5 Exact Examples: How to Write a Strong Self-Evaluation - Status.net (2024)

Self-evaluation, also known as self-assessment, is a process where you critically examine your own actions, behaviors, values, and achievements to determine your strengths, weaknesses and areas for development. This type of evaluation is commonly a part of performance reviews at companies, but you can also practice it independently to positively impact your career and personal growth. Writing an effective self-evaluation requires honesty, introspection, and clear communication.

Getting Started

Reflect on Your Achievements

Before diving into a self-evaluation, take some time to reflect on your successes throughout the review period. Jot down a list of milestones, completed projects, and goals you’ve met. This exercise allows you to not only celebrate your accomplishments but also gives you a starting point for the evaluation. For example, “Launched a successful marketing campaign, resulting in an 8% increase in leads.”

Identify Areas for Growth

After reflecting on your achievements, Shift your focus to the areas where you can improve. This requires being honest with yourself about your weaknesses and challenges you’ve faced during the review period. Write down examples where you struggled and think about what could have been done differently. Here’s an example: “I struggled to meet deadlines on two major projects because I underestimated the time needed for completion.”

Gather Feedback

A self-evaluation is an opportunity to hear and incorporate feedback from your colleagues. Ask for constructive feedback from trusted coworkers and jot down their suggestions. Be sure to consider their perspectives when writing your self-evaluation. For example, a coworker might say, “You were a great team player during the project, but your communication could be more timely.”

Review Your Job Description

Finally, review your job description to ensure you have a clear understanding of your role and responsibilities. Use this as a reference point to measure your performance and ensure your evaluation covers all aspects of your job. This will help you to focus on key goals and responsibilities you should address in your self-evaluation. For instance, if your job description states, “Collaborate effectively with the sales team to generate new leads,” think about how you’ve fulfilled this responsibility and include specific examples in your evaluation.

Self-Evaluation Template

– Begin by summarizing your role and the primary responsibilities you hold within the organization.
– Highlight any overarching goals or objectives that were set for the evaluation period.

Key Accomplishments:
– List your significant achievements since the last evaluation, providing specific examples.
– Detail how these accomplishments have positively impacted the team or organization.
– Use metrics and data where possible to quantify your success.

Strengths and Skills:
– Identify the skills and strengths that have contributed to your achievements.
– Provide examples of how you have demonstrated these strengths in your work.

Areas for Improvement:
– Reflect on any challenges you faced and areas where you see opportunities for personal growth.
– Outline your plan for addressing these areas and how you intend to implement changes.

Professional Development:
– Discuss any new skills or knowledge you have acquired.
– Explain how you have applied or plan to apply this new expertise to your current role.

Goals for the Next Period:
– Set clear, achievable goals for the next evaluation period.
– Explain how these goals align with the organization’s objectives and your professional development.

– Summarize your contributions and express your commitment to ongoing improvement and excellence.
– Offer to discuss any feedback or support you may need from management to achieve your future goals.

[Your Name] Self-Evaluation

My role as [Your Job Title] at [Company Name] involves [briefly describe your main responsibilities]. Over the past [timeframe], I have aimed to [state your overarching goals or objectives].

Key Accomplishments:
1. [Accomplishment 1]: [Description and impact].
2. [Accomplishment 2]: [Description and impact].
3. [Accomplishment 3]: [Description and impact].

Strengths and Skills:
– [Strength/Skill 1]: [Example of how you demonstrated this].
– [Strength/Skill 2]: [Example of how you demonstrated this].
– [Strength/Skill 3]: [Example of how you demonstrated this].

Areas for Improvement:
– [Area for Improvement 1]: [Your plan to improve].
– [Area for Improvement 2]: [Your plan to improve].

Professional Development:
– [New Skill/Knowledge]: [How you have applied or plan to apply it].

Goals for the Next Period:
– [Goal 1]: [How it aligns with organizational/professional objectives].
– [Goal 2]: [How it aligns with organizational/professional objectives].

