Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (2024)

Table of Contents
Bridging the gap: How to equip English learners with workplace-ready language skills Empowering future educators: Integrating the GSE into pre-service teacher training Implementing the GSE The benefits 8 ways language training can transform your business Why should you use storytelling to teach English? Practical activities for storytelling with young learners Storytelling with adult language learners How language learning can improve your life for the better The future of remote learning & its role in preparing students for future careers Flexibility and accessibility Digital literacy and technological proficiency Self-directed learning and autonomy Global perspective and cultural competence Collaboration and teamwork skills Problem-solving and critical thinking Adaptability to changing technologies and industries Professional networking and career development Hybrid learning models Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) Artificial intelligence (AI) and adaptive learning Microlearning and bite-sized content Gamification and interactive content Social learning and collaboration tools Data-driven decision making Continued emphasis on equity and inclusion Fantasy, the English language and Tolkien The potential of AI in English language teaching How is AI currently being used in schools? How AI can enhance English language teaching Utilizing ChatGPT in language teaching Tips for teachers integrating AI in English lessons What about cheating and plagiarism with AI? The AI webinar series for English teachers Ace the listening section: Tips for English test prep
  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (1)
    • Language teaching

    Bridging the gap: How to equip English learners with workplace-ready language skills

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Educators worldwide are faced with a vital challenge: closing the language education gap between traditional schooling and the practical language requirements of the modern workplace. With English established as the language of international business and in light of our ground-breaking new research, the need for education to address this disparity has never been more critical.

    In this blog post, we'll explore why teaching English through a lens of real-world application is necessary, what our research shows about the current gap in language education, and some ideas for how English teachers can integrate employability-focused lessons into their own English teaching curriculum.

  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (2)
    • The Global Scale of English
    • Language teaching

    Empowering future educators: Integrating the GSE into pre-service teacher training

    By Belgin Elmas

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    When we used to go somewhere by car, my son, who was just three years old, would repeatedly ask me, "How far do we need to go?" every five minutes. He was curious to know where we were and how close we were to our destination. Even though the answer was just a number, it would satisfy him and relieve his curiosity.

    For language learners, it is important to maintain a high level of curiosity about progress and the distance needed to cover in their language learning journey. This can help identify areas for improvement and help them stay motivated. For teachers, it is also important to have a tool that can assist their students in visualizing their language learning goals more concretely.The Global Scale of English (GSE) is a valuable resource for this purpose. It not only indicates learners' current proficiency levels but also provides learning outcomes to help them progress in their abilities. The scale ranges from 10 to 90 and offers a personalized pathway for improvement in each individual skill based on global research. By using the GSE, both learners and teachers can work together to achieve language learning success.

    I believe the GSE is one of the most valuable resources a language teacher needs in teaching English; the learning outcomes provide clear guidance on what to teach, tailored to the specific needs of learner groups. With five options designed for pre-primary, young, general adult, professional and academic English learner groups, the GSE offers educators clear paths to customize their teaching strategies effectively. It also assists teachers in motivating their students by showing their progress regularly, which provides precious support throughout their learning journey.

    I also believe that the sooner we introduce teachers to this valuable tool in their teaching careers, the better equipped they will be to help their learners. With this belief in mind, we integrated the GSE into our pre-service teacher education program, making it the cornerstone for lesson planning and assessment. This blog aims to explain our implementation process at TED University's Education Faculty English Language Teaching Department, hoping to provide a model for other programs interested in adopting a similar approach.

    Implementing the GSE

    Our implementation process started with conducting in-service training sessions for the faculty members, many of whom were also unfamiliar with the GSE. To ensure comprehensive understanding, we organized meetings with the teacher trainers responsible for teaching the methodology courses. These sessions consisted of in-depth discussions on the nature of the GSE, its significance in language teaching and practical guidance on integrating it into the curriculum we were following.

    As the second step, we designed a lesson plan to be used for the first methodology course our pre-service teacher trainees would undertake for the same objective we had for in-service teacher training sessions. In this initial lesson, we started by discussing the aims of CEFR and GSE, highlighting their differences.

    Then, we facilitated discussions on how GSE helps to monitor the progress of learners, what the main features are that the GSE has been built upon, and most importantly, we focused on increasing our future teachers' consciousness on how learning objectives can help a teacher. The lesson proceeded with an introduction to the GSE Toolkit, clarifying its categories, contained skills, and the target language learners it caters to. After providing diverse samples across various skills and outcomes, we demonstrated how our pre-service teachers can find learning objectives within the scale and how they can use them.

