BMW Mission Statement 2024 | BMW Mission & Vision Analysis (2024)

BMW’s mission statement is “to become the world’s leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility.” The statement shows that BMW has come of age and no longer settles on normal or what can be defined as satisfactory products. Instead, the company goes beyond this expectation to bring first-class cars, and that explains why the German corporation is held in high ostentation across the globe. The mission statement has the outlined features:

  1. Improving lives. To satisfy the first component of its mission statement, BMW(Bayerische Motoren Werke AG) takes into consideration the diverse needs of its customers while designing its products. The cars, for instance, come with unique features that make the life of its users both easy and fun. Some of these comprise outstanding interiors and excellent performance. BMW indicates that these features are a reflection of the lifestyle of its customers, and how much they enjoy the integration of the best technologies in their products. As if fun is not enough, BMW recognizes how valuable time is through its prospect of bringingautonomous cars to its customers.
  2. Improving communities. The ambitious goals at BMW that comprise the development of the company with both the society and environment in mind show how responsible this corporation is. BMW is inseparable from people in everything it does, from designing cars driven by the needs of the user, to the recognition of how their work interacts with the natural environment. The company also engages in social and sponsorship activities to contribute to the overall welfare of the people. Its role in the growth of sports across the globe is just a snippet of the diverse impacts of BMW. While improving communities, BMW also ensures that all its production activities and products remain resource-friendly for environmental protection.
  3. Global reach. BMW has gradually grown into a global brand due to its focus on quality. In fact, there is no doubt that it is now a household name that has expanded its operations in virtually every country. The most unique element that enables BMW to satisfy this global reach feature is that it understands the critical regional business landscapes, and this plays a major role in its global stability.

Table of Contents


The mission and vision statements by BMW distinguish it as a dynamic and change-oriented corporation. The focus on creating exceptional designs not only for its customers but also for challenging other companies in the automobile manufacturing industries has positioned it at the top in terms of excellence. In fact, it is highly coveted in the modern era, setting an example of how a persistent and determined company in the industry should be.

All these achievements by BMW(Bayerische Motoren Werke AG) are stimulated by the influence of its mission and vision statements. A corporate vision statement identifies the future potential of a business, and by doing so, sets it as the primary goal for the company. BMW’s vision statement shows that the company is all about the leadership it can depict in the manufacturing industry.

On the other hand, a corporate mission statement shows the strategic approaches that the management sees fit to drive the overall growth and development of a company towards the vision. In the case of BMW, its vision statement professes how passionate the corporation is in making the mobility of its customers memorable through its state-of-the-art products and automobiles.

Here, BMW(Bayerische Motoren Werke AG) focusses on using the most progressive ways to improve the experience of its clients. The continued dominance of BMW in this industry since 1916 also has a lot to do with its core values that have remained unchanged. With its core values such as responsibility and transparency, the company has managed to refocus its mission and vision statement to align with the demands of the automobile industry in the contemporary era.


BMW’s vision statement is “to be the most successful premium manufacturer in the industry.” The statement reveals the indicators that the company wants to define its growth path. Moreover, with this quality, BMW can affirm its leadership and influence in the automobile manufacturing sector. The vision statement shows that BMW is:

  1. The most successful. To remain at the top as the most thriving, BMW ensures that it continues to invest in promising growth strategies. It does this by making innovations its first priority. In this way, BMW is always a step ahead of its competitors when it comes to providing what the markets need most in terms of mobility. Visualizing the future is, essentially, what BMW is good at, and this explains the differences in the quality of its products. In fact, these have enabled the company to secure a loyal market segment while earning the tag of the most progressive and vibrant manufacturer.
  2. Premium manufacturer. The second feature in the vision statement of BMW emphasizes the leadership position the company has assumed. It shows that BMW no longer competes with other car and motorcycle manufacturers. Instead, the company sets the pace for the rest including in the use of the latest technologies.


