Car ownership (2024)

There were over 8million passenger car registrations in the Netherlands at the start of2017. With a population of over 17million, this means 481passenger cars for every thousand inhabitants; less than the EU average of 505cars per thousand inhabitants. Which country has the largest number of ‘young’ passenger cars? Which country has the highest diesel car sales?

With 662cars per thousand inhabitants, Luxembourg has the highest car ownership rate in the EU, followed by Italy (625) and Malta (615). The country with the lowest rate is Romania with only 261cars per thousand inhabitants. Other countries with low car ownership are Latvia and Hungary with fewer than 350cars per thousand inhabitants.

Most young cars in Ireland

The youngest car fleet is found in Ireland: 24.6percent of all cars on Irish roads are no more than two years old. Denmark (23.3percent) and Luxembourg (23.1percent) also have relatively high shares of cars under two years of age. With 15.1percent, the Netherlands ranks eighth among the 24EU countries for which this information is available.

In just over half of the EU countries, more than 50percent of the car fleet is over ten years old. This is the case for 40.5percent of the Dutch car fleet.

"}),a?"map"==e.options.chart.type&&n?cbs.renderer.footNote=e.renderer.text(l,t,i,!0).css({fontSize:"7.5px",fontFamily:v}).add():cbs.renderer.footNote=e.renderer.text(l,t,i+40,!0).css({width:e.chartWidth-t-cbs.renderer.itemMargin,fontSize:b,fontFamily:v}).add():cbs.renderer.footNote=e.renderer.text(l,t,i,!0).css({width:e.chartWidth-t-cbs.renderer.itemMargin}).add()}return o}; cbs.renderer['renderSource'] = function l(e,t,i){var o=e.options.settings.forPrint,n="map"==e.options.chart.mapType,a=e.options.sources.prefix+" "+e.options.sources.text;o?"map"==e.options.chart.type&&n?cbs.renderer.source=e.renderer.text(a,t,i).css({fontSize:"7.5px",fontFamily:v}).add():cbs.renderer.source=e.renderer.text(a,t,i+20).css({fontSize:b,fontFamily:v}).add():cbs.renderer.source=e.renderer.text(a,t,i).add()}; cbs.renderer['positionLegend'] = function d(e,t,i){var o=e.legend&&;return o&&,i),o}; cbs.renderer['calculateMarginBottom'] = function h(e){if(e){var t=cbs.renderer.itemMargin,i=t,o=e.options.chart.type,n=e.options.chart.geoType,a=e.options.settings.forPrint;cbs.renderer.footNote&&(i+=Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.footNote.getBBox().height)+t),cbs.renderer.source&&(i+=Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.source.getBBox().height)+t);var r=e.legend&&;if(r&&(i+=Math.ceil(,"map"===o&&("district"===n||"neighborhood"===n?i+="mapbubble"===e.options.chart.mapType?10:18:i-=82),a&&(i+=2*t)),"map"!==o)if("bar"===o){if(i+=e.yAxis[0].labelGroup.getBBox().height+(e.options.yAxis[0].tickLength||0)+t,cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle){var l=cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle?Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle.getBBox().height)+t:0;i+=l}}else cbs.renderer.xAxisBg&&(i+=cbs.renderer.xAxisBg.getBBox().height+t);("map"===o||e.options.chart.polar)&&(i+=cbs.renderer.logoHeight+t,a&&(i+=3*t)),i=Math.ceil(i);var s=i-(e.options.chart.marginBottom||0);(s<-1||s>1)&&e.update({chart:{marginBottom:i}})}};})();

25% of cars less than 2years old in Ireland

15% of cars less than 2years old in the Netherlands

Few new diesel cars in the Netherlands

In2018, over 15million new passenger cars were sold in the European Union. Slightly more than one-third were diesel-powered vehicles. In Bulgaria, Ireland, Portugal and Italy, more than half of all new cars sold were diesel-driven. The share of diesels was smallest in the Netherlands: 12.9percent, down from 24.8percent five years previously (2013).