I am proud of what I have accomplished in [timeframe] and am eager to continue contributing to [Company Name]. I am committed to [specific actions for improvement and goals], and I look forward to any feedback that can help me grow further in my role. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss any additional support needed from management to succeed in my endeavors.

[Optional: Request for meeting or discussion with supervisor]

20 Examples of Strengths for Self Evaluation

Example of a Strong Self-Evaluation

Jane Smith Self-Evaluation

As a Senior Graphic Designer at Creative Solutions Inc., my role involves conceptualizing and designing visual content that effectively communicates our clients’ branding and marketing objectives. Over the past year, I have aimed to enhance the creativity and efficiency of our design output, ensuring client satisfaction and team growth.

Key Accomplishments:
1. Brand Campaign Launch: Led the design team in creating a comprehensive visual campaign for our key client, Luxe Cosmetics, which resulted in a 40% increase in their social media engagement within two months.
2. Workflow Optimization: Implemented a new design workflow using Agile methodologies that reduced project turnaround time by 25%, allowing us to take on 15% more client work without compromising quality.
3. Design Award: Received the “Innovative Design of the Year” award for my work on the EcoGreen initiative, which raised awareness about sustainable living practices through compelling visual storytelling.

Strengths and Skills:
– Creativity and Innovation: Consistently pushed the boundaries of traditional design to create fresh and engaging content, as evidenced by the Luxe Cosmetics campaign.
– Team Leadership: Fostered a collaborative team environment that encouraged the sharing of ideas and techniques, leading to a more versatile and skilled design team.
– Efficiency: Streamlined design processes by introducing new software and collaboration tools, significantly improving project delivery times.

Areas for Improvement:
– Public Speaking: While I am confident in my design skills, I aim to improve my public speaking abilities to more effectively present and pitch our design concepts to clients.
– Advanced Animation Techniques: To stay ahead in the industry, I plan to enhance my knowledge of animation software to expand our service offerings.

Professional Development:
– Advanced Adobe After Effects Course: Completed a course to refine my animation skills, which I plan to leverage in upcoming projects to add dynamic elements to our designs.

Goals for the Next Period:
– Client Retention: Aim to increase client retention by 20% by delivering consistently high-quality designs and improving client communication strategies.
– Mentoring: Establish a mentoring program within the design team to nurture the development of junior designers, ensuring a pipeline of talent and leadership for the future.

I am proud of the contributions I have made to Creative Solutions Inc. this year, particularly in enhancing our design quality and team capabilities. I am committed to further developing my public speaking skills and expanding our animation services, and I look forward to any feedback that can help me progress in these areas. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss additional resources or support from management that could facilitate achieving these goals.

Best regards,
Jane Smith

Writing Your Self-Evaluation

Follow the Company Format

Before you begin writing your self-evaluation, make sure to check with your organization’s guidelines and format. Adhering to the provided template will ensure that you include all relevant information, making it easier for your supervisors to review. You may also find examples and tips within the company resources that can help you present your achievements and goals in a concise and effective manner.

Start with Your Successes

When writing a self-evaluation, it’s essential to highlight your accomplishments and contributions positively. List your achievements and victories, focusing on those that align with the organization’s goals and values. Back up your claims with specific examples and statistics, if available. This not only showcases your hard work but also reinforces your value to the company.

For instance, if you surpassed a sales target, mention the exact percentage you exceeded and describe how you achieved this. Or if you successfully led a team project, outline the steps you took to manage and motivate your colleagues.

Discuss Your Challenges

While it’s important to discuss your successes, acknowledging your challenges and areas of improvement demonstrates self-awareness and commitment to personal growth. Don’t shy away from admitting where you struggled—instead, be honest and identify these obstacles as opportunities for development. Explain what actions you’re taking to improve, like attending workshops, seeking feedback, or collaborating with colleagues.