BMW’s core values comprise “responsibility, appreciation, transparency, trust, and openness.” The present core values of BMW agree with the original expectations of the founders of this company. Although the business model of BMW shifted from its early aircraft design to cars and motorcycles, the company has maintained these principles of operations.

The consistency recorded by BMW for decades is directly related to the culture of responsibility in all its manufacturing plants. BMW faithfully and dedicatedly warms the hearts of its customers not only with their products but also by its commitment to social responsibilities. The ability of BMW to maintain this practice is seconded by the culture of appreciation where the corporation recognizes the importance of all stakeholders and the environment. In addition, BMW emphasizes the difference that emerges when the company complies with the relevant standards and cooperates with other bodies such as the authorities. In this way, it builds trust and fosters the sharing of ideas that translate to limitless growth.

BMW Mission Statement History

BMW’s mission statement has indeed evolved over time to reflect the changing dynamics of the automotive industry and the company’s strategic objectives. Let’s explore the mission statement history of BMW, grouped by year from the most recent to the oldest.

  • Present (2021-2023)

To become the world’s leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility.

BMW’s current mission statement emphasizes the company’s ambition to position itself as the foremost provider of premium products and services in the realm of individual mobility. This statement reflects BMW’s commitment to offering high-quality vehicles and innovative services to meet its customers’ evolving needs and desires.

  • 2016-2020

To be the most successful premium manufacturer in the industry.

During this period, BMW focused on its aspiration to be the most successful premium automaker. The mission statement highlighted the company’s determination to lead the industry in terms of market share, profitability, and overall success. This statement underscored BMW’s pursuit of excellence and its dedication to maintaining a competitive edge in the premium segment.

  • The early 2000s

The BMW Group is the world’s leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility.

In the early 2000s, BMW’s mission statement emphasized its position as the world’s leading provider of premium products and services for individual mobility. This statement showcased the company’s commitment to delivering top-tier automobiles and related services, catering to the unique needs and preferences of discerning customers.

  • The late 1990s

The world’s leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility.

During the late 1990s, BMW’s mission statement remained largely similar to the early 2000s, emphasizing its status as the leading provider of premium products and services for individual mobility. This statement reflected BMW’s focus on delivering high-quality vehicles and associated services to enhance the driving experience for its customers.

  • The early 1990s (1992-1993)

To become the leading supplier of premium products and premium services for individual mobility.

In the early 1990s, BMW’s mission statement shifted slightly, with an emphasis on becoming the leading supplier of premium products and services for individual mobility. This statement showcased the company’s ambition to not only be a dominant player in the premium segment but also to set the standard for quality and innovation in the industry.

  • The late 1980s

To be the world’s leading manufacturer of premium automobiles.

During the late 1980s, BMW’s mission statement focused primarily on its goal of becoming the world’s leading manufacturer of premium automobiles. This statement highlighted the company’s dedication to producing top-of-the-line vehicles and solidified BMW’s reputation as a luxury automaker.

  • The early 1970s

To become a world leader in the manufacture of automobiles and motorcycles.

In the early 1970s, BMW’s mission statement centered around its ambition to become a world leader in the manufacturing of automobiles and motorcycles. This statement reflected the company’s determination to expand its presence globally and establish itself as a prominent player in the automotive industry.

It’s important to note that mission statements can evolve over time to align with changing business objectives, market conditions, and societal trends. The outlined mission statement history of BMW provides a glimpse into how the company’s strategic focus has shifted while maintaining a commitment to providing premium products and services for individual mobility.


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BMW Mission Statement 2024 | BMW Mission & Vision Analysis (2024)


What is the vision and mission statement of BMW? ›

The BMW Group aspires to be the most successful, most sustainable premium manufacturer for individual mobility. To achieve this ambitious goal, we are creating more and more, increasingly comprehensive sustainability solutions.

