Pitch for topics you’re comfortable writing about 3. Send a great idea 4. Explain why it’s a great fit 5. Keep it short How to get paid to write online How to create a portfolio to help you make money writing online Keep your portfolio up-to-date with your best new work Don’t include everything Break it into categories Host it in an effective location 7 Red flags to watch for with online writing jobs Time to take action FAQs

1. Start a blog

Blogging is a tried-and-true method for writers to make money online. You may be wondering if it’s still possible for new bloggers to make money with all the established blogs already online, and the answer is YES.

Blogging requires dedication and consistency, and it will also take some time for your blog to gain momentum before you see much income, but it is absolutely possible.

The first step to starting a blog is picking your niche. This is the topic you’ll write about. It’s good to get specific here; there are many blogs on the internet, so if you can provide a unique perspective, your readers are more likely to stick around.

Next, you’ll need to pick your domain, design your blog, and get it all set up. There are a ton of great resources out there to help you with this (just remember you get what you pay for: while there are free blog hosting sites and free templates, top bloggers agree that you’ll need to spend a little money upfront if you want to make money writing in the long run).

Once you’ve got your blog established, remember to post regularly, promote your posts on social media, and engage with your readers. No blog has ever been an overnight success, but you can make good money from blogging with a little time and consistency.

2. Create blog posts (for others)

If you’re not quite ready to start your own blog, you can always dip your toes in the water by guest blogging. Many bloggers hire other bloggers to create content, and a lot of companies will hire freelance writers to contribute to the blog section of their website.

If you decide to go this route, make sure to do your research beforehand. Familiarize yourself with the blog you’re writing for, so you can match the tone and blend in with the existing content.

Bloggers who publish daily get 57% better results than those who publish multiple times per week.
- Semrush

3. Establish a niche website

If you have an interest or expertise in a particular niche, you can start a website dedicated to it. This gives you all the creative control of running your own blog without the pressure of regular posting. (Although you will need to update your website regularly to keep it fresh and make sure it reaches full potential.)

4. Self-Publish a book

There are self-publishing options for every type of book, from short instructional guides to romance novels to nonfiction tomes. If you’ve written a book and you’re unsure what your next step should be, why not consider self-publishing?

Publishing your own book is an incredibly rewarding experience, as you have control over every step of the process. This can be a double-edged sword, however. After starting down the path to self-publication, many authors realize that while they love writing, they don’t love obsessing over font and margin options or negotiating with cover artists.

And even if you use a free service, such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, you’ll need to spend money on editing, cover design, marketing, and advertising.

The hope is that you would make that money back from your book sales, but there are no guarantees. But if you play your cards right, it’s possible to turn a profit from your self-published book.

5. Create affiliate content

Ever notice how almost every food blogger includes Amazon links to their favorite ingredients and cookware? Or maybe you found an article on Pinterest listing an outdoor enthusiast’s essential camping gear.

These are both examples of affiliate content, where you (the affiliate) partner with a company to drive traffic to their website and earn commissions on any resulting sales. Affiliate marketing content is an excellent way to generate passive income on your blog or website.

It takes a little strategizing, but once you develop a plan and implement your affiliate content, you can make money while you sleep.

6. Write scripts for video creators

If you understand scriptwriting’s technicalities, you can bring in money by partnering with a video creator. It’s pretty common for video creators to have great screen presence—but not-so-great writing skills, so there are plenty of gigs to be had in this field.

Video content is exploding in popularity, so now is a great time to get your foot in the door and add some script-writing experience to your resume. These gigs are often posted on job boards, and you can also take the initiative and reach out to some content creators whose work you enjoy to see if they could use a hand with scriptwriting.

"60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool."
- Biteable

7. Write show notes for podcasts

Show notes are a written online resource for podcast listeners that accompany each episode of a podcast. Every podcast approaches show notes a little differently, but typically, they are brief, easy-to-scan episode summaries that often include additional relevant resources. You can find work writing show notes on job boards, or send cold pitches out to podcasters you would like to work with as a freelance writer.