For example, if you faced difficulties managing your time, discuss the strategies you’ve implemented to stay organized and prioritize tasks more effectively.

Set Goals for Yourself

Setting achievable and realistic goals is a crucial part of any self-evaluation. By outlining your ambitions, you communicate to your supervisors that you’re eager to progress and contribute to the organization’s success. Break down your goals into actionable steps and consider including timelines to make them more concrete and measurable.

If one of your goals is to improve your public speaking skills, you might include steps such as participating in meetings, volunteering for presentations, or attending workshops, with specific deadlines and milestones attached. This level of detail demonstrates your dedication to achieving your goals while providing a clear roadmap for your growth.

40 Examples of Leadership Self-Evaluation Comments

Strong Self-Evaluation: Providing Examples

Use Specific Instances

When writing a self-evaluation, try to provide clear and specific examples from your work experience. By offering concrete instances, you help paint a more accurate picture of your achievements and progress. For instance, instead of saying, “I improved my communication skills,” you could say, “I successfully trained three new team members and presented our quarterly report to the management team.” Using detailed examples will make it easier for your supervisors to understand your accomplishments and appreciate your efforts.

Quantify Your Accomplishments

Wherever possible, try to quantify your achievements by using numbers, percentages, or any other measurable indicators. This can help make your successes more tangible and easier to understand. For example, you might mention that you increased sales by 20% in your department or that you completed a project two weeks ahead of schedule. Always aim to back up your statements with quantifiable information to support your claims and show your effectiveness in your role.

Highlight Your Progress

It’s important to focus on the progress you’ve made and the growth you’ve experienced in your role. Use the self-evaluation as an opportunity to reflect on your personal and professional development. For example, you could discuss how you learned a new software program that boosted your team’s productivity, or how you overcame struggles with time management by implementing new strategies. Emphasize not just your accomplishments but also the positive changes you’ve made for yourself and your team throughout the evaluation period. This will help demonstrate your dedication to growth and continuous improvement.

Example 1

1. Project Management Skills:
– Strong Self-Evaluation Example: “In my role as a project manager, I successfully led a team of 10 to deliver a complex software development project three weeks ahead of schedule. I attribute this accomplishment to my rigorous approach to project planning, where I meticulously outlined project phases, set realistic milestones, and conducted weekly check-ins with team members to gauge progress and address any roadblocks. My proactive communication strategy prevented delays and ensured that all team members were aligned with the project objectives.”

Example 2

2. Customer Service Excellence:
– Strong Self-Evaluation Example: “I have consistently maintained a customer satisfaction rating above 95% over the past year by employing an empathetic and solution-oriented approach to customer interactions. For instance, when a customer was frustrated with a delayed order, I took the initiative to not only expedite the shipping but also provided a discount on their next purchase. This resulted in a positive review and repeat business, demonstrating my commitment to going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction.”

Example 3

3. Innovative Problem Solving:
– Strong Self-Evaluation Example: “I identified a recurring bottleneck in our inventory management process that was causing shipment delays. By analyzing the workflow and collaborating with the logistics team, I designed a new inventory tracking system using a Kanban board that increased our efficiency by 30%. This initiative reduced average shipment times from 5 days to 3 days, significantly improving our order fulfillment rates.”

Example 4

4. Effective Team Leadership:
– Strong Self-Evaluation Example: “As the head of the marketing team, I led a campaign that resulted in a 20% increase in brand engagement. I achieved this by fostering a collaborative environment where each team member’s ideas were valued and incorporated. I organized brainstorming sessions that encouraged creative problem-solving and ensured that the team’s goals were aligned with the company’s vision. My leadership directly influenced the campaign’s success and the team’s high morale.”

Example 5

5. Adaptability and Learning Agility:
– Strong Self-Evaluation Example: “When our company transitioned to a new CRM system, I took the initiative to master the software ahead of the formal training. I then shared my knowledge with my colleagues through a series of workshops, which facilitated a smoother transition for the entire department. My ability to quickly adapt to new technology and willingness to assist others in their learning process demonstrates my dedication to continuous improvement and team success.”

