How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (2024)

Define the problem you’re going to solve, then define the customers for which the problem will be solved. Next, identify the customer and the problem. After that, define a set of possible solutions. After, define a set of possible monetization strategies for that solution, test, and choose your business model.

Table of Contents

A business model design in seven steps

Time needed:1 day

How to create a business model in one day and seven simple steps

  1. Define the problem you’re going to solve

    At this stage, you need to start by looking at the problem you’re going to solve. It can be a functional problem, but also an emotional problem depending on the product and business model you’re creating. Limit the choice to up to three key problems your product and service will solve.

    How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (1)

  2. Define the customers for which the problem will be solved for

    Who are the people that are experiencing that problem? Define a set of three types of customers maximum for the problems you defined in step one. Ideally, each problem will be matched to a customer type. At the same time, the same customer type might experience multiple problems. Or one problem can be experienced by different customer types.

    How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (2)

  3. Define the key customer and the key problem

    You need to choose one among the top three customer types identified and one or more of the top three problems identified, where you’ll focus your attention. A business model can evolve in many different ways, and narrowing down the course of action can lead to better execution and experimentation of the business model. Thus, at the end of this step, you’ll have one key customer or alternatively one key problem to focus on.

    How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (3)

  4. Define a set of possible solutions

    List up to ten solutions that the problem can be solved with. From those ten, narrow down the three which can be implemented with ease, without too many financial resources or time resources (this is a one-day business model), and among these three, pick one!

    How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (4)

  5. Define a set of possible monetization strategies for that solution

    For the solution you picked, and the customer type, you’ll have defined a product or service. For that product or service define the maximum of five possible monetization strategies. Keep the two that can be quickly tested.

    How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (5)

  6. Test and choose

    Test the product and its monetization strategy and see which worked.

    How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (6)

  7. You have your business model

    Based on the key customer, key problem, the solution you provide, and the monetization model defined you have your business model!

    How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (7)

The most valuable asset any organization has is its business model.

Indeed, that is the way all the moving parts of the organization fit together to create a value chain.

The aim of the value chain is value creation for several players in that industry, market, and so on.

The business model is not static, it changes and evolves along with the scale of the organization.

The type ofbusiness model you designed for your company will not work if your company scales. You’ll need to rethink and redefine it.

This is even more evident in companies that are trying to innovate.

When those organizations create a new technology or an innovative approach to existing industries, it is critical to understand who are the players involved in that industry and how you’re creating value for them.

In this blog, we covered the business modelsof many organizations.

For instance, Google’s massive success is strictly connected to its business model.

The company managed to create a balance between several players in the publishing and information industry where each of those players gets back some value (economic and not) from having a relationship with Google.

Where do you start when it comes to creating a business model?

Related: Successful Types of Business Models You Need to Know

It’s all about business model design

The primary aim of a business model is to create a sustainable chain, able to unlock value for several players in a market, industry, or niche.

Therefore, this value chain will start from a value proposition, a promise you make to the key players and partners in that market, industry, or niche depending on where you start.

For instance, when PayPal started out it didn’t look to dominate the whole market. It started from a niche.

As Pether Thiel put it in his book, Zero to One:

The most successful companies make the core progression—to first dominate a specific niche and then scale to adjacent markets—a part of their founding narrative.

Indeed, PayPal began by identifying its most valuable partner, what at the time they called “power user.”

That was a choice driven by its business model design.

Therefore, instead of focusing on generically offering a service for everyone, PayPal focused on acquiring and attracting as many power users as possible.

Those power users were mostly on another platform that had already scaled up: eBay.

Thus, PayPal focused all its effort on acquiring those power users from eBay, fast!

Only after PayPal had drafted, tested, and validated a clear value proposition for a small, yet critical group of power users, it could move on to take larger and larger segments of that market.

What is a value proposition?

At its most basic level, a value proposition is a promise you make as an organization to deliver something (either monetary or advantage) to a critical player you have in our industry.

For instance, when Google started it showed right away it was capable of offering 10x of search results, at a faster speed and more relevant to users.

However, had Google kept its search engine primarily focused on providing paid results, it would not have taken off.

Instead, Google focused on offering relevant paid results but also a bunch of organic results.

In short, Google managed to index and rank the web pages from blogs, journals, news sites and any other website that made those pages available to Google for its index.

In exchange for that content, Google offered back visibility as qualified traffic toward those sites.

Indeed, search engines back then (at the end of the 1990s) were not focused on offering quality traffic.

Thus, most of the audience you got back to your site might have been quite relevant to your business.

Google instead, with its dominant search engine allowed publishers, and businesses (small and large) to gain customers.