8. Create written content for social media

29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 (1)

Large companies typically have a marketer (or a team of them) dedicated to keeping their social media running smoothly. But smaller businesses often can’t hire a full-time employee to manage their social media presence. Freelancers are the ideal solution, and are a win-win for everyone.

Think about your favorite local ice cream parlor, gift shop, or espresso stand, and do a little digging into their social media presence. If you notice that they haven’t posted anything in months or that they struggle with creating high-quality, engaging content, then you just found an excellent opportunity to pitch your writing services.

There’s no need to bash them or focus too much on their social media mistakes, but you can start a polite and friendly conversation where you mention that you noticed room for improvement. Try to emphasize what they stand to gain from working with you and how much potential you see in their social media presence.

Before you pitch your social media writing services, make sure you do your research on fair pricing and know which services you want to offer at what rates. If a business owner shows interest in working with you, the last thing you want to do is keep them waiting while you iron out details you could already have had in place.

9. Produce content for local businesses

While you’re talking to small, local business owners about their social media content, don’t forget the other services you can provide as well.

Maybe a local business could use your help with the occasional blog post, copy for their website, or informational materials like brochures and pamphlets. If you need a list of local businesses, consider joining your local chamber of commerce. Their events can be an effective way to network with other local business owners.

10. Submit magazine articles

Do you have a juicy story from your personal life that your friends love hearing over and over again, or a political perspective that incites the “mind-blown” emoji from every person you share it with? Write it down and turn it into a magazine article to make money.

The magazine industry may not be as prominent as it once was, but it is still going strong, and plenty of freelance writers are getting paid to write magazine articles. Some magazines pay upwards of $500 per article.

Do a little research to find the magazines that would be the best fit for your article, and make sure they haven’t published anything too similar in the recent past.

This is also a good time to find the magazine’s submission guidelines—make sure you follow their instructions carefully, so you have a better chance of getting accepted.

11. Create an information product

If you’re an expert at something, you can monetize that knowledge by creating and selling informational products. This can be an ebook, a video, a short PDF, or any electronic format sharing your insights. Don’t be afraid to get creative here!

Online information products are an excellent way to generate revenue because there are little to no overhead costs involved. You don’t need to worry about packing and shipping a physical product, nor do you need to be involved in the transactions once you handle the initial logistics of making your product available.

The most important thing is to make sure you’re providing a high-quality product with valuable tips and tricks that your customers won’t be able to find elsewhere. If your customers love what they learn from you, they’re much more likely to pay for other products you offer and recommend your business to their friends.

12. Ghostwrite online content

Want to know a secret?

When you see a byline on an online article or blog post, there’s a pretty good chance that the named author didn’t actually write that content. Ghostwriting is not just for celebrity autobiographies; a lot of blogs and websites hire ghostwriters, too.

If you’re okay with taking home the paycheck but not seeing your name on the byline, seek out ghostwriting gigs. These jobs often command rates of 30% to 50% more than bylined work because they aren’t pieces you can add to your portfolio or claim responsibility for.

13. Write video game guidebooks

Streaming your gameplay isn’t the only way for gamers to make money online. If you know a video game inside and out, consider writing a guidebook for it and selling it as a PDF.

If you don’t want to handle the logistics of selling your own product, you can always write freelance articles and guides for video game websites and magazines.

"In 2019, the gaming industry has generated total revenue of $151.9 billion."
- Review42

14. Create destination guides

Whether you love to travel or are the go-to person for the best spots to visit in your hometown, you can turn your knowledge into a profitable destination guide. This can be an extensive information product that you sell on your blog or website, or you can pitch it to a travel magazine or blog accepting these types of publications.

15. Write poetry

Poetry may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about making money writing online, but it’s possible to turn a profit off of your poems. There are several places you can submit your poetry online for publication, and if your piece is selected, you’ll get a paycheck on top of bragging rights. Here are some of the top-paying online poetry publishers:

  1. The Sun Magazine: Pays $100-$250
  2. Poetry Foundation: Pays $300+
  3. Boulevard Magazine: Pays $50-$250
  4. Crazyhorse: Pays $20-$200
  5. EPOCH: Pays a minimum of $50 per poem

16. Transcribe documents

Transcribing is flexible work that can pay very well once you have some quality pieces in your portfolio. High-paying transcription jobs often require experience, special equipment, and specialized medical or legal knowledge.

