32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (2024)

Are you a mom wanting to get into some awesome stay at home mom jobs?

Where I live, you get up to a year off for maternity. I’m so glad I had that time with my twins.

32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (1)

But, one thing that lingered was how to contribute to my finances once my maternity leave ended.

I needed to find a ways to make money as a stay at home mom.

I thought, my husband works from home and if he can do it, then I can too!

I didn’t want to go back to my 9-5 job as a special education teacher. While I loved working at a school and helping children, I had twins to take care of and you know what?

Twins are expensive!

I needed stay at home mom jobs! I was hooked.

Jobs for moms can be anything online or not. There are a ton of things you can do as a stay at home and make money.

The list I share with you are easy stay at home mom jobs that are quick to start and easy to set up that cost very little as well!

Are you with me?

Let’s look at 32 legit stay at home mom jobs so that you can have more time with your little one or ones! And then let’s dive into how to get started with mom jobs!

Stay at Home Mom Jobs

32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (2)

Let’s first look at the stay at home mom jobs online so that you can actually stay home with your little ones.

These types of jobs for moms are highly flexible and you can create your own work day each week.

1. Start a Blog

Yes! These stay at home jobs has to be my number way to stay home for good! Starting a blog was the BEST decision I ever made. I was able to use my blog to make money online! How great is that!

Last year, I made over $68,000 in affiliate sales alone! In total, I’m a six-figure blogger!

And, the best part is, if you want to bootstrap it all, you can start a blog for less than $120!

Check out my simple and tech-free tutorial on starting a blog (video included!)

So, how can you make money blogging?

There are several ways, but the easiest and best ways for brand new bloggers to make money are:

  • Start a service
  • Do affiliate marketing
  • Have ads on your blog

Each monetization strategy has its own method to generating income. If you want to dabble in affiliate marketing, check out my post and video on Amazon affiliate marketing.

If offering a service is up your ally, check out my post on 22 business ideas you can offer as a stay at home mom.

Finally, if you want to do ads on your blog, the first thing that you need to work on is gaining traffic.

Blog traffic is the heartbeat of your blog.

This is what will help you become a successful blogger. But, how do you get blog traffic?

I have a blog traffic recipe that you can try!

2. Freelance Write

One of the best stay at home mom jobs is a service you can offer like writing!

Yes, you can get paid to blog! I have several clients that pay me to write blog posts. This is a profitable business for sure!

What do you need to start freelance writing?

With these remote stay at home jobs you can set times in your day to work while taking care of your toddler! Win-win!

For more information, check out my other blog – Elna Cain!

3. Virtual Assistant

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Do you have a Type-A personality?

Do you enjoy organization? Well, you can be a virtual assistant with this jobs for stay at home moms. Businesses, solopreneurs and even other mom bloggers hire virtual assistants to help them with a variety of tasks like:

  • Video editing
  • Graphic design (i.e. making pins)
  • Email management
  • SEO for posts
  • Sales page copy
  • Blog management
  • Content writing

These stay at home mom jobs need no experience at all.

For more information, check out Abby’s site, The Virtual Savvy.

4. Pinterest Manager

Is Pinterest your bae?

Do you know Pinterest inside and out? If you do, then you can offer your Pinterest services to other bloggers and businesses. You can handle their Pinterest account and help them with marketing their blog on Pinterest.

5. Sell on Etsy

Do you sew or knit?

Do you have a knack for creating something like business cards, beauty products, leg warmers and more?

Etsy is a platform where you can sell your products on line. This can be your main hustle online or you can also start a blog and have a shop on your blog where you direct people to your Etsy shop.

To help you boost your revenue and sell on Etsy, check out this awesome guide.

6. Be a Coach

There are many stay at home mom jobs where you can use your coaching style.

While you would do good with having a certification as a coach for a certain topic, it is possible to become a coach based on what you are doing successful.

Caitlin Pyle is a mom and online proofreader. She has built a proofreading business. But now she’s doing online summit to help other moms work at home!

32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (4)

For example, if you started a Pinterest management business, you can be a Pinterest coach or if you decided to start a mom blog, down the road you can offer your blogging mentorship program!

Being a coach comes in all forms:

  • Private Facebook group training
  • Mentorship
  • Masterclass retreat
  • Online submit
  • 1:1 coaching

What’s great about these easy stay at home mom jobs you can do with babies.

Take your coaching call when you baby naps or in the evening.