Out of all new cars sold in the European Union in2018, 2percent were plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). In the Netherlands, PEVs accounted for 6.7percent of all new cars sold, the largest share in the EU after Sweden (8percent). Poland had the lowest share of new PEVs: 0.2percent.

" }), a ? "map" == e.options.chart.type && n ? cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i, !0).css({ fontSize: "7.5px", fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i + 40, !0).css({ width: e.chartWidth - t - cbs.renderer.itemMargin, fontSize: b, fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.footNote = e.renderer.text(l, t, i, !0).css({ width: e.chartWidth - t - cbs.renderer.itemMargin }).add() } return o }; cbs.renderer['renderSource'] = function l(e, t, i) { var o = e.options.settings.forPrint, n = "map" == e.options.chart.mapType, a = e.options.sources.prefix + " " + e.options.sources.text; o ? "map" == e.options.chart.type && n ? cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i).css({ fontSize: "7.5px", fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i + 20).css({ fontSize: b, fontFamily: v }).add() : cbs.renderer.source = e.renderer.text(a, t, i).add() }; cbs.renderer['positionLegend'] = function d(e, t, i) { var o = e.legend &&; return o &&, i), o }; // cbs.renderer['calculateMarginBottom'] = function h(e) { // if (e) { // var t = cbs.renderer.itemMargin, // i = t, // o = e.options.chart.type, // n = e.options.chart.geoType, // a = e.options.settings.forPrint; // cbs.renderer.footNote && (i += Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.footNote.getBBox().height) + t), cbs.renderer.source && (i += // Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.source.getBBox().height) + t); // var r = e.legend &&; // if (r && (i += Math.ceil( + t, "map" === o && ("district" === n || "neighborhood" === // n ? i += "mapbubble" === e.options.chart.mapType ? 10 : 18 : i -= 82), a && (i += 2 * t)), "map" !== o) // if ("bar" === o) { // if (i += e.yAxis[0].labelGroup.getBBox().height + (e.options.yAxis[0].tickLength || 0) + t, cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle) { // var l = cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle ? 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Math.ceil( + 30 : Math.ceil( - 0; } else a && (i += Math.ceil( + t); if ("map" !== o) if ("bar" === o) { if (i += e.yAxis[0].labelGroup.getBBox().height + (e.options.yAxis[0].tickLength || 0) + t, cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle) { var l = cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle ? Math.ceil(cbs.renderer.yAxisTitle.getBBox().height) + t : 0; i += l } } else cbs.renderer.xAxisBg && (i += cbs.renderer.xAxisBg.getBBox().height + t); ("map" === o || e.options.chart.polar) && (i += cbs.renderer.logoHeight + t), i = Math.ceil(i), e.options.chart.marginBottom !== i && e.update({ chart: { marginBottom: i } }) } }; cbs['pointDescriptionFormatter'] = function (e) { return e.value }; cbs['plotOptionsMapPointEventsClick'] = function plotOptionsMapPointEventsClick() { var e = this.series.chart.container.firstChild; return void 0 !== cbs.cloneToolTip && void 0 !== e && (jQuery.contains(e, cbs.cloneToolTip) && e.removeChild(cbs.cloneToolTip), cbs.cloneToolTip.textContent === this.series.chart.tooltip.label.element.textContent) ? void(cbs.cloneToolTip = void 0) : (cbs.cloneToolTip = this.series.chart.tooltip.label.element.cloneNode(!0), void e.appendChild(cbs.cloneToolTip)) }; cbs['plotOptionsMapPointEventsSelect'] = function plotOptionsMapPointEventsSelect(e) { var t = (t) { if (t.statcode === return t }); this.series.chart.tooltip.isHidden = !0, this.series.chart.tooltip.refresh(t[0]); var i = this.series.chart.container.firstChild; return void 0 !