But don’t let that discourage you if you think you’d enjoy the work. You can quickly get your foot in the door by taking on a few simple, lower-paying gigs. Check out these reputable transcribing sites to learn more:

  1. TranscribeMe
  2. QuickTate
  3. TigerFish

17. Write personal essays

29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 (2)

If you have interesting life stories, the world wants to hear them. Lots of websites pay you for the right to publish your personal essays. Further below, you’ll find some publications to pitch.

You could also turn your essays into a blog or website, although you should be very strategic if you decide to go this route; blogs dedicated to niches tend to perform exceptionally well, while personal perspective blogs do not.

18. Create greeting card sayings

Someone has to write the sayings and poems on greeting cards. Frequently, that someone is a freelance writer. If you think you have what it takes to create a best-selling greeting card, these companies that pay for greeting card verse submissions:

  1. Viabella
  2. Oatmeal Studios
  3. Blue Mountain Arts

19. Write product descriptions

Some companies pay quite well to ensure that the product descriptions on their websites are clear and informative. Look for these gigs on job boards or pitch the company yourself. There are even websites you can join, such as Crowd Content, that pay you to write product descriptions for their clients. You can also find possible clients for this on sites like Upwork.

20. Start copywriting

Copywriting can refer to any writing that is specifically used for promotion and marketing. This can include content on websites, video scripts, blog posts, emails—you name it.

Businesses use copy to promote a product or service and drive the reader to action. Some companies hire freelance copywriters, some hire copywriters from marketing agencies that work with multiple companies, and some have staff copywriters. You can find copywriting work on job boards of all kinds, including Indeed and Zip Recruiter.

21. Create email sequences

An email sequence is a series of automated emails sent from a business to its clients at different sales cycle stages. Companies also send out email sequences when someone takes a specific action (or lack of action), such as clicking a link in an email or leaving an e-commerce site with items still in the shopping cart.

If you have a strong understanding of email marketing tactics, you can work with any company to create or improve their email sequences. Since more companies are getting into email marketing, there is plenty of opportunities to make money writing here.

Nearly 90% of marketers use email marketing to distribute content organically.
- Content Marketing Institute

22. Write technical manuals

Technical writing is a lucrative field because it requires extensive knowledge of the industry you’re writing for. Technical writers need to know how to take complex information and break it down into simple, easy-to-understand messages.

23. Post on a revenue sharing site

Revenue sharing sites host your content and give you a percentage of the ad revenue generated from the page in exchange. This can be a great way to gain experience writing online, since you don’t have to worry about setting up your own website or driving traffic—although you should do everything you can to market your work and encourage people to read your work on revenue sharing sites.

Here are some examples of revenue sharing sites where you can get paid to write articles:

  1. Medium
  2. HubPages
  3. InfoBarrel

24. Enter a writing contest

Keep an eye out for writing contests, and throw your hat in the ring when you can. This one is a bit of a gamble because only the winners get paid, but it could well be worthwhile.

Some contests pay their winners surprisingly well, and winning can also be a great way to gain exposure as a writer. So if you have the time, why not give it a shot?

Here are a few reputable contests to get you started:

25. Write resumes

If you have a knack for creating effective resumes, you can find freelance work writing resumes for job hunters. Check job boards for resume writing gigs, and spread the word through social media that you are accepting clients for resume makeovers.

As a similar way to get paid to write, you can also specialize in LinkedIn profiles. Many professionals are willing to pay for an optimized profile that can help them land work.

26. Write and sell songs

Do you love writing music? You can sell your songwriting services online with the help of these websites:

  1. TuneCore
  2. SongBay
  3. AirGigs
  4. Nashville Songwriters Association

27. Review books

Calling all readers! Did you know you can get paid to review books? If you can read quickly and write engaging, objective reviews, this could be an excellent way to earn some extra money.

Here are some companies that accept applications for book reviewers:

  1. Kirkus
  2. Reedsy Discovery
  3. Online Book Club

28. Do SEO writing

SEO writers are some of the best-paid freelance writers because they provide the most value to their clients. These specialized writers know plenty of SEO tips, including researching keywords and integrating them into websites to make them rank higher in search results.