    The lesson then transitioned into practical exercises designed to familiarize the teachers with the toolkit. Through guided instructions, such as selecting a target group, a skill, and a proficiency range, we prompted them to engage in activities aimed at perceiving the usefulness of the toolkit. We then asked them to report on some chosen parameters, such as the selected range, the number of objectives identified, and the potential text materials applicable to the chosen skill (e.g., reading comprehension). We followed a similar process for the other skills.

    The second part of the lesson illustrated how different teaching materials were mapped with the GSE framework, utilizing sample coursebooks like Speakout, Roadmap and Startup. The lesson concluded with getting reflections from the pre-service teachers on their perceptions of the GSE. We gathered their insights on its usefulness, including its impact on curriculum design, teaching methodologies, and skill assessment practices.

    After being introduced to the GSE, we asked our pre-service teachers to integrate it into all their teaching-related courses. They now plan their lessons based on the learning outcomes provided in the toolkit, benefitting from the additional resources it offers to enhance their instructional practices. Teaching Skills, Teaching English to Young Learners, and Material Development can be given as samples of the courses the GSE was integrated into; there is no need to mention that all teaching practicum-related courses are in the integration part as well.

    The benefits

    What did we gain by integrating the GSE into our pre-service teacher education program? Quite a few significant benefits, actually. Firstly, it standardized the language and terminology used throughout the department; when we refer to terms like 'learning outcomes', 'proficiency of language learners' or 'learner progress', everyone understands the set of terms uniformly across our department. No need to mention that our pre-service teachers gained the privilege of being introduced to a widely recognized toolkit in the field. While their peers may not yet be familiar with the GSE, our students gain early exposure to this valuable resource. Incorporating the GSE into our program also has allowed our pre-service teachers access to a range of valuable resources.

    In addition to the GSE Toolkit, resources such as Text Analyzer or instructional materials aligned with the GSE help our future teachers plan and deliver language instruction more effectively. As a result, our pre-service teachers enter the field with a deeper understanding of language assessment, proficiency levels, and learner needs.

    Next steps

    What's next? There's still much to accomplish and a considerable journey ahead of us. Currently, our primary focus is on making our initiatives more public, aiming to share our experiences with other pre-service teacher education programs considering integrating the GSE into their curriculum. In addition, introducing the GSE to in-service teacher programs in Turkey and globally could also be valuable for enhancing language teaching practices and the professional development of language teachers worldwide.

    Publishing articles, presenting at conferences, hosting workshops, or developing online resources might be some of the sources for sharing our practices. Increasing the awareness of policymakers, school administrators, and language teachers on the GSE and highlighting the benefits of using a standardized granular framework like the GSE can encourage broader adoption and implementation across educational settings. Collaboration opportunities with other institutions and stakeholders in language education will help all of us to reach our destination more quickly and efficiently. Finally, research on the impact of the GSE in language education is required to refine our approaches.

    As a result, we are very pleased with the integration of the GSE into our teacher education program, as it has paved the way for significant advances. While recognizing there's still a considerable journey ahead, we also celebrate the progress we've made thus far and are curious about the other possible opportunities that lie ahead.

  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (3)
    • Business and employability
    • The Global Scale of English

    8 ways language training can transform your business

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Around 20%of the world's population speaks English, making it an integral component in global business operations. But the question remains for business leaders and HR professionals: how can language learning, specifically, business English courses, drive your organization forward?Here are 8 ways language training can impact your business.

  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (4)
    • Language teaching
    • Teaching trends and techniques

    Why should you use storytelling to teach English?

    By Richard Cleeve

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Stories can make us laugh, cry or tremble with fear. They can teach us valuable life lessons and transport us to other worlds. They've been around since the beginning of language itself, but can they actually help us learn a language?

    Stories are one of the most useful toolswhen teaching childrenEnglish. Not only do they help with listening and reading skills, but they can also support speaking and writing skills by providing context, language and structure.

    Very young learners may already be familiar with stories – they may hear them in daycare, school or at home with their parents. Therefore, incorporating these into their language classes may help them to feel more comfortable in their surroundings. And if children feel comfortable, they are more likely to be receptive to learning.