That sealed an implicit deal “Me (Google) will send you qualified traffic that helps you grow your business if you (publisher, business, or whoever publishes on the web) offer me your content to be indexed.”

We might call that an implicit contract, which is the beginning of a value chain.

In fact, from this sort of contract part of the Google business model has been built. Imagine the scenario where Google was not attractive enough to provide qualified traffic to content producers.

They would have stopped offering their content for free by blocking access to the search engine.

Instead, they allowed Google to index their pages because the visibility they got was too attractive.

A business model is also about how you make money but how you make money isn’t your business model

One of the biggest misconceptions of the business model is to confuse it with the monetization strategy or the revenue model of the company.

While this is an essential piece of the puzzle, it is just one of the components of a successful business model.

In this blog, we’ve discussed at great length how companies make moneyas a way to start the discussion of a business model.

However, a business model implies the understanding of

operations, customer acquisition and retention, supply chain management, and the cost above and revenue aspects

According to the business model you designed over the years for your organization there will be a piece that plays a more critical role compared to others.

For instance, a vital component of the Coca-Cola business model is its distribution strategy.

For other companies like McDonald’s,the key to its business model success is the heavily franchised restaurants that helped the company scale up all over the world.

Each company will develop a uniquemodelamong the many types of business models which is what makes it thick in the long run!

What principles should I follow to create and design a business model?

Developing a deep understanding of your business model implies asking a few critical questions. For instance, some of those questions might be:

  • What value do I offer my potential customers? Or what problem do I solve with my product/service?
  • How do I charge my customers?
  • What does my acquisition costlook like?
  • What channels can I tap into to find my ideal customer?
  • Did I create a predictable revenue stream? If not what can I do to generate that?

Your business model will be based on a few critical assumptions about who your customers are, how your product or service should look like, what are the favorite channels to reach them, and a few others.

Those assumptions will be tested as soon as you start kicking off your operations.

Your main concern should be just that. You need to check those assumptions as quickly as possible.

Steve Blank has identified 17 principles in hisCustomer Development Manifesto:

  1. There Are No Facts Inside Your Building, So Get Outside
  2. Pair Customer Development with Agile Development
  3. Failure is an Integral Part of theSearch for the Business Model
  4. If You’re Afraid to Fail You’re Destined to Do So
  5. Iterations and Pivots are Driven by Insight
  6. Validate Your Hypotheses withExperiments
  7. Success Begins with Buy-In from Investors and Co-Founders
  8. No Business Plan Survives First Contact with Customers
  9. Not All Startups Are Alike
  10. Startup Metrics are Different from Existing Companies
  11. Agree on Market Type – It Changes Everything
  12. Fast, Fearless Decision-Making, Cycle Time, Speed and Tempo
  13. If it’s not About Passion, You’re Dead the Day You Opened your Doors
  14. Startup Titles and Functions Are Very Different from a Company’s
  15. Preserve Cash While Searching. After It’s Found, Spend
  16. Communicate and Share Learning
  17. Startups Demand Comfort with Chaos and Uncertainty

I suggest you read this manifesto over and over again. This should be the first step!

What tools can you use to design and create your business model?

One of the most used tools to design and create a business model has revolved around the customer development manifesto above.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that this manifesto was the fruit of an era where venture capital had become scarce compared to the dot-com bubble at the end of the 1990s.

Those tools for business modeling have been developed in that context. Thus, those are not a one-size-fits-all toolbox but rather work better in a context where capital is scarce, and you need to test your business model assumptions as quickly as possible. In that context three primary tools are:

  • Business model canvas.
  • Lean startup canvas.
  • Customer development canvas.

Those tools can be used by entrepreneurs in the phases of the business model generation:

  • Map the business model hypotheses.
  • Test these hypotheses with customer feedback.
  • Iterative this process.

The result will be an incremental development of a product that will reach a minimally viable version.

The better the product, based on customer feedback, the larger the audience it will reach.

Lean makes sense when capital is scarce and when you need to keep burn rates low.

Lean was designed toinform the founders’ visionwhile they operated frugally at speed. It was not built as a focus group for consensus for those without deep convictions.

Is the lean startup still a valuable model?

As Steve Blank has pointed out in an HBR article entitled “Is the Lean Startup Dead?

I realized it was time for a new startup heuristic: the amount of customer discovery and product-market fit you need to find is inversely proportional to the amount and availability of risk capital.

In other words, the more risk capital that is available on the market the least the lean startup model might work.

The reason is, that if you have massive risk capital, you won’t need to test all your assumptions.