Semrush lists seven SEO Certification courses that you can take if you want to learn more about SEO, some of which are free.

29. Write sponsored content

If you have a blog, writing sponsored content is a no-brainer. Simply put, sponsored content is anything that a company pays you to write and publish on your blog.

There are tons of options for companies you can work with, and some creative ways to write sponsored content that doesn’t feel like advertising. Check out these trusted sponsored post networks you can join to find paid blogging opportunities:

  1. Clever
  2. Acorn
  3. Izea
  4. Aspire IQ
  5. Blog Meets Brand

How can you find paid writing opportunities online?

29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 (3)

There are several ways to find legitimate opportunities to make money writing online. The links provided in the above examples are an excellent start, and we have even more ideas for you below.

Cold pitching companies you want to work for

As a freelance writer, one of the most critical skills for you to develop is learning how to cold pitch your services. This is where you send unsolicited emails to companies or individuals to offer your writing services.

Since the people you’re approaching didn’t ask for your help, it’s normal to get many nos. But there’s also a chance that the business does need your services, and you’ll never know unless you ask.

Searching online job boards

Online job boards are a great resource for finding any work, freelance writing gigs included. Here are a few of our favorite reputable job boards. You’ll find some free ones and others that you’ll need to pay to access:

Pitching bloggers who accept guest posts

When you’re looking at blogs, take note of the ones that include guest blogging articles. Use your cold pitching skills and email the author to offer your guest writing services.

Bloggers are typically very busy people, and they’re often grateful for the opportunity to outsource some of their work. Not all bloggers can afford to pay their guest bloggers, so it’s up to you if you want to accept free work or not.

Sometimes the new connection and link to a published article that you can add to your portfolio are worth it, but only you can decide.

Searching on social media

It’s becoming more common for companies to turn to social media to find writers to hire. The next time you’re scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, take a moment to check out these hashtags:

  • #needwriters
  • #hiringwriters
  • #writerswanted
  • #writersneeded
  • #bloggerswanted

Then read through the listings and see what catches your interest. You can often find opportunities in a variety of niches this way.

Submitting queries to publications

If there’s a magazine or website you love, check and see if they accept submissions from freelance writers. See further below for tips on finding a publication to pitch.

Networking with other freelance writers

Keeping in touch with your writer acquaintances is always a good idea. Don’t be afraid to mention that you’re always looking for new writing jobs—the next time they get an offer that they’re too busy for, they may just pass your name along.

You can connect with other writers on social media or at in-person events. Work on keeping your working relationship positive, and you never know when you’ll see a referral coming your way.

Pro tip:Search for freelance writer groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social platforms.

Posting on social media

If you don’t already have social media accounts strictly dedicated to your writing business, don’t waste any time in getting them established. Social media is a fantastic resource to find paid writing opportunities; the occasional post announcing that you’re accepting new clients can do wonders for your business. Don’t forget to encourage your followers to share your posts. Someone in your network may know someone who is searching for a writer.

Creating a website to share your services

Setting up a website to help advertise your writing services is a great way to appear more professional to prospective clients. You can share a link to your website whenever you apply for a gig or cold pitch your services.

Here are some essential elements to include:

  • Your resume
  • A professional photo of yourself
  • Links to any published writings of your own
  • Sample articles
  • A list of services you provide
  • Testimonials from past clients
  • Your contact information or even a contact form so potential clients can email you directly from your site

Searching on Craigslist in major cities

Craigslist often has paid writing opportunities, so don’t overlook this resource. Remember to search other locations outside of your own city, too. Check the listings for major metropolitan areas, where people post the majority of jobs. Here are five cities you should check regularly:

  • New York
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • Chicago
  • Dallas

Another tip to help you find assignments on this website - writing jobs on Craigslist are sometimes posted under “Gigs” and sometimes under “Jobs,” so be sure to check both sections.

Asking past freelance writing clients if they have more work for you

As mentioned earlier, networking is essential. Keeping in touch with your past clients is equally important. There’s no need to hound them, but don’t be afraid to check in periodically and see if there’s anything else they need help with.