7. Create a Subscription Box Business

This looks super fun! My IRL friend has a crate business and while it’s not a subscription box business yet, it is something she might want to do later on.

32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (5)

My friend creates pre-curated crates (and create your own crate) for a variety of people that live in Canada. She runs her business out of her home and her husband helps her by making the unique wood-carved crates that these Canadian and local products come in.

One thing you might be thinking is how to get vendors so that you can fill up your crates?

This is where you need time to participate in gift fairs and meet ups with local businesses. Networking is huge if you want to have a “crate business” or a subscription box business.

For information about increasing your sales with a subscription box business, check out this guide.

Offline Stay at Home Mom Jobs

While there are many more types of jobs to do as a stay at home mom, I want to also include some offline stay at home mom jobs. These don’t need the Internet, but to set up some of these gigs you do need the time.

What’s good about these are that they are legit stay at home mom jobs so you can be assured you will gain some income this way.

8. Become a Professional Organizer

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Want to know a secret?

I’m horrible with organizing! I really am. I say I’m bad with time management, but really, that’s a nice way to say that it’s because of the clutter and disorganization that I suffer from poor time management!

Twins come with a lot of stuff mamas!

It’s never ending!

That’s why I watch Youtube videos on organizing!

One organizing mama I follow did organizing at home for clients and then started a YouTube channel and shared her best tips. She also started a blog and provided free printables. Now, she has a book out and and her brand is growing every day!

So, if you are great at organizing you can organize other people’s homes!

These types are good stay at home mom jobs.

9. Clean Houses

I know when I had my twins, the last thing I wanted to do was clean my home! I was fortunate that my sister paid for a cleaning service for the first six months after I gave birth.

This was a godsend and I can’t repay her enough.

As a mom, this stay at home job is something you can do and provide help specifically to new moms!

Word of mouth would be your best marketing strategy in the beginning. Having a Facebook page can help with drumming up more business as well as joining local Facebook groups.

Make sure you are are familiar with all aspects of general cleaning practices.

And wha’t good is that these are part time stay at home mom jobs that you can do for half the day or only a few hours a day.

10. Offer Childcare Services

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Raise your had if you babysat as a teen?

I did, I did!

Well, if you are a stay at home mom, why not offer some childcare services? Your neighbor or a friend’s friend might need some childcare after maternity leave.

Your child may be in school already or taking care of two poses no problem for you!

Before I started a blog, I seriously was thinking of starting my own daycare business.

But, I came to my senses as taking care of twins is almost a full-time job!

11. Be an Event Organizer for Moms

My twins’ birthday is soon approaching and I was immediately overwhelmed by all the ideas I had. I would search on Pinterest for party themes and get flooded with tons of pins and ideas.

Or, I ended up down a rabbit hole looking at blog post after blog post on creating printables, downloading templates and so much more.

I thought to myself – wouldn’t it be neat if a mom offered a service to help me organize my twins’ birthday?

Instead of me spending hours all over online, this mom would do the work for me and present it on a one pager – anything from sites to Amazon products.

These types of sahm jobs are something you can do mama!

12. Sell Your Breast Milk

32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (8)

When I had my twins I was determined to breast feed. But, it took me days for my milk to come in and when I was producing breast milk, I wasn’t producing enough for my twins.

I decided early on to use donor breast milk in the beginning. I’m glad I was able to supplement my breast milk with donor milk, but had to eventually supplement my breast milk with formula as the cost for donor milk was high.

But, you can be on the other end of that mama! You can sell your breast milk for around $60 a day.

Here’s a quick list of 10 more stay at home jobs ideas you can start doing when your baby takes a nap:

  1. Sell your cooking with a cater service. You can even create an eBook for your food service!
  2. Make lessons plans for children. Teachers Pay Teachers is a great site where you can sell your own curriculum lessons!
  3. Sign up to Fiverr and price your services!
  4. Go to Craigslist. Did you know you can find some great high-paying gigs on craigslist?
  5. Teach a language. Do you know Portuguese? German? Indeed has great gigs for teachers wanting to teach another language.
  6. Write greeting cards! How fun! Here’s a great list of places that you can get paid to write greeting cards.
  7. Open an Etsy shop and sell your crafts!
  8. Try flipping blogs! It can be lucrative. Learn more here.
  9. Sell your photos! Stock photos are so popular with bloggers and businesses!
  10. Create logos for blogs

Bonus Mom Jobs!

Let’s look at some more best stay at home mom remote jobs that pay well!