    Storytelling usually happens as part of a group in the classroom. This means that it becomes a bonding activity for children where they can communicate and subconsciously pick up the key language. While having fun listening and interacting with the story, theysoak up information without even realizing they’re learning.

    So, what storytelling activities can we use with younglearners? Let’s find out.

    Practical activities for storytelling with young learners

    Often, we think of storytelling simply as reading a book aloud to children. Yet, there are other activities you can do. These include:

    1. Choral repetition

    To get young children interacting with the story, first read out a sentence alone. Then, have the children repeat the line with you as a group. Repeat as many times as necessary, until the children feel confident with the language.

    2. Individual repetition

    If your learners are happy to, ask them individually to repeat the sentence after you. Make sure each one has a turn and praise them for being brave and trying to use the language.

    3. Play acting

    An activity that works well with children is to act out the story’s characters. For example, there may be animals, fairies, monsters or other exciting characters that they can each act.

    Ask them to make the noises of the animals, the wind, or the scenery to create an atmosphere while you read. This gets them interacting with the story and the rest of the group, which will help their communication and listening comprehension skills.

    4. Use puppets or dolls

    Young learners react particularly well to visual aids and realia. Why not use puppets or dolls to act out the characters, or even ask students to have a go with them? They will engage more with the story and the language.

    5. Dive into the pictures

    Children’s story books are usually quite visual with illustrations and pictures. Make the most of these while telling the story. Try asking students questions about the images to get them using the vocabulary.

    You could ask them, “what can you see?”, “what’s he wearing?” or “can you find an apple?”. This is another great way to reinforce the vocabulary they’re learning in class.

    Use these activities individually orincorporate a mix into your lessons. Either way, storytelling will help your learners with more than just developing their English language skills.

    Storytelling with adult language learners

    While we often think of storytelling as a pastime for children, it can also be a useful language learning activity for adults.

    Stories are part of our daily lives, from news to social media to books and movies. Therefore, they can be extremely beneficial tools for English language learning.

    Yet, the way we approach storytelling as a class activity for adults differs to that of young learners. While we typically read fairy tales to young children, we can bring in a much wider range of content for adults, such as:

    • News stories– There may be a current news story that learners are interested in. Ask them to bring in an article to retell in class.
    • Traditional folk stories–Ask learners what traditional folk tales or ghost stories they were told as children growing up in their hometowns. This can be really interesting for both language and cultural awareness.
    • Personal life stories – Our lives are a series of short stories that can make for very interesting reading. You can either ask students to share stories in class orally or have them write up a “chapter” from their lives to tell the class. It could be something funny that happened to them or an anecdote from their childhood, for example.
    • Movie plots– Ask students what their favorite movies are and have them either tell the group the summary of the plot or write it up to share at the end of the lesson.
    • Advertisem*nts–There are some fantastic advertisem*nts which tell mini stories in under three minutes. Have students choose one, show it to the class and discuss it as a group.

    Storytelling can be a wonderful language learning tool for both children and adults. If you’re looking for a new way to engage, inspire and motivate your learners, why not try it in your next class?

  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (5)
    • Language learning
    • The Global Scale of English

    How language learning can improve your life for the better

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    Language learning is more than just something you study—it's a strategic move that integrates into every aspect of your life—socially, professionally and mentally. With English often being the common ground for global business, communicating effectively in this language has never been more important.
    In this post, we uncover the benefits of language proficiency, particularly in English, backed by relevant statistics and insights from Pearson's recentground-breaking new research.

  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (6)
    • Technology and the future

    The future of remote learning & its role in preparing students for future careers

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    The future of remote learning still holds significant potential in preparing students for future careers by leveraging advanced technologies, fostering flexibility and accessibility, promoting lifelong learning, facilitating global collaboration, emphasizing soft skills, personalizing learning experiences, integrating industry partnerships, and ensuring ethical and responsible use of technology. A significant number of students are enrolled in online courses, and many institutions continue to expand their online offerings with many institutions at least offering some part of their learning online.

    By embracing these opportunities and addressing challenges proactively, remote learning can play a vital role in equipping students with the knowledge, skills and mindset needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving job market. With jobs moving away from the bricks-and-mortar workplace, tomorrow's job opportunities will have fewer physical and geographical restrictions, so if you can work from anywhere in the world, you can also learn anywhere in the world.

