A Beginners Guide to SaaS Content Writing (2024)

Content writing is becoming an increasingly important part of marketing strategies designed for SaaS companies. And the reason for this is simple.

There is no better way to spread the word about your SaaS product, communicate its benefits to your target audience, and convert them into paying customers than by producing content about it. Indeed, you could always spend money on paid advertising viz. Google Ads.

But if you want your potential customers to find your SaaS product organically, then you need to publish content regularly. Plus, employing a SaaS content writer will also cost a lot less than investing in traditional advertising.

Besides, how else will you educate your target audience about your SaaS product?

Maybe you want to teach your users how to use a certain feature. Or perhaps, you want to show your target audience how your SaaS product works. Whatever the intent may be, SaaS content writing is the best way to attract the right audience, educate them about your product, encourage them to give it a try, and eventually turn them into paying customers.

However, SaaS content writing isn’t child’s play. To produce top-notch SaaS content for your product, you need to understand what producing content for SaaS really means.

What is SaaS Content Writing?

SaaS content writing is the process of expressing, educating, and demonstrating how your target audience can utilize your product to solve their problems.

It needs to highlight how your product makes their lives easier. And why they should use your product rather than wasting time, effort, or money on any other alternatives.

In a nutshell, content is a fundamental component of any SaaS marketing strategy these days. It enables SaaS companies to spread brand awareness, increase conversions, and grow their business revenue.

SaaS Content Writing vs Other Forms of Content Writing

The fundamental difference between SaaS content writing and other forms of content writing is its purpose.

SaaS content writing, as explained earlier, helps to show readers how your SaaS product works. Unlike other forms of content writing, the main goal of SaaS content is to convert readers into paid customers in the long run.

If you’re not sure how to achieve that, here are some tips you can consider applying the next time you create content for your SaaS product:

  • Highlight what separates your product from your competitors
  • State all the pain points your product can solve for your target audience
  • List the core features of your product and point out the key benefits of using your SaaS product
  • Mention if your product is innovative in any way
  • Explain any other product use cases that your target audience might not be aware of

While these are just basic tips, we will discuss a few more advanced and powerful tips later in this post. Let us now understand why you need to prioritize content writing for your SaaS business.

Why Prioritize Content Writing for Your SaaS Company?

According to Crunchbase data, there are already 24,000+ SaaS companies in the world as of today.

A Beginners Guide to SaaS Content Writing (1)

In the last year alone, there were about 300 new SaaS companies launched worldwide. – that’s one brand new SaaS company joining the industry almost every day.

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This data clearly shows that the SaaS industry is becoming fiercely competitive.

If you want to survive amidst 24,000+ SaaS products hustling for the same customers like you, it’s necessary to market your SaaS product as aggressively as possible, ideally through content writing.

Hubspot is the perfect example of this.

Recently, the company reached a 100,000 users milestone throughout its 15 years journey.

How did they achieve this?

While there are a lot of things that contributed to acquiring such a massive customer base. But content writing is undoubtedly one of their strongest suits.

According to the SEMrush data, the Hubspot blog currently has about 11,558 pages indexed on Google.

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This means the HubSpot team publishes nearly 770 articles on its blog every year. That’s close to 2 articles being published on the HubSpot blog every single day.

The surprising part is that producing content is not even one of their core business offerings. Although, it is core to their business.

And the outcome?

Well, it’s nothing less than astounding. Data from SEMrush revealed that the HubSpot blog currently ranks for 1.3 Million keywords in Google, which attracts a whopping 5.3 Million traffic (visitors) every month.

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Interestingly, if they were to pay for such massive traffic through Google Ads, they’ll have to spend around $16.7 Million every month.

The crux of the matter is this — if you want to attain such outstanding results in terms of traffic, loyal customer base, etc. in the long run, make content a priority from day one.

Even if you don’t have the time or resources to do it in-house currently, outsource the task to a B2B SaaS Writer or a content agency.

Now that you have understood the importance of content strategy for a SaaS company, it’s time to reveal those powerful tips we talked about earlier.

5 Powerful SaaS Content Writing Tips to Get Started

Content writing can offer a lot of benefits to growing SaaS businesses. If you are wondering how to go about it, here are a few powerful tips you can follow.

1. Keep It Simple

To produce high-quality content, SaaS writers must make sure to make it about customers and emphasize how they’ll feel once they try your product.

Instead of having your content revolve around the product, keep the focus of your content on the potential customers first.

As discussed before, the purpose of SaaS content is to educate, engage, and inspire your target audience (preferably through storytelling) on how your product can solve their problems.

2. Keep Your Target Audience (Always) in Mind

Take your time to thoroughly understand the topics your target audience is most interested in so that you can easily resonate with them through your written content.

The best practice is to think about what your target audience might want when searching for a solution that’s similar to your SaaS product and create content around those topics.

In addition to this, find out where your target audience usually goes to ask for help. Once you find that place, show up there with your best content.

Put another way, planning where to post your content is as equally important as the quality of your content.