I love all these ways to stay home since they are easy to start and implement!

23. Sell Your Handwriting as Fonts!

Script fonts are all the rage right now

If you know how to hand letter, do calligraphy, or are able to write in different styles, then consider selling your handwriting as a font.

What you need to get started: Various types of pens for different types of lettering, a printer, a scanner, computer, and an optional drawing pad (like an iPad with something like Procreate).

Where to sell your fonts? There are a lot of places online where you can sell handwritten fonts. Two of the most popular are Creative Market and Etsy.

How much can you make? The great thing about selling digital products is that you can make passive income from them! (Sweet sweet revenue streams!) Handwritten fonts vary drastically in prices. You can sell an individual font or handwritten quote for $2 or you can sell an entire pack of hundreds of fonts and typefaces for $400!

Additional services and upsells: As with many online ventures, you can also offer additional services and upsells to customers. In addition to selling handmade fonts, you can also offer design for social media graphics, design custom fonts, logos, or doodles for businesses and solopreneurs.

24. Scan Other People’s Family Photos

There are literally trillions of photos sitting in shoeboxes, attics, and photo albums just waiting to be scanned and made digital. Once word gets out that you offer this service, you will potentially have more work than you will know what to do with!

What you need to get started: The main things you need to get started are a computer, printer/scanner, gloves for handling photos, and storage drives (Dropbox, Google Drive, ect).

Where to find customers? Word of mouth is a powerful thing! Share with your friends and family that you are starting a new business scanning photos, I bet you will easily be able to find clients! If all else fails, advertise!

How much can you make? The common fee for scanning photos is $0.35-0.40 per photo. When an average shoebox holds around 750 photos, that is around $300! Depending on how fast you can scan, you can potentially make that in a day or two!

Additional services and upsells: If you love to create things then you can offer some really neat additional services and upsells to your customers using their photos. You could design shadow boxes, photo books, scrapbooks, canvases, and even frame and mat photos.

Here’s a guide to help you get started.

25. Become a Bookkeeper

No, you don’t need to be a CPA to start a bookkeeping business. You just need to be good with numbers and enjoy keeping things organized!

Bookkeeping is something that every business needs, however, successful bookkeepers tend to focus on a specific industry.

If you want to become a bookkeeper and don’t know where to start, there are plenty of free and paid online resources available.

What you need to get started: Your computer and a desire to help keep businesses on track with their budget.

Where to find clients? Word of mouth! Companies big and small all need help with their finances. This would be some good stay at home mom remote jobs when you work with companies online.

How much can you make? This is dependent upon how much you charge and how many clients you take on. Bookkeepers can charge anywhere between $200-$2,000 per month depending on the size of the business and their niche.

Additional services and upsells: Bookkeeping is a pretty straight forward business, there are not a lot of different things that you can upsell like other services. You might offer things like tax preparation or payroll.

26. Manage Blogs and Social Media for Businesses

Some good jobs for stay at home moms all revolve about a blog!

A blog and social media manager wears many different hats and helps to keep a business blog and social media moving in the right direction. They do everything from edit and publish blog posts, organize, plan, and implement content strategies. They are responsible for setting up and carrying out the overall marketing and content (and often sales) strategies.

What you need to get started: Your computer and great project management skills. What’s great is that these are stay at home mom jobs that don’t need a phone! Yes, no phone!

Where to find clients? There are many places online that you can find blog and social media management freelance positions. A good place to start is Fiverr or Upwork.

How much can you make? Blog and social media managers can easily make $40k/year with a couple consistent clients.

Additional services and upsells: There are a ton of different upsells and services you can offer in addition to blog and social media management. You could write, edit, proofread blog posts, do the social media graphic design, webpage copy, or even content research.

27. Mange Pinterest Profiles!

32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (9)

Love being on Pinterest all day? Then this just might be the perfect side hustle for you!

What you need to get started: Your computer and knowledge of how the Pinterest algorithm and searcher intent works. Knowing softwares like Tailwind to schedule pins is also very helpful.

Where to sell your services? Networking with other bloggers, Facebook groups, and of course, word of mouth. When you are speaking with clients, you need to be able to show potential clients that you are able to deliver success, this can even be from your own blog.

How much can you make? Pinterest managers can charge between $30-50 an hour or provide packages of services for $250-$499 per month.

Additional services and upsells: As a Pinterest manager, you can also offer services like pin design, or managing other social media platforms.