Where can you submit your writing online for money?

29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 (4)

When deciding where to submit your writing, you want to make sure that the publication will pay its authors and that it fits well with your preferred writing style. Here are a few possibilities for you to check out, organized by niche.


If you prefer writing personal essays, you’re in luck. Here are five sites that might pay you for your essays:

The Bold Italic

Can you write a personal essay about the spirit of San Francisco that will make readers laugh or cry? If yes, submit it to The Bold Italic. The editors will review it and make a decision. If it’s published, you’ll get $50.

Buzzfeed Reader

If you want your personal essay to be read by the masses, you’ve got to pitch the editors over at Buzzfeed Reader. It pays competitive rates for essays about nearly any fresh idea.


The LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired in San Francisco pays for dynamic personal essays written by blind or visually impaired writers. It will occasionally publish pieces written by writers outside of this category. The editors enjoy working collaboratively with you on the piece, and pay $100 upon publication.


If you can write a unique personal essay with a strong voice, the editors at Dame want you to send a pitch. A published essay will earn you about $150, though you’ll finalize payment details throughout the submission process.

Business, career, and finance

The Penny Hoarder

This popular website is a great place to pitch if you have a laid-back writing style and unique tips about earning or saving money. The Penny Hoarder gives detailed pitch directions and provides a form you can fill out, making the whole process as simple as possible. If your pitch is accepted, an editor will discuss payment with you at that time.

Doctor of Credit

Do you have a strong understanding of consumer credit law? Have you found a unique credit card from a small issuer? Doctor of Credit is a great blog that may publish a guest post if you have niche financial knowledge to share. They pay $50 per post.

Income Diary

This website is all about making money online, from blog design to content creation to entrepreneurship and a success mindset. Income Diary pays up to $200 for an article on these topics.

Freelance Mom

If you know how to balance being your own boss and being an awesome mom, Freelance Mom wants to hear from you. You can earn between $75 and $100 on articles between 900 to 1,500 words.

Family and parenting

Pregnant Chicken

This fun and informative website features pregnancy tips and stories about pregnancy, childbirth, and being a new parent. Pregnant Chicken pays $100 per post.


Zift publishes articles relating to parenting in a technology-driven world. If you have an evergreen, original article about managing kids and screen time, you could earn $100 for it.

Your Teen Media

If you’ve raised teenagers and seen it all, you can get paid to write by Teen Media, a trusted editorial source for readers seeking information about raising teenagers. Payment rates are not listed on their websites, but you can discuss this with the editor if your pitch gets accepted.


Go World Travel

This is a great place to pitch if you’re a new writer. Go World Travel publishes contributions from first-time writers and experts alike. If you can tell a captivating, descriptive story about your travels, you can earn $30 to $40 per article.

Matador Network

You’ll need to set up a profile with Matador Network to respond to their calls for submissions. Once you do, you can earn $40 or more for short commissioned travel articles.


GoNOMAD is a resource for “honest, accurate, well-written and detailed articles and destination guides that speak to an educated, curious, and well-traveled audience.” They pay $25 for stories between 1700 to 2200 words long.


Extra Crispy

Extra Crispy is all about breakfast, and they are looking for opinion pieces, stories, essays, recipes, etc. This is the perfect place to pitch if the most important meal of the day also happens to be your favorite. It doesn’t list payment terms on its website, so you’ll need to work that out with the editor if your pitch is accepted.

Taste of Home

This family-favorite publication publishes recipes from home cooks. You can sign into their website to see what types of recipes they are currently looking for. Taste of Home discusses payment rates upon acceptance.


If you have a unique perspective on food culture, try pitching Eater. They cover a wide range of food-related topics, so take a look and see if you can come up with an idea they might love! Payment terms are not listed on their website.


Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean is looking for talented authors to create technical tutorials and articles about software development. In addition to a personal payout (typically $300), you’ll also get to select a tech-focused charity to receive a donation from DigitalOcean.


If you can create original content to add to Linode’s library of technical guides and tutorials, you can earn $300. They currently are focusing on adding articles about Kubernetes, Linux essentials, and databases, so if you send a pitch about one of those topics, you’re more likely to be accepted.