Quite the opposite, you’ll need to execute them fast.

Also, one of the primary logic of the lean startup is to burn cash at the slowest rate possible, while evolving (so-called pivoting) your business model.

If money is not an issue, then why go for the lean startup?

Steve Blank went further:

Rather than the“first mover advantage”of the last bubble,today’s theory is that“massive capital infusion owns the entire market.”

Therefore, if you secured a massive injection of money, then your aim might be primarily toward growth, rather than profits.

In that context, the lean startup might not work!

Are capital moats sustainable?

How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (8)

When a company or startup has a substantial capital allocate for growth, that is when this injection can become a short-term competitive advantage.

However, as companies finance growth through artificial injection of capital, those also become extremely risky, because many of the assumptions underlying the business model can’t be tested organically, thus leaving the company’s foundations weak.

An example of this excess of use of capital as a competitive moat has been WeWork, which has proved one of the most disastrous business endeavors of the last decade.

Thus, capital moats and technological moats need to be balanced with careful business model testing and organic validation in the marketplace!

Key Highlights

  • Define the Problem:
    • This step is the foundation of your business model. It involves identifying a specific problem that your product or service aims to solve.
    • Problems can be functional (solving a practical need) or emotional (addressing a psychological desire or pain point).
    • Defining the problem clearly helps you focus on delivering value to your target audience.
  • Define Target Customers:
    • Once the problem is defined, it’s important to identify the individuals or groups who are facing this problem. These are your potential customers.
    • Group your potential customers into categories, keeping it to a maximum of three types. Each type may have distinct characteristics and needs.
  • Identify Key Customer and Problem:
    • From the categories of potential customers and the identified problems, narrow your focus to one key customer type and one specific problem.
    • This step helps prevent spreading your resources too thin and allows you to concentrate on understanding your primary audience and addressing their primary need.
  • Propose Solutions:
    • Brainstorm a range of solutions that could address the key problem for your chosen customer type.
    • List up to ten solutions. Then, evaluate these solutions based on feasibility, cost, time, and resources required.
    • Narrow down the list to three solutions that are viable given your constraints.
  • Monetization Strategies:
    • For the solution you’ve chosen, consider how you’ll monetize it. Determine how your business will generate revenue from providing the solution to your target customers.
    • Brainstorm up to five potential monetization strategies. These could include subscription models, one-time purchases, freemium offerings, etc.
    • Focus on the two strategies that can be tested quickly and efficiently.
  • Test and Choose:
    • This step involves practical validation of your selected solution and monetization strategies.
    • Test your product or service with real customers to gather feedback. Evaluate how well your monetization strategies perform in real-world scenarios.
    • Based on the feedback and data collected, choose the most effective solution and monetization strategy combination.
  • Finalize Business Model:
    • With a validated solution, monetization strategy, and a clear understanding of your target audience, you have the foundation of your business model.
    • Your business model is the blueprint that outlines how your company will create, deliver, and capture value in the market.
    • Continuously monitor and refine your business model as you gather more insights from customers and adapt to changing market conditions.

Create Your Business Model Idea In Less Than A Minute!

With our Business Model Idea generator, you can craft the perfect business model idea, in less than a minute, by leveraging AI, to help you find the first version of the building blocks needed to build a successful business model!

FourWeekMBA Business Toolbox

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Tech Business Model Template

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Web3 Business Model Template

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Asymmetric Business Models

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Business Competition

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Technological Modeling

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Transitional Business Models

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Minimum Viable Audience

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Business Scaling

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Market Expansion Theory

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Asymmetric Betting

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Growth Matrix

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Revenue Streams Matrix

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Revenue Modeling

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Pricing Strategies

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Other business resources:

  • What Is Business Model Innovation And Why It Matters
  • Successful Types of Business Models You Need to Know
  • What Is A Heuristic And Why Heuristics Matter In Business
  • What Is Bounded Rationality And Why It Matters
  • The Complete Guide To Business Development
  • Business Strategy: Definition, Examples, And Case Studies
  • Blitzscaling Business Model Innovation Canvas In A Nutshell
  • What Is a Value Proposition?
  • What Is a Lean Startup Canvas?
  • What Is Market Segmentation?
  • Marketing Strategy: Definition, Types, And Examples
  • Marketing vs. Sales
  • What is Growth Hacking?