    Here's how remote learning integrates into this evolution, by enforcing these things:

    Flexibility and accessibility

    Remote learning provides flexibility in scheduling and accessibility to educational resources, allowing students to balance learning with other commitments such as work or family responsibilities. This flexibility mirrors the dynamic nature of many future careers, where adaptability and time management are essential skills. It also allows people who may otherwise not be able to attend a traditional institution in person the same opportunity to learn.

    Digital literacy and technological proficiency

    Remote learning requires students to navigate various digital platforms, tools and resources, fostering digital literacy and technological proficiency. These skills are increasingly vital in virtually every industry, as technology continues to transform the way we work and communicate.

    Self-directed learning and autonomy

    Remote learning often encourages self-directed learning, where students take greater responsibility for their education, set learning goals, and manage their progress independently. This cultivates autonomy and self-motivation, qualities highly valued in the modern workplace, where employees are expected to take initiative and drive their own professional development.

    Global perspective and cultural competence

    Remote learning platforms facilitate collaboration and interaction among students from diverse cultural backgrounds and geographical locations. Engaging with peers from around the world fosters a global perspective, cultural competence, and cross-cultural communication skills, essential for success in an increasingly interconnected and globalized workforce.

    Collaboration and teamwork skills

    While remote, students often participate in group projects, discussions and virtual teamwork exercises, honing their collaboration and communication skills in digital environments. These skills are invaluable in many careers, where collaboration across distributed teams and effective virtual communication are becoming increasingly common.

    Problem-solving and critical thinking

    Remote learning activities often emphasize problem-solving, critical thinking and analytical skills as students engage with complex challenges and real-world scenarios. These cognitive skills are essential for navigating uncertainty and innovation in future careers, where the ability to analyze information, think critically and propose creative solutions is highly prized.

    Adaptability to changing technologies and industries

    Remote learning exposes students to a variety of digital tools, software and online platforms, helping them adapt to rapidly changing technologies and industries. By staying abreast of emerging trends and mastering new tools, students develop a mindset of lifelong learning and adaptability, crucial for success in careers that continually evolve.

    Professional networking and career development

    Remote learning platforms often provide opportunities for students to connect with industry professionals, mentors and alumni networks, expanding their professional network and gaining insights into potential career paths. Building relationships with professionals in their field of interest can open doors to internships, job opportunities and career guidance, facilitating a smoother transition from education to employment.

    The future of remote learning is poised to undergo significant transformations driven by technological advancements, evolving educational paradigms and societal shifts. Here are just some key trends that may shape the future of remote learning…

    Hybrid learning models

    As we move forward, we're likely to see a blend of traditional classroom instruction and remote learning, known as hybrid learning. This model offers flexibility for both students and educators, allowing them to leverage the benefits of in-person interaction while also harnessing the advantages of remote technologies for convenience, accessibility and personalized learning experiences.

    Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)

    VR and AR technologies are expected to play a more prominent role in remote learning, offering immersive and interactive experiences that simulate real-world environments. These technologies can transport students to historical sites, enable hands-on experiments in science labs, and facilitate collaborative problem-solving activities, enhancing engagement and understanding.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and adaptive learning

    AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of data to personalize learning experiences, identify individual strengths and weaknesses, and offer targeted interventions. Adaptive learning platforms can adjust the pace, content and instructional methods based on each student's learning preferences and performance, optimizing learning outcomes and promoting mastery of concepts.

    Microlearning and bite-sized content

    With attention spans decreasing and the demand for just-in-time learning increasing, microlearning—delivering content in small, digestible chunks—is gaining popularity. Microlearning modules, delivered through mobile devices and online platforms, enable learners to access relevant information quickly, retain knowledge more effectively, and apply it immediately in real-world contexts.

    Gamification and interactive content

    Gamification elements such as badges, leaderboards and rewards can enhance motivation, engagement and retention in remote learning environments. Interactive content, such as simulations, quizzes and branching scenarios, not only makes learning more enjoyable but also facilitates active participation, critical thinking and skill development.

    Social learning and collaboration tools

    Remote learning platforms will continue to integrate social learning features such as discussion forums, group projects and peer feedback mechanisms. Collaboration tools like video conferencing, instant messaging and shared document editing enable synchronous and asynchronous communication, fostering interaction, teamwork and community building among students and educators.