Do you consider yourself a WordPress expert? If yes, consider pitching WPHUB. Depending on your article’s topic and length, they pay between $10 to $200 for content about web design trends, exploring useful plugins for developers, coding best practices, and other WordPress-related topics.

How to send a pitch for an online writing gig

29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 (5)

Whether you're trying to send a submission to a specific blog or applying for a gig you found on a job board, you’ll need to send a pitch if you want to get paid to write.

If you’re wondering what a pitch is, it’s a written correspondence in which you explain to an editor or publisher an idea you have for an article, blog post, story, etc., and ask them to consider hiring you to execute your idea.

While you want your pitch to have your voice and not sound like you copied and pasted it, there are a few essential pieces to include. Here’s what every pitch needs:

  • The editor’s name. Addressing your pitch to the right person will show that you did your homework. On this note, also make sure you send it to the correct email address.
  • Details about your idea. No need to send the entire finished piece (unless it’s asked for). However, you need to make it clear what your story is about and why you’re the best person for the job.
  • A brief bio. The editor doesn’t have time to read your life story, but you should introduce them to you and share any relevant experience you may have.
  • A link to your portfolio. This gives the editor the chance to get a feel for your writing abilities and style. If you write in a wide range of styles, it’s a good idea to only link to the ones that best match the publication you’re pitching to.

It’s natural to feel a little nervous when submitting a pitch, especially for new writers. Whatever you do, don’t let your fear of rejection or imposter syndrome stop you from sending a pitch. Manage your expectations, and know going into it that you will receive a lot more nos than yeses.

That’s true for even the most talented writers, though, so don’t take it personally. Keep at it, and eventually, your pitch will reach the person who’s ready to work with you.

5 tips for successful pitching as a freelance writer

To improve your acceptance rate, here are five tips to help you send a better pitch:

1. Follow directions

If you are replying to a job listing or submitting to an established publication, make sure you carefully follow any guidelines they provide. If the publisher thinks that you can’t follow simple instructions such as giving your email the proper subject line or saving your resume in the specified format, they probably won’t be very eager to work with you.

2. Pitch for topics you’re comfortable writing about

When you’re first getting started, It’s tempting to pitch for any and all gigs you can find. But it’s highly encouraged that you pitch selectively.

You don’t need to stick to just one niche, but if you pitch topics you’re genuinely excited about, your passion and expertise will show, it’ll take you less time, and your finished work will be stronger.

3. Send a great idea

If you’re pitching an idea you came up with for a magazine article or a guest blog post, take some time to research the existing content and see what’s missing, so you don’t suggest topics they’ve already published.

Try to come up with a unique angle or provide a different perspective. That way, you send a great idea instead of a topic the site has already covered.

4. Explain why it’s a great fit

Make it clear to the publisher that you’re familiar with the publication and that you know what they’re looking for. Don’t make it about you; emphasize what they and their readers stand to gain from a partnership with you.

Do your research beforehand and know who their target audience is, what types of content they typically publish, the tone they usually write in, etc. The more you understand their style, the more you can blend in and convince them that it’s a natural partnership.

5. Keep it short

Editors are busy and don’t have time to read a novel in their inbox. Your pitch is the perfect place to show that not only are you a great writer, but you have an excellent understanding of clear and concise communication. Stick to the point, and don’t run off on unrelated rabbit trails.

How to get paid to write online

When you write content online, you’re typically considered a contract writer instead of an employee. This means you’ll need to send an invoice if you want to get paid.

An invoice is a simple document that sums up the work you did for your client, so they can see what they owe you. Basically, it’s a bill for services rendered.

It’s essential to make your invoice look professional. If you have branding elements or a logo, you’ll want to include those.

Your freelance writing invoice should include the following elements:

  • The word “Invoice” at the top. You want to make it clear to your client that this is an official billing document so that they’re more likely to pay you promptly.
  • Date you sent the invoice.
  • Your client’s name.
  • Your contact information.
  • An itemized list of services provided, with short, clear descriptions of each, and individual rates for each service.
  • Dates services were provided.
  • Payment rate.
  • Total amount due.
  • Due date.
  • Any payment terms previously agreed upon.
  • A unique invoice ID number for your records.