Self-Evaluation Dos and Don’ts

Stay Honest and Constructive

When writing a self-evaluation, it’s vital to be honest and realistic about your performance. Reflect on the achievements and challenges you’ve faced, and consider areas where you can improve. For example, if you struggled to complete a project on time, mention the obstacles you faced and the lessons you learned. This will show that you’re committed to personal growth and self-improvement.


I successfully completed seven out of eight projects within the given time frame. However, there were difficulties in delivering the last project on time due to a lack of resources. Moving forward, I plan to improve on allocating resources more effectively to ensure timely delivery.

Avoid Undermining Your Efforts

While it’s essential to view your performance objectively, don’t downplay your achievements or accomplishments. Acknowledge your efforts and reflect on your contributions to the team. For instance, if you’ve improved your sales numbers, highlight your success and outline the strategies you implemented to achieve this.

45 Productivity Self Evaluation Comments Examples


This quarter, my sales numbers increased by 15%, surpassing the target of 10%. I was persistent in following up on leads and implemented new techniques, such as personalized presentations, to connect with potential clients better.

Keep a Positive Outlook

Maintaining a positive attitude when discussing your performance is crucial in a self-evaluation. Focus on the progress you’ve made and show your willingness to learn from mistakes and challenges. Don’t dwell on the negatives; instead, frame them as opportunities for growth and learning, and share your plans for improvement.


While I encountered challenges in team communication earlier in the year, I have since taken steps to improve. I enrolled in a communication skills workshop, and the techniques I learned have helped me collaborate more effectively with my colleagues. I look forward to applying these skills to future projects.

Finalizing Your Self-Evaluation

Edit for Clarity and Concision

After you’ve written your self-evaluation, take some time to review and edit it for clarity and concision. This means making sure that your points are expressed clearly, without ambiguity, and that you’ve removed any unnecessary or repetitive information. Here are some tips to help you do this:

  • Use short sentences and active voice to make your points clear.
  • Break up long paragraphs into smaller ones for easier reading.
  • Double-check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Make sure that your points are stated in a logical and organized manner.

Request Peer Review

Once you’re satisfied with your self-evaluation, consider asking a trusted colleague or manager to review it. This can provide you with valuable feedback and help ensure that your evaluation is well-rounded, accurate, and unbiased. Keep these points in mind when requesting a peer review:

  1. Choose someone who knows your work well and has a clear understanding of your job responsibilities.
  2. Ask them to review your evaluation for clarity, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.
  3. Be open to constructive feedback, and make any necessary revisions based on their input.

By following these steps for finalizing your self-evaluation, you’ll have a stronger, more polished document that effectively highlights your accomplishments, areas for improvement, and goals for the future. This will provide a solid foundation for discussing your performance with your manager and creating a clear roadmap for professional growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some helpful tips for writing an impactful self-evaluation?

When writing a self-evaluation, always be honest and specific about your accomplishments and goals. Provide examples and use metrics to quantify your achievements whenever possible. Reflect on areas where you can improve and create a plan for personal development. Use positive language, keep it concise and focused, and don’t forget to mention any feedback you’ve received from coworkers, clients, or managers.

Can you give examples of strong points to highlight in a self-evaluation?

Some powerful points you can emphasize in a self-evaluation include successful project management, exceeding targets or goals, implementing new processes that improve efficiency, demonstrating strong teamwork, and receiving positive client or coworker feedback. Tailor your examples to highlight your unique strengths and align with your role and company goals.

How would one describe their personal achievements in a self-assessment for a performance review?

To describe personal achievements effectively in a self-assessment, be results-oriented, and show the impact of your accomplishments. Use specific examples to illustrate your success and demonstrate how these achievements contributed to your team or company goals. If possible, quantify your results through metrics or figures to give a clear picture of your performance.