3. Conduct a Thorough Keyword Research

Keyword research is an incredibly crucial part of any SaaS content strategy.

In fact, keywords are the sole reason your content shows up on the Google SERPs. And if you’re not including the right keywords throughout your content, you’ll simply fail to capture the attention of the right audience. And most of your efforts will go astray.

This is the number #1 reason why you must find out the common keywords your target audience use on Google and make sure to include relevant keywords naturally throughout your content.

For instance, if your SaaS company sells yoga & fitness centre management software, you could make a list of keywords related to fitness, wellness, etc. And once you’ve prepared the list of keywords to include in your content, you can start writing blog posts around those keywords.

4. Show How Your Product Looks Like in Action

When writing content for your SaaS product, explaining how your software can solve readers’ problems ain’t enough. You also need to show readers its problem-solving capabilities in action.

To implement that capability in your content, you must include screenshots, GIFs, interactive product tours, and product videos.

Multiple studies have already proven that videos can increase time spent on site by more than 100%.

As for the screenshots and GIFs, you can simply show where to find each feature of your SaaS product on the screen so that your readers can know they’re seeing everything correctly. This is especially crucial when you’re writing How-to guide blog posts — more on that later.

5. Keep Your Content Tone & Overall Presence Consistent

When writing content for your SaaS product, make sure to keep the voice, tone, and quality of overall content consistent. You might have different buyer personas, but be sure to keep your brand voice and tone the same.

If you’re outsourcing your content task to a freelance SaaS content writer, it’s a good idea to create a brand style guide for them. This will help your content creator to understand and maintain your brand voice, tone, and style across every piece of content they create for you.

As for your content’s presence, it’s highly important to keep the online presence of your content consistent to establish reliability among your target audience.

In other words, a regularly updated blog can make your SaaS customers believe that your product is evolving continuously.

While you don’t have to publish a new blog post every single day (though it’s highly recommended). But, be sure to keep a consistent publishing schedule to keep it fresh regularly.

3 Blog Types That Convert Most Users for SaaS Products

Though there are countless blog types to choose from, there are only a few that can help you grow a SaaS customer base. As such there are several content assets and channels that you can leverage to boost your SaaS marketing strategy.

Let’s discuss the three blog types that actually help to convert your target audience into paying customers & must be in a regular rotation.

1. How-to Guides

SaaS customers are always on the lookout for solutions to problems they face during their day-to-day operations.

So, writing how-to Guides is an excellent way to capitalize on it.

All you have to do is, figure out the core problems your target audience face, and then create a sequence of how-to guides that offer actionable solutions.

Let’s assume, for example, that you sell a graphic design tool. In this case, your target audience is likely to be searching for different ways to create and edit graphics, advanced graphic designing principles, and so on.

Now that you have discovered the common problems of your target audience, you can create how-to guides around those topics and provide actionable solutions through your content.

2. Evergreen Long-Form Blog Posts

Google loves long-form blog posts. And if you think about it, creating long-form blog posts makes perfect sense.

For starters, you can include in-depth information on any given topic, cover every aspect of the subject, and answer most of the questions your target audience might have.

Furthermore, when you create long-form blog posts on evergreen topics — topics that are likely to remain relevant even after a few years — you’ll definitely end up generating a steady stream of organic traffic.

Multiple studies conducted over the years have proven that long-form content always outperforms short-form content.

A SEMrush study, for instance, found that long-form content of over 7,000 words can generate up to 4 times more traffic compared to the content of 900-1,200 words.

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Backlinko, in its content analysis study of 912 million blog posts, also discovered that long-form content of 3000+ words gets an average of 77% more backlinks compared to short-form content of 1000 words or below.

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As you can see, writing long-form evergreen blog posts can easily lead to increased traffic, more backlinks, and overall better ROI.

3. Comparison Posts

Comparison posts are one of the highly recommended blog types to write for SaaS companies.

To begin with, they can help potential customers make well-informed decisions.

Comparison blog posts are usually about comparing two or more similar products with one another and evaluating them from different angles such as features, specifications, pricing, and use cases.

The goal of writing comparison blog posts is to win your potential customers who are currently researching their options in the market.

With comparison blog posts, you can shed the spotlight on the most important & core solutions that your product offers that your competitors’ products might not.

SaaS Content Writing is a Long-Term Investment

Content writing has proven to be an extremely effective and rewarding tool for SaaS companies. However, creating SaaS content that generates your desired results is not an easy feat.

If you’ve never produced SaaS content before, it’s probably best to bring in the experts to help you with that. Being a SaaS-focused content agency, Growfusely can help you produce high-quality, engaging, and results-driven content for your SaaS company that’s optimized for getting endless reads (and leads!).

Image Sources – SEMrush, Backlinko

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Pratik Dholakiya

Pratik Dholakiya is the Founder of Growfusely, a SaaS content marketing agency specializing in content and data-driven SEO.

    A Beginners Guide to SaaS Content Writing (2024)
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