    Data-driven decision making

    The collection and analysis of learning analytics data will enable educators and administrators to gain insights into student progress, engagement levels and learning preferences. By leveraging data-driven decision-making processes, institutions can identify areas for improvement, personalize interventions and optimize instructional strategies to enhance student success and retention rates.

    Continued emphasis on equity and inclusion

    As remote learning becomes more prevalent, it's crucial to address issues of access, digital literacy, and socioeconomic disparities. Efforts to bridge the digital divide, provide equitable access to technology and resources, and create inclusive learning environments for diverse populations will be essential in shaping the future of remote learning.

    In summary, by leveraging the opportunities provided by remote learning, students, job seekers and career changers can develop the skills and competencies needed to thrive in a dynamic and rapidly changing job market.

  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (7)
    • Just for fun
    • Linguistics and culture

    Fantasy, the English language and Tolkien

    By Charlotte Guest

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    A large number of well-known writers have often created or coined words that are used in everyday English. When you think of authors, prominent figures like Shakespeare may come to mind. He enriched the English language with words like "amazement," "bedazzled," and "fashionable." Charles Dickens introduced "boredom," showcasing his talent for capturing profound human emotions and societal issues in a single word. Lewis Carroll added whimsical words to our lexicon, including "chortle," a delightful mix of 'chuckle' and 'snort.'

    But Tolkien is another one of those authors who has added to the English language's colorful dictionary. Tolkien did not just create worlds; he also enriched our language, adding a lexicon that elicits the smell of mead in crowded halls and the sight of smoky mountains veiled in mystery. Language enthusiasts and fantasy fans alike join us on this philological adventure as we uncover the words that J.R.R. Tolkien, the mastermind behind Middle-earth, either coined or brought into the limelight.

  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (8)
    • Language teaching
    • Technology and the future

    The potential of AI in English language teaching

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    The integration of Artificial Intelligence systems (AI) into English language teaching represents a significant shift in educational methodologies. This emerging technology offers English teachers a myriad of opportunities to enhance their teaching strategies, making the learning process more engaging, personalized and effective. In this blog post, we will explore practical tips on how AI can aid English language teaching and empower both educators and learners.

    One noteworthy reference highlighting AI's impact on education is the report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 'Digital Education Outlook 2023'. This comprehensive study outlines how AI technologies, assists administrative and assessment aspects of teaching but also revolutionizes the way students learn. AI tools are paving the way for a more adaptable and learner-centric approach in English language teaching by offering bespoke, adaptive learning pathways and instant feedback.

    How is AI currently being used in schools?

    Currently, schools are just beginning to harness the power of AI to enhance English language learning in several innovative ways. One notable application of educational technology is the use of intelligent tutoring systems, which provide students with personalized feedback and learning paths tailored to their individual needs and proficiency levels.

    Additionally, AI-driven language learning apps and platforms have become increasingly popular, offering interactive and immersive learning experiences through natural language processing and machine learning technologies.

    These platforms can simulate conversation practice, offer pronunciation correction, and even adapt the content in real-time to challenge students appropriately.

    Furthermore, AI is also being used for administrative tasks, such as grading and assessing students' work, allowing teachers more time to focus on curriculum development and one-on-one student interaction. This integration of AI into English language teaching is enhancing the efficiency of learning processes and actively contributing to a more engaging and dynamic educational environment.

    How AI can enhance English language teaching

    Personalization at scale

    AI systems can analyze individual student learning styles and preferences, allowing for personalized lesson plans that cater to the unique needs of every student. By customizing content, pacing and learning activities, AI ensures that students remain engaged and receive targeted support, significantly improving learning outcomes.

    Interactive learning experiences

    AI-powered applications, educational games and tools can create immersive and interactive language learning experiences. From chatbots that simulate conversation, to platforms that offer real-time feedback on pronunciation, these tools can help students to practice speaking and listening skills in a controlled and safe environment outside the traditional classroom setting.

    Autonomous learning support

    With the assistance of AI, students can self-study more effectively. AI tutoring systems can provide instant feedback on written work, ensuring learners can progress even when a teacher isn't immediately available to teach. These systems offer consistent, unbiased support, which is invaluable for building students' confidence.

    Enhanced assessment capabilities

    Assessment is a crucial part of the learning process. AI can take on the laborious task of grading and provide detailed insights into a student's performance. Teachers can then use this data to identify areas where students struggle and tailor future instruction to address these gaps.