What is BMW Vision? ›

The BMW Vision Neue Klasse – a sporty saloon. Clear, elegant and timeless in its design. Large surfaces, distinctive lines, reduced to the essentials. A fresh interpretation of the brand's signature design elements transform the look of the vehicle, such as the kidney grille and headlights.

What is vision and mission analysis? ›

A mission statement defines the organization's business, its objectives, and how it will reach these objectives. A vision statement details where the organization aspires to go. Why does your company exist? What do you hope to accomplish in the next several years?

What are the 5 core values of BMW? ›

There are 5 core values which the whole of the BMW Group including the company adhere to and these are Responsibility, Appreciation, Transparency, Trust and Openness. These five core values encompass principles of action which define the framework for cooperation within the BMW Group of companies.

What is the future plan for BMW? ›

As early as 2023, the Group will offer at least one fully electric model in virtually all key segments. From 2025 onwards, the BMW Group plans to increase its delivery share of all-electric vehicles to 50% with the Neue Klasse, while also further reducing its carbon footprint over the entire life cycle.

What is the main future challenge BMW will face? ›

The BMW Group currently sees challenges in various areas, including political uncertainty, a cooling global economy (partly due to international trade conflicts), rising production costs to meet regulatory requirements, exchange rate effects and rising raw materials prices.

Is BMW Vision real? ›

BMW Panoramic Vision, 3D Head-Up Display, Central and a multifunction steering wheel are part of the next generation BMW iDrive. It projects information across the entire breadth of the windscreen. Be it virtual virtual driving information, infotainment or navigation.

What is the slogan of BMW? ›

Why is the BMW slogan “Sheer driving pleasure”? What is the logic behind the BMW model designations? You'll find answers to these questions and everything about BMW here.

What is BMW Vision Next 100? ›

The BMW VISION NEXT 100 sports dynamic wheel arches that help intelligently reduce drag and lower energy consumption. Fully closed during straight-line driving, the wheel arches remain flush to the car's streamlined body for optimal aerodynamics.

What is the mission vision and objectives? ›

Mission is a general statement of how you will achieve your vision. Strategies are a series of ways of using the mission to achieve the vision. Goals are statements of what needs to be accomplished to implement the strategy. Objectives are specific actions and timelines for achieving the goal.

What is the mission vision and values? ›

The mission statement communicates the purpose of the organization. The vision statement provides insight into what the company hopes to achieve or become in the future. The values statement reflects the organization's core principles and ethics.

What are the 3 parts of a mission statement? ›

What are the three parts to a mission statement? A mission statement includes what a company does, the organization's purpose, and/or what it wants to achieve, and its values or how it wants to achieve those goals.

What are the key values of BMW? ›

Our core values.
  • Openness. We are excited by change and open to new opportunities. ...
  • Transparency. We do not embellish, but point out contradictions constructively. ...
  • Responsibility. We take consistent decisions and commit to them personally. ...
  • Trust. We trust and rely on each other. ...
  • Appreciation.

What is BMW ethos? ›

At the very essence of BMW's design ethos lies a trinity of principles that could be considered the brand's philosophical cornerstone: simplicity, innovation, and elegance. The manifestation of simplicity is evident in the clean lines and uncluttered surfaces that define the contours of every BMW vehicle.

What does BMW believe in? ›

The BMW Group has long been supporting educational projects at its sites worldwide. We believe education is the engine that drives social development, generating growth, prosperity and social stability. Since late 2023, we have been collaborating with UNICEF, a strong partner, to further expand our commitment.

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Mission and Vision of Samsung

Samsung follows a simple business philosophy: to devote its talent and technology to creating superior products and services that contribute to a better global society. The mission of Samsung is: Supporting people to be their best [On the basis of human resources & technologies]

What is the motto of BMW? ›

Why is the BMW slogan “Sheer driving pleasure”?

What is the brand message of BMW? ›

The brand's tagline, "The Ultimate Driving Machine," is something that has really stuck with consumers. It helps to emphasize the idea that BMW vehicles are made for people who want an amazing driving experience.

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