== cbs.cloneToolTip && void 0 !== i && (jQuery.contains(i, cbs.cloneToolTip) && i.removeChild(cbs.cloneToolTip), cbs.cloneToolTip.textContent === this.series.chart.tooltip.label.element.textContent) ? void(cbs.cloneToolTip = void 0) : (cbs.cloneToolTip = this.series.chart.tooltip.label.element.cloneNode(!0), void i.appendChild(cbs.cloneToolTip)) }; cbs['legendLabelFormatter'] = function mapLegendLabelFormatter() { this.legendGroup.element.onclick = null; var e = this.chart.options.selectedCultureId, t = this.chart.options.legend.noDataEnabled, i = "", o = function (e, t) { var i = e, o = t.chart.tooltip.options.valuePrefix; return o && (i = "".concat(o, e)), i }; if (void 0 !== e) if ( === cbs.noDataLegendItemId) i = t ? this.chart.options.lang.legend.noData : ""; else { i = void 0 !== this.from ? o(Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(this.displayValueFrom, this.from), this) + " " : this.chart .options.lang.legend.less + " ", void 0 !== this.from && void 0 !== && (i += this.chart.options.lang.legend .to + " "), i += "" + (void 0 !== ? o(Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(this.displayValueTo,, this) : this.chart.options.lang.legend.more); var n = this.chart.tooltip.options.valueSuffix; n && (i += " (" + n.trim() + ")") } return i }; cbs['dataLabelFormatter'] = function i() { var e = ""; if (void 0 !== this.point.value && null !== this.point.value && this.point.plotX && this.point.plotY ? e = this.point .valueString : this.point.yString && (e = this.point.yString), "pie" === this.series.chart.options.chart.type) { var t = (100 * this.point.y /; e = Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(t) + " %" } else e = "." === e ? "" : e && this.series.chart.options.barType && this.series.chart.options.barType.negative && 0 == e.indexOf("-") ? e.substring(1) : Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(e); return e }; cbs['downloadGeoJson'] = function l(e) { return jQuery.getJSON(e).done(function (e) { cl(e), chart && chart.update({ accessibility: { pointDescriptionFormatter: cbs.pointDescriptionFormatter }, chart: { map: e }, plotOptions: { map: { point: { events: { click: cbs.plotOptionsMapPointEventsClick, select: cbs.plotOptionsMapPointEventsSelect } } }, mapbubble: { point: { events: { click: cbs.plotOptionsMapPointEventsClick, select: cbs.plotOptionsMapPointEventsSelect } } }, series: { dataLabels: { formatter: cbs.dataLabelFormatter } } }, legend: { //labelFormatter: cbs.legendLabelFormatter } }), cbs.setSerieVisibility() }) }; cbs['setSerieVisibility'] = function r() { if (chart) { for (var e in chart.series) { var t = chart.series[e]; t.options.isSerie ? === cbs.selectedSerie && t.options.periode === cbs.selectedPeriod ? t.visible || : t.hide() : } chart.reflow(), chart.legend.update() } }; cbs['mapTooltipFormatter'] = function e() { var e = this.series.chart.options.lang.tooltip.nullDataMessage, t = this.series.tooltipOptions.valueSuffix || "", i = this.series.tooltipOptions.valuePrefix || ""; if (! for (var o = ["wijknaam", "buurtnaam"], n = ["wijkcode", "buurtcode"], a = 0; a < o.length; a++)[ o[a]] && ( =[o[a]], =[n[a]]); var r = ? + ": " : ""; if (this.series.tooltipOptions.shared) { var l = this, s = "" + r + "
"; return chart.options.series.forEach(function (o) { if (o.isSerie) { var n = (e) { if (e.statcode === return e })[0]; if (n) { var a = "." === n.valueString ? e : i + Highcharts.cbsFormatNumber(n.valueString) + t; s += + ": " + a + "
" } } }), s += "
" } var d = "." === this.valueString ? e : i + this.valueString + t; return r + "" + d + "" }; cbs['selectedPeriod'] = "2018"; cbs['selectedSerie'] = "Share of diesel in new passenger-car sales"; })();

Car ownership (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.