    Expanding the creative horizons

    AI's applications extend into creative writing, offering students prompts and suggestions to overcome writer's block and develop storylines. This enhances creativity and motivation in students by providing them with a springboard for their writing skills.

    Utilizing ChatGPT in language teaching

    ChatGPT, an AI language model, can aid and save time on the way language lessons are conducted by creating a highly interactive and responsive environment for students. Teachers can harness this technology to simulate real-life conversations, enabling students to practice their language skills in a dynamic setting. Students can also be encouraged to use it to start first drafts and use their critical thinking.

    By inputting specific scenarios or topics, ChatGPT can generate dialogues that challenge and teach students how to use new vocabulary and grammar structures in context, bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. Furthermore, its capacity to provide immediate feedback allows learners to correct their mistakes in real time, fostering a learning atmosphere that is both efficient and encouraging.

    The versatility of these kinds of AI chatbots means they can be tailored to suit learners at different proficiency levels, making them an invaluable tool for language teachers aiming to enhance engagement and facilitate deeper learning.

    Tips for teachers integrating AI in English lessons

    1. Start with a clear goal: define what you aim to achieve by incorporating AI into your lessons.
    2. Combine traditional and AI methods: use AI as a complement, not a substitute, for human interaction.
    3. Prioritize privacy and ethics: ensure any AI tools used are compliant with privacy laws and ethical standards.
    4. Stay updated: AI is a fast-evolving field. Attend professional development webinars and workshops to stay current.
    5. Foster a growth mindset: encourage students to view AI as a tool to aid their own effort and perseverance.
    6. Demystify technology: explain how AI works, alleviating any concerns or misapprehensions about its use.
    7. Experiment and iterate: not every AI application will suit your classroom – be prepared to try different tools and approaches.

    What about cheating and plagiarism with AI?

    The issue of cheating and plagiarism is a significant concern in our higher education institutions and is becoming more pronounced with the advent of AI technologies. However, AI itself can be a formidable ally in combating these challenges. AI-powered tools can analyze student submissions to detect plagiarism effectively, providing educators with robust mechanisms to ensure the integrity of academic work. Additionally, AI systems can be programmed to recognize students' unique writing styles, making it easier to identify discrepancies that suggest dishonesty.

    It's important for educators to discuss these topics openly with students, emphasizing the value of originality and the serious consequences of academic misconduct. By leveraging AI not just for educational enhancement but also as a means of maintaining academic standards, educators can foster a culture of honesty and integrity within the classroom.

    The AI webinar series for English teachers

    To fully unlock the potential of AI in the world of English language teaching, continuous learning is a must. We're excited to introduce an upcoming webinar series that will guide English teachers through the nuances of AI:

    Featured webinar series: Unlocking the potential of AI in English language learning

    From March 11 to March 15, 2024, join us for a series of engaging webinars designed for English teachers. Delve into various topics including generative AI, speaking practice, ethics and storytelling.

    Benefit from insights shared by experts like Ken Beatty, Kacper Łodzikowski, Magdalena Kania, Billie Jago and Ilya Gogin. Plus, earn a professional development certificate for your participation.

    Webinar sessions:

    • Artificial Intelligence: Shining Light in the Language Classroom – get an overview of AI in language learning and best practices for integration.
    • A Teachers' Guide to Safe and Ethical AI Usage for Learners – gain insights into safe and ethical AI integration in the classroom.
    • Practice English Speaking with AI – learn how to use AI to build learners' confidence in speaking.
    • AI and Storytelling – harness AI's power to inspire creativity and improve narrative skills.
    • Teaching in the Age of AI – prepare for the educational evolution with actionable tips.

    Join us as we explore the frontiers of AI in education and discuss how to prepare for the evolving educational landscape. It's time to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools required to thrive in an AI-influenced educational environment.

  • Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (9)
    • Study prep
    • English language testing

    Ace the listening section: Tips for English test prep

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Passing an English proficiency test is a milestone for many non-fluent speakers. Among the different sections in such tests, the listening part can often present unique challenges. In most standardized English tests, your ability to comprehend and respond to spoken English will be put under scrutiny.

    This blog post is dedicated to helping you, the ambitious test-taker, sharpen your listening skills and equip you with strategies to excel in the listening section of your English test.

Blogs - Language Learning | Pearson Languages (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.