There are invoice templates available online that can help you quickly set up invoices to send to your clients. The downside to using templates is that you can't easily track the payment status of all the different invoices you've sent to your clients.

Wave's invoicing software lets you do everything above (and more!) for free, no strings attached. You can create unlimited invoices with your logo and keep tabs on whether clients have seen your invoices. There are also options to set up recurring invoices for regular clients, which can save you a lot of time and headaches. If you turn on the payments option, there’s a small per-transaction fee when a client makes a payment.

Wave Money, a new service we’re launching, lets you deposit client payments and manage funds in an FDIC-insured account. We’re transforming the business banking industry with small business owners in mind. It’s the perfect online business banking option for freelance writers and other entrepreneurs.

How to create a portfolio to help you make money writing online

Having a solid portfolio is a crucial tool for any writer. Follow the below tips to make your portfolio as strong as possible.

Keep your portfolio up-to-date with your best new work

It doesn’t matter how much amazing content you created three, five, or ten years ago. Your potential clients want to see that you have recent publications under your belt.

Don’t include everything

Think of your portfolio as your highlights reel. Only include the writing you’re most proud of and that aligns with the type of work you hope to get more of. There’s no need to have articles from your stint as a sports reporter if you’re trying to break into beauty blogging.

Break it into categories

If you do more than one type of writing, keep your portfolio well organized so that your potential clients can easily find the work that is most similar to what they want to hire you for.

Host it in an effective location

Your personal business website is the best place to keep your portfolio. However, if you don’t have a website yet, you can always use a portfolio-hosting website such as Contently or ClearVoice.

7 Red flags to watch for with online writing jobs

While you can legitimately get paid to write, there are scams out there. Knowing what to look for can help you avoid getting scammed, so keep an eye out for these red flags.

  1. Anything that sounds too good to be true.
  2. Any online gig requiring you to send money before you make money (except for some legitimate publications that charge a nominal submission fee).
  3. A potential client asking for too much personal information.
  4. Job postings that list unprofessional email addresses that look like a jumbled mess of letters and numbers.
  5. Vague job descriptions.
  6. Meager pay for the amount of work. (And on the other end, payment that seems way too high for the demands of the job.)
  7. A company requesting that you do trial work for free to evaluate or sample your services.

While these red flags don’t necessarily mean you’ve stumbled upon a freelance writing scam, seeing one does mean you need to proceed with caution. You don’t want to get your identity stolen or complete work you never get paid for.

Time to take action

Now that you’ve learned about the best options available for you to get paid to write online, it’s time to get out there and give it a shot. Remember, there’s nothing you can gain from doubting yourself, so show a little faith, pick a path to get started with, and begin to make some money. With the right attitude and enough determination, anyone can make a living writing online.

29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 (2024)


How to make money as a writer in 2023? ›

Take messy action, and learn by doing!
  1. Build your website and social media to showcase your creative writing. ...
  2. Craft the perfect pitch. ...
  3. Pitch to publications. ...
  4. Once you've landed a pitch, build a relationship with the editor. ...
  5. Cash your first check and start sending new pitches.

What website pays you to write? ›

Whether you're a novice writer just starting your career or an established author, Textbroker offers a reliable way to get paid to write. We provide a platform where your skills are recognized and compensated accordingly.

Can I earn money by writing online? ›

The best way to start making money writing is by posting your content online. Write something and press that publish button. So many people get hung up on the early stages of freelance writing — trying to find the most profitable freelance writing niche; developing a backlog of work; setting up social media profiles.

How to get paid as a writer? ›

Here are the best ways to earn money as a writer:
  1. Make money reviewing films, products, music and more. ...
  2. Write articles for money. ...
  3. Sell your revision notes. ...
  4. Enter writing competitions to win cash prizes. ...
  5. Make money writing translations. ...
  6. Monetise your blog. ...
  7. Earn money writing social media content. ...
  8. Become a copywriter.