More Resources

  • Seven Amazon Statistics That Break Down Its Business Model
  • Mullins’ Seven Domains model
  • Seven Memorization Techniques For Business People
  • McKinsey’s Seven Degrees of Freedom for Growth
  • How To Start A Digital Business In Four Steps In 2024
  • 7 Steps To Problem-Solving
  • The Importance Of Brand Building And How To Create A…
  • Blue Ocean Strategy: Value Innovation To Create An…
How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA (2024)


How To Create A Business Model In Seven Steps - FourWeekMBA? ›

The four-stage theory splits growth into start-up, growth, maturity, and renewal/decline stages. In the startup phase, the company begins to find its place in the market. It needs to discover if there is room for its product or service and, if there is, what it needs to do to be successful.

What are the 7 steps in developing a business model? ›

How to Create a Business Model
  • Identify your audience. Most business model plans will start with either defining the problem or identifying your audience and target market. ...
  • Define the problem. ...
  • Understand your offerings. ...
  • Document your needs. ...
  • Find key partners. ...
  • Set monetization solutions. ...
  • Test your model.

How do you create a business model step by step? ›

How to build a business model in 10 steps
  1. Identify your target market. ...
  2. Define the problem you will solve. ...
  3. Detail your unique selling proposition (USP) ...
  4. Create a pricing strategy. ...
  5. Develop a marketing approach. ...
  6. Establish operational practices. ...
  7. Capture path to profitability. ...
  8. Anticipate challenges.

How do you create a business model from scratch? ›

Starting a business can seem like a lot, but following these steps will help make sure you're successful:
  1. Make a business plan.
  2. Secure funding.
  3. Surround yourself with the right people.
  4. Follow the right legal procedures.
  5. Establish a location.
  6. Develop a marketing plan.
  7. Build your customer base.
  8. Plan to change.

What are the four 4 phases that go into developing a business model? ›

The four-stage theory splits growth into start-up, growth, maturity, and renewal/decline stages. In the startup phase, the company begins to find its place in the market. It needs to discover if there is room for its product or service and, if there is, what it needs to do to be successful.

What are the four 4 steps of the business process? ›

The four stages of Business Process Management are:
  • Process Discovery and Analysis.
  • Process Design and Modeling.
  • Process Implementation.
  • Process Monitoring and Optimization.

What is business model example? ›

A business starts with an idea of how to generate value for a customer. So, if a customer is looking for a table, you can produce a table, market it, ship it, and receive payment for it — and that's your business model.

What is the easiest business model to start? ›

Transactional business model

Customers buy specific items or services for a one-time cost, whether that's an ebook or an electric drill. The transactional business model is probably one of the most common (and easy to adopt) revenue-making models.

How do I create a business model template? ›

How to create a business model canvas
  1. Gather stakeholders and materials. Whether you're creating a digital or physical business model canvas, you'll need to be able to fill in the boxes on the template. ...
  2. Fill out the canvas. ...
  3. Test your assumptions. ...
  4. Adapt and maintain.

How long does it take to create a business model? ›

Researching and drafting your business plan could take anywhere from one month to one year depending on how complex your plan, finances, and business ideas are. Experts also encourage business plans to be anywhere from 38 to 50 pages to 80 to 100 pages depending on the business particulars and needs.

What is the model answer? ›

What is a model answer? A model answer is an ideal response to a question. It is an example of what would receive full marks, and helps teachers demonstrate to students how to include the key elements of a topic into an answer.

What are the key elements of a business model? ›

7 Elements of a Strong Business Model
  • Value Proposition. Value Proposition is the first element of a strong business model and is central to a company's success. ...
  • Customer Segments. The second element of a strong business model is customer segments. ...
  • Channels. ...
  • Revenue Streams. ...
  • Key Resources. ...
  • Key Partners. ...
  • Cost Structure. ...
  • Wrap Up.
Mar 1, 2023

What is an ideal business model? ›

An ideal business model is one that is designed to deliver value to customers while generating profits for the company. You do need both. Your business won't be around long if you are only able to fill one half of this equation.

What are the 7 key steps in product development explain what occurs during each step? ›

Although the product development process differs by industry, it can essentially be broken down into seven stages: idea generation, research, planning, prototyping, sourcing, costing, and commercialization.

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The product development lifecycle is essential for any business looking to develop successful products. The stages of the product development lifecycle include ideation, validation, prototyping, marketing, development, launch, and improvement (we'll explain what each entails a bit further on).

What are the seven 7 factor to consider in starting business? ›

The seven factors to consider before starting a business are: a great business idea, passion, business plan, budget and finance, legal documents and equipment. What is the most important factor to consider when starting a business? The most important factor is to have a great business idea.

What are the 9 elements of the business model? ›

The Business Model Canvas consists of nine essential parts: Customer Segments, Value Proposition, Revenue Streams, Channels, Customer Relationships, Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partners, and Cost Structure.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.