28. Become a Proofreader

If you enjoy reading and are a stickler about grammar, then proofreading can be an enjoyable and lucrative job. Proofreaders are the last in the content creation line after the writer and the editor.

What you need to get started: No need for a degree, just a keen eye, a computer, and be able to pick out any and all grammar or formatting mistakes.

Where to find clients? There are many proofreading jobs available on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.

How much can you make? On average, proofreaders can make $24-59k/year.

Additional services and upsells: Proofreaders could also offer services like writing, editing, and uploading content to websites.

29. Take Surveys

Why not tell you about data entry stay at home mom jobs in this list?

Because they aren’t worth it mama? They barely pay anything and you can do better.

One way is with taking surveys.

Taking surveys is a quick and easy way to make some extra cash.

What you need to get started: You only need your phone or computer to get started. Open a dedicated email just for surveys so you don’t miss anything and be sure to track what you are doing.

Where to find surveys to take? Here are 25 different survey sites to get started with.

How much can you make? Surveys pay in cash, free items, vouchers, and rebates. You can easily make a couple hundred per month with minimal work. You can also earn more by referring friends to take surveys as well.

Here is a list of surveys you can take.

30. Moderate Facebook Groups, Webinars or Chat Rooms for Businesses

If you enjoy chatting with others and sharing relevant content, then you might really be great at moderating free or paid Facebook groups, webinars, or chat rooms.

These types of work from home jobs for moms pay well and are highly flexible.

Facebook moderators approve or deny posts, share content, exchange conversation with members, maintain quality of the group, and run promotions.

Generally with webinars, they help to keep the host organized and share important attendee questions or comments with them.

What you need to get started: Familiarity with how Facebook groups work, webinar softwares, or chat services and your computer.

Where to find clients? If you are already part of a paid or free Facebook group, reach out to the administrator and ask if they are looking for moderators. This also works for anyone who hosts webinars or has a chat service on their site.

How much can you make? The average rate of pay for a webinar or Facebook group moderator is around $15 per hour.

Additional services and upsells: You could potentially cross sell services of webinar, Facebook, and chat moderation rather than just offering one.

31. Do a Phone Chat Job!

32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (10)

Large companies from Apple to solopreneurs hire people to manage their online chats. Often people don’t have the time to sit on the phone and would rather just send a quick chat to solve an issue. If you enjoy chatting with people you’ll enjoy this position.

What you need to get started: Problem solving skills, the ability to type with speed and accuracy and a computer.

Where to find positions? A placelikeMotherWorks offer a lot of online chat positions.

Here’s a list to get you started.

32. Lose Weight!

How great is this flexible work from home mom job?

I know, this might sound too good to be true, but it’s legit!

What you need to get started: A lot of motivation to shed some weight!

How much can you make? This depends on how much you are looking to lose, the time frame, and how much you are willing to bet.

How it works: The concept is simple, you set your goal, place your bet, and get to sweating!

When you sign up, you will enter the amount of weight you want to lose (it needs to be at least 10% of your current weight), the time frame you are going to lose it in, and your monthly bet which can range anywhere from $5-$995 per month.

You will have to verify weight twice through their app, once in the beginning and at the end of the challenge.

You can also make some extra cash by referring your friends and getting them on board!

Why do I have to pay? The simple answer? Accountability! Your monthly bet is like putting a deposit towards your success. When you reach your goal at the end, you get your money back and then some!

What happens if I don’t reach my goal? While betting some cold, hard cash should be some pretty good motivation, sometimes things just don’t work out. In this case, whatever you had bet goes to support others in the HealthyWage community to reach their goals (and make a profit!)

Yes, you can earn money by dropping the pounds.

How to Get Started with Stay at Home Mom Jobs

Hopefully, something on this list has jumped out at you and piqued your interest!

Now that you have a good idea of how you can work from home as a mom, it’s time to talk about how to get started with stay at home mom jobs.

Here are some questions (and answers!) you may have about working at home:

What Kind of Qualifications Do I Need?

The qualifications required for stay at home mom jobs depends entirely on what the job entails.

For instance, if you are interested in becoming a blogger or editor, you have to have a good handle on writing structure, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

However, jobs such as house cleaning and scanning photos don’t need certain qualifications, just the skills necessary to get the job done.

Don’t let your current qualifications, or lack thereof, hold you back from pursuing a stay at home mom job that you will enjoy!

You can always turn to online courses to expand your skills and knowledge. While free courses are great for developing your skillset, paid courses will help to broaden your qualifications.