Can I make 100k as a writer? ›

While most Digital Writers can quickly elevate themselves and start earning $100,000+ per year, it is very, very hard to make more than $250,000 per year without some form of Digital Leverage. This means finding a way to work with more people without selling more of your time.

Which writing platform pays the most? ›

WordGigs WordGigs is an online writing platform that allows you to fill out a simple application, submit a sample and start writing. Their basic articles which are 350 words pay $4.50. They have a good supply of work, with some writers making over $500 with this platform every two weeks.

Does Textbroker actually pay? ›

Unfortunately, Textbroker has one of the lowest pay scales for their writers of all the content marketing platforms. If you're fortunate enough to receive a four-star rating right off the bat, you'll enjoy a $0.014 per word. And that's for SEO content that Textbroker describes as “very good quality.”

How to get paid to text? ›

Here are some popular sites that pay you to chat from your phone.
  1. JustAnswer. With JustAnswer, you can get paid by providing advice in your field of expertise. ...
  2. Fiverr. ...
  3. RentAFriend. ...
  4. Working Solutions. ...
  5. MoneySMS. ...
  6. Steady App. ...
  7. IMGR. ...
  8. McMoney.

What writing pays the most? ›

High Paying Creative Writer Jobs
  • Editor Writer. Salary range: $75,000-$112,000 per year. ...
  • Writer Producer. Salary range: $51,000-$78,000 per year. ...
  • Book Reviewer. Salary range: $47,000-$76,000 per year. ...
  • Script Writer. Salary range: $40,500-$73,000 per year. ...
  • Staff Writer. ...
  • Ghost Writer. ...
  • Freelance Writer. ...
  • Blog Writer.

How can I make money online by just typing? ›

How to make money typing from home
  1. Transcriptionist. ...
  2. Data entry clerk. ...
  3. Online customer support representative. ...
  4. Subtitle editor. ...
  5. Freelance writer. ...
  6. Virtual assistant. ...
  7. Blogger. ...
  8. Social media coordinator.
Apr 18, 2024

Can anyone earn a living through writing? ›

Worry not, fair writers, because you can make a living as a writer. It just takes some understanding and, like all careers, dedication and hard work.

What online magazine pays $1 per word? ›

The New York Times covers politics, business, technology, science, health, sports, arts, style, movies, travel, books, education, jobs, real estate, and more. They accept opinion essays (400 to 1,200 words). According to payment reports, they pay up to $1.00 per word.

How can I make money writing with no experience? ›

7 ways to start freelance writing with no experience
  1. Find your niche. ...
  2. Start writing samples. ...
  3. Launch a blog. ...
  4. Join freelancing platforms. ...
  5. Network, network, network. ...
  6. Cold pitch larger sites & startups. ...
  7. Find a writing agency to support you.
May 9, 2024

Where can I submit my writing and get paid? ›

Get paid to write articles: 9 legit sites that pay writers
  • Longreads. First on our list of websites where you can get paid to write articles is Longreads. ...
  • Copyhackers. ...
  • Listverse. ...
  • Sport Fishing Magazine. ...
  • Narratively. ...
  • Bella Magazine. ...
  • Business Insider. ...
  • Cosmopolitan UK.
Jan 9, 2024

What company pays you to write letters? ›

Paid positions at Letters to Strangers, Inc. are independent contractor positions compensated with either a monthly stipend or hour-based wage, with details to be finalized upon hire.

Is being a writer a good career in 2023? ›

The median annual wage for writers and authors was $73,690 in May 2023. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $40,900, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $148,240.

Is writing a book profitable in 2023? ›

Self-published authors can earn 40% to 60% royalties for the selling price of a book, while traditionally published authors typically earn 10% to 12% royalties. First-time authors willing to publish traditionally will receive a prepayment. This is usually $10,000 (not so much for first-time authors).

Is content writing a good career in 2023? ›

Ans. Yes, Content writing is a best career option in 2023. There will be need of good and skilled writers to create content for their websites, blogs, social media platforms.

How much do authors make a year 2023? ›

Most writers are self-employed, and their experience directly impacts their salary. An entry-level writer with less than one year of experience can earn an average compensation of $50,215. As they gain more experience (1-4 years) are expected to earn an average of $52,945.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.