Could you provide a sample paragraph of a self-evaluation for a senior management position?

“Over the past year, as the Senior Manager of the (…) team, I have successfully launched three major projects that resulted in a 25% increase in revenue. My leadership style has fostered a collaborative environment, with my team consistently achieving all targets on time. I have also implemented training initiatives to develop team members’ skillsets, and our client satisfaction rate has increased by 15%. I plan to focus on further expanding our project portfolio and mentoring junior managers to strengthen the team’s leadership capabilities.”

What could be good sentence starters for framing self-evaluation points?

  • During my time in this role, I have accomplished…
  • One area I have excelled in is…
  • An example of a significant contribution is…
  • I demonstrated strong problem-solving skills when I…
  • My collaboration with coworkers has led to…
  • In terms of improvement, I plan to focus on…
  • Over the past year, my growth has been evident in…
  • Self Evaluation Examples [Complete Guide]

  • 40 Competency Self-Evaluation Comments Examples

  • 42 Adaptability Self Evaluation Comments Examples

  • 30 Examples of Teamwork Self Evaluation Comments

  • 45 Self Evaluation Sample Answers: Strengths and Weaknesses

  • 45 Productivity Self Evaluation Comments Examples

Posted in: Self-Evaluation

5 Exact Examples: How to Write a Strong Self-Evaluation - Status.net (2024)


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"I am proud of my ability to lead by example and consistently demonstrate a positive attitude and strong work ethic. I have inspired my team to work towards common goals, increasing productivity and morale." "I have successfully led multiple projects this year, ensuring they were completed on time and within budget.

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Take ownership of your mistakes and weaknesses, explain what happened, what you've learned from them, and how you'll use them to improve and develop in the future. Then set yourself SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely) goals to improve weak areas.

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I am persistently working towards getting things in order by effectively managing my time and priorities. I acknowledge my inclination for written communication , but remain committed to improve and focus more on verbal communication at the same time. I recognise how often I depend on the efforts of the team.

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Simple, Direct, Honest, Personal, And Blunt: How The 5-Word Performance Review Works Wonders.

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To write a self-appraisal comment for yourself, focus on highlighting your achievements, areas of improvement, and goals for the future. Be honest, specific, and concise in your self-assessment.

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53 phrases for an effective self-assessment
  • "In the past [period length], I focused on [goal]. ...
  • "I adopted new techniques to achieve my goals, including [work habits that helped you meet your targets]."
  • "While I strove to [name goal] in this past employment period, I was not able to achieve it because [reason].
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"Your attention to detail and commitment to excellence are clearly reflected in your work." "You consistently deliver high-quality work, which significantly contributes to our project success." "Your work is frequently cited as a model of excellence for the team."

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Performance evaluation example

He works exceedingly well under restricted time frames and adjusts according to the demand of the project. He always discusses his concerns well in time to get results immediately and also keeps the other team members regularly motivated.

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6 Steps for Writing Effective Performance Review Comments
  • Be comprehensive. ...
  • Embrace positivity. ...
  • Share specific feedback and provide examples. ...
  • Include 360-degree feedback. ...
  • Pair constructive feedback with developmental suggestions. ...
  • Stay organized with the right solution.
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If you're focusing on positive reinforcement for a performance review, consider using some of these phrases for managers:"You consistently demonstrate strong leadership skills and inspire your team to perform at their best.""Your willingness to take on new challenges and think creatively has helped us overcome ...

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Be specific about what you did. Don't be vague or use general terminology. Describe the impact, result or outcome of accomplishment. Did it enhance a work process?

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The core self-evaluations scale (CSES)

Sample items are below: "I am confident I get the success I deserve in life." "Sometimes I feel depressed." "Sometimes when I fail I feel worthless."

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Tips for writing a self-evaluation

Try to be as specific as possible to highlight your unique value. Describe specific tasks and projects you completed that contributed to your overall success. You may also want to discuss your progress within the context of the company's mission and goals.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.