For instance, you can certainly find free courses for starting a blog (or check out my post on getting a blog up and running!) or how to organize events.

On the flip side of that, being a coach or bookkeeper is something you may want some sort of certification for.

The bottom line is that there are certain stay at home mom jobs that you can do just with the skills and knowledge you already have! Otherwise, there are free or affordable ways you can develop the skills you need.

Do I Need Any Special Tools?

Again, this all depends on the job you wish to pursue.

Childcare providers and house cleaners, for example, will require certain equipment and tools.

Blogging, freelance writing and proofreading can all be done online with a computer/laptop and a good internet connection.

Overall, all of the work at home jobs on this list require zero to little investment to get started. Plus, that being said, any tools you need you may already own!

When it comes to the organizational side of working from home, there are some amazing online tools you can use to keep track of your time, tasks, payments and clients:

  • Trello. This is an organizational tool for organizing tasks. You can create several boards and, within each board, you can assign tasks throughout the week.
  • Google Drive. If you plan on blogging or writing, Google Docs is a great place to write your content. Google Sheets is perfect for creating to-do lists and keeping track of sales and clients.
  • PayPal. When you work remotely from home, you need a way to get paid. PayPal is one of the most popular systems that allows you to invoice and collect payments.

The great thing about being a work at home mom is that you can get started with little to no costs!

Where Can I Find Stay at Home Mom Jobs?

If you’re looking for work online, there are many resources you can turn to in order to find a job.

Freelance job websites such as ProBlogger, Contena and Blogging Pro are great places to start finding freelancing work. You can browse job postings and some of them will allow you to upload a portfolio to show off your experience.

Having your own website or Facebook page is also a great way to attract clients or sell your products.

Not only can you advertise your services/products, but you can also inject your personality and passion into your site or page so that visitors will feel more connected with you.

Connected visitors turn into loyal customers.

Also, be sure to also take advantage of word-of-mouth referrals and have your friends and family share your services on their social media – especially if you’re offering a local product/service.

How to Balance Working at Home and Motherhood

32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (11)

While working from home as a mom sounds like a dream job, it is definitely a balancing act that requires you to juggle your attention between working and taking care of your family and household.

But doing so is not impossible!

If your little ones are in school then it is much easier to spend a good chunk of the day focusing on your work.

However, toddlers and babies are another story.

My twins were small when I started my freelance business, so I am painfully aware of the struggle when it comes to starting an at-home business and being a mom.

There’s no magic list of hacks that will make this easy but approaching a work from home job as a mom with some preparation will certainly make your journey a lot less challenging.

1. Have a Dedicated Work Area

Having a dedicated work area will not only help you stay organized, but it will also help your mind go into work-mode.

If you plan on making and selling crafts, set up a craft table and drawer bins to keep all of your supplies organized. Having a craft table means you won’t have to clean up your projects at the end of the day.

(And, if you can make the area off-limits to the little ones, you don’t have to worry about tiny “co-workers” messing with your stuff.)

For online work, set up a desk for your computer with a comfortable and ergonomic chair.

If you can, keep your work area behind a closed door. That way, if you have a partner with whom you share responsibility for your children, you can hide away and get some work done.

2. Make and Keep a Routine

Parenting experts will tell you that children thrive on routine, but you will also thrive on it too when you start a stay at home mom job.

Knowing what to expect during the day will help keep you on track and help you remember what needs to get done.

It will also help your kiddos deal with having to entertain themselves.

When setting up a routine for working at home, factor in mealtimes as well as breaks.

Even if you get to work at home alone while your children are in school, having a schedule for chores and breaks will help you stay focused.

Otherwise, it will help your kids know what to expect during the day.

3. Work in Pockets of Time

Best care scenario: Your kiddos are in school or easily occupied.

However, this is not always the case.

For instance, if you have a baby at home, there is no firing up a dance party to keep their attention while you work.

When it comes to working at home and caring for small children, working in pockets of time may be your only option.

This could mean getting in 10 minutes of work while your little is distracted by the mobile in their crib or learning how to type with one hand while you breastfeed.

Being productive is all about doing what you can when you can. You’d be surprised what you can get done in 15 minutes!

Stay At Home Mom Jobs for You

There ya go mama! If you’re a stay-at-home mom looking for a way to earn some income while at home, why not try one of these money-making strategies?

Tell me in the comments what you want to try out first!

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32 Legit Stay At Home Mom Jobs for 2024 (Scam Free) - Twins Mommy (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.