Google On Whether Sites Should Hide Affiliate Links (2024)

Google’s John Mueller answers a question about affiliate links and whether it’s beneficial to hide them from search engines.

This is discussed in the latest installment of the Ask Googlebot series on YouTube. Specifically, Mueller addresses the following question:

“Is it any good to hide store/affiliate links?”

It’s an interesting question to tackle, considering hiding content from search engine crawlers is against Google’s guidelines regardless of what the content is.

Nevertheless, Mueller answers it to the best of his ability. Before addressing the question Mueller briefly explains what affiliate links are.

Affiliate links are links to other businesses. The site owner placing the links will get paid when users go to those businesses and buy products or services.

As far as Google is concerned, affiliate links are perfectly fine. It’s acceptable to use them as a way of monetizing a website.

With that said, there are two important aspects to keep in mind in order to stay within Google’s guidelines.

Mueller goes on to explain what those aspects are while addressing whether there’s any benefit to hiding affiliate links.

Related: 11 Amazing Affiliate Marketing Blogs

Google’s John Mueller On Correct Use Of Affiliate Links

Google considers affiliate links an acceptable form of monetization as long as two conditions are met.

First, the website should provide unique content and value all on its own.

It’s easy to republish a generic or low-quality product description, but users can get those anywhere on the web.

Users expect to find something useful on the website too, especially if they’re searching with intent to purchase.

The second condition is affiliate links should be declared. Site owners are required to declare affiliate links both for users and for search engines.

For users, it’s worth checking with local regulations regarding what you need to do. Different locations have varying laws around disclosure of affiliate links.

For search engines, site owners should use the rel=”nofollow” or rel=”sponsored” link attributes to express that it’s an affiliate link.

It’s not necessary to hide or obfuscate affiliate links for search engines, Mueller says.

There’s no need to use any type of automatic JavaScript, on-click handling, or cloaking.

Just link to affiliates as normal and declare them so Google can treat the links appropriately.

If you use JavaScript to add affiliate links, remember to use the appropriate attributes there too.

Mueller acknowledges that affiliate links are often used within the context of product reviews.If that’s the case for your site, Mueller suggests checking to see if there’s any structured data that might be appropriate to implement on your pages.

Mueller didn’t mention this part, but it’s important to note here that Google rolled out an algorithm update targeted at product reviews back in April.

In short, Google is getting more strict regarding the quality of product reviews. Site owners that publish product reviews need to familiarize themselves with the details of this update in order to stay on the good side of Google’s algorithms.

Source: YouTube

Category News SEO

Google On Whether Sites Should Hide Affiliate Links (2024)


Does Google penalize affiliate links? ›

The answer to this is a direct, firm no.

They very much do not penalized based on the presence of affiliate links alone. There is nothing wrong with being an affiliate marketer, there is nothing wrong with using affiliate links, and there is nothing wrong with making money from referrals in this manner.

Do affiliate links hurt SEO? ›

In doing so, they can inadvertently deprive themselves of revenue. Affiliate links are a perfect example. There's a common misconception that adding affiliate links to a page will negatively impact SEO ranking. In reality, they have no impact on your SEO.

Does Google allow affiliate links? ›

Google Ads can be used for affiliate marketing, though there are some restrictions. Affiliate marketers cannot use the paid search results of Google Ads to drive traffic directly to an affiliate product.

Should you cloak your affiliate links? ›

Therefore, cloaking your URL is crucial for the success of your affiliate program. It makes your link simple, easy to remember, and more user-friendly. Without link cloaking, your visitors might see the URL as suspicious and harmful. For that reason, this article will dive deeper into link cloaking.

Does Google hate affiliate sites? ›

Google does not hate affiliate websites, Google does not penalize a website for using affiliate links and Google is not against monetization scripts.

How many affiliate links is too many? ›

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the type of blog post and the regulations of the website you are posting on. However, some website owners suggest that you limit the number of affiliate links in a blog post to two or three.

Do affiliate links count as backlinks? ›

Yes, affiliate links are backlinks and they can work for or against you when it comes to SEO.

What is an SEO strategy for affiliates? ›

Here are some of the most effective SEO tactics that can help you to get more traffic and sell more affiliate products: Leverage Featured Snippet and SERP Features optimizations. One-up your competitor's best content. Maximize your content ROI with better keyword research.

Do Amazon affiliate links hurt SEO? ›

Search engines can understand affiliate links. However, it does not hurt SEO as long as you don't misuse them. You will get rewards for helpful content by ranking on the higher result. So, you will not be penalized once you publish quality content and use affiliate links on your website.

Can I put Amazon affiliate links on my website? ›

To use Amazon Affiliate links, you need to sign up for the Amazon Associates program and obtain your unique affiliate tracking code. You can then add affiliate links to Amazon products on your website, and if a visitor clicks on one of those links and makes a purchase, you will earn a commission.

Can I put affiliate links on my website? ›

There are a few ways that you can share your affiliate link. One way is to post it on social media. You can also include it in your email signature or on your website. A great way to get started with adding affiliate links to your blog is through Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

What is affiliate cloaking? ›

It essentially masks the original URL and replaces it with a link that looks more natural to both visitors and browsers. Depending on your marketing strategies, cloaking affiliate links may increase click-through rate, reduce the chances of being blocked by search engines, and improve efficiency of your campaigns.

How do I secure my affiliate links? ›

Contents show
  1. Use Robust Partner Marketing Software.
  2. Implement Strong Authentication.
  3. Use encryption.
  4. Regular software updates.
  5. Provide security awareness and training to partners.
  6. Monitor for suspicious activity.
  7. Limit access to sensitive data.
Sep 30, 2023

How are affiliate links tracked? ›

Most affiliate programmes use JavaScript to store the cookie that tracks an affiliate ID. If there are any JavaScript errors on your website, the cookie may not be stored and thus, your affiliate will not be attributed commission when a customer makes a purchase.

Does Google penalize long URLs? ›

Although search engines like Google do not penalize long URLs per se, they could potentially cause negative user experiences, which might lower engagement levels with your page's content and affect ranking indirectly. Therefore, keeping your URL concise yet meaningful is advisable.

What is the Google link penalty? ›

A link penalty is a measure taken by search engines like Google to penalize websites that have engaged in link schemes or other black hat SEO tactics in an effort to manipulate their search rankings.

Does Google ignore bad links? ›

Do spammy links affect your ranking in Google search? Google says that in most cases, spammy links to a site will not hurt the site's ranking ability, and Google automatically ignores links from such sites, so webmasters should not worry too much about the negative impact of such spammy links on their websites.

Does Google penalize sites? ›

Google penalties are sanctions that Google imposes on websites for bad SEO practices. They lead to lower organic rankings and online visibility or even total removal of a site's pages from the search results (or SERPs).

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