Students’ Time Management, Academic Procrastination, and Performance during Online Science and Mathematics Classes (2024)

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Students’ Time Management, Academic Procrastination, and Performance during Online Science and Mathematics Classes (2024)


How procrastination affects students academic performance? ›

Worse academic performance.

For example, procrastination is associated with a wide range of academic issues, such as lower quality work, worse exam scores, worse grades, increased academic misconduct, increased course failures, increased course withdrawals, and an increased likelihood of dropping out.

How does time management affect the academic performance of students? ›

Time management can be very useful in a student's hectic schedule. It ensures that students are well prepared, organized and focused to manage their daily lives and complete academic assignments on time. It can lead to improved success, however, this is a skill that students have to learn and practice.

How online learning affect students time management? ›

Poor Time Management in Online Learning
  • Lack of a Schedule. A lack of a schedule can lead to poor time management in online learning. ...
  • Distractions. ...
  • Multitasking. ...
  • Lack of a Work Space. ...
  • Misuse of Discussion Forums.

What are the factors that cause the students or learners to academic procrastination? ›

Causes of procrastination among students include:
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Low self-confidence.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Lack of understanding.
  • Trouble concentrating.
  • Perfectionism.
  • Low energy levels.
  • Poor organization skills.
Sep 27, 2017

What are the 5 main reasons students procrastinate? ›

Common issues that lead to student procrastination include abstract goals, feeling overwhelmed, perfectionism, fear of failure, task aversion, resentment, a problematic work environment, and sensation seeking.

How can you prevent academic procrastination among students? ›

Set Deadlines

Many students get stuck in the “I'll do it tomorrow or eventually” cycle when in truth that day or eventually never comes. It's important to set a specific date for when you want a project or assignment to be completed. Aim to have your projects and assignments completed one or two days in advance.

What are the different time management strategies that can effectively improve the students academic performance? ›

9 Quick Tips for Students Struggling with Time Management
  • Tip 1: Use a calendar to plan ahead. ...
  • Tip 2: Make daily to-do lists. ...
  • Tip 3: Use the A-B-C method to prioritize. ...
  • Tip 4: Know when to switch gears. ...
  • Tip 5: Notice (and deal with) procrastination. ...
  • Tip 6: Work on one project at a time. ...
  • Tip 7: Take frequent breaks.
Aug 19, 2020

What are the factors that affect the time management of students? ›

Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the time management and academic achievement of the students. The factor analysis result showed three main factors associated with time management which can be classified as time planning, time attitudes and time wasting.

What is the importance of time management for students How can students improve their time management skill? ›

Managing time effectively enables students to become more confident, organized, and learn more efficiently. Effective time management skills are particularly essential for high school students, as they have to deal with more subjects, tests, assignments, and extracurriculars.

How does online school affect students academic performance? ›

Online teaching promotes learning by encouraging the students' use of various learning strategies at hand and increases the level of their commitment to studying their majors. Virtual world represents an effective learning environment, providing users with an experience-based information acquisition.

How does online education affect students academic performance? ›

As a result of the study, it was found out that the effect size of online education on academic achievement (g = 0.409) was moderate. In the studies included in the present research, we found that online education approaches were more effective than traditional ones.

What is the impact of online learning to students motivation? ›

Online learning requires more self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and independence from the learner than the traditional classroom education. Keller's ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction) Model of Motivation is a framework for learners to become and remain motivated.

What are the top three factors affecting students academic performance? ›

What Are The Factors Affecting A Higher Secondary School Student's Academic Performance?
  • An Uncomfortable Learning Environment. ...
  • Family Background. ...
  • Learning Infrastructure. ...
  • Difficulty In Understanding. ...
  • Teacher-Student Ratio. ...
  • Information Overload. ...
  • Performance Pressure. ...
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.
Mar 8, 2022

What are the common factors that affects the academic performance of students? ›

Students' academic performance is affected by several factors: students' learning skills, parental background, peer influence, teachers' quality, and learning infrastructure. State and federal education officials collect graduation rates as a baseline measurement of secondary education performance.

How do you solve academic procrastination? ›

Procrastination Solutions
  1. Take control of your study environment - study in a place that is free from distractions.
  2. Make a "TO DO" list.
  3. Establish a routine.
  4. Self-bribery - give yourself rewards. ...
  5. Divide and Conquer - break larger tasks into smaller units - thereby eliminating how daunting the task seems.

What are five strategies that students can use to overcome problems with procrastination? ›

8 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Start Studying
  • Eliminate distractions. ...
  • Use your strongest sensation to memorise things. ...
  • Set yourself deadlines. ...
  • Work when you feel most alert and efficient. ...
  • Don't stress too much. ...
  • Eat healthy & exercise. ...
  • Get inspired and save time by asking for help. ...
  • Motivation is the key.
Sep 2, 2016

Why do online students procrastinate? ›

They may lack confidence that they can do a job well. They may not know how to start. Unrealistically high expectations or standards (feeling overwhelmed by the amount of energy it will take to excel). Learners are annoyed that they have been given a task, so they delay in doing the task.

Why academic procrastination is a problem? ›

Studies on procrastination emphasize on this common concept that academic procrastination has negative outcomes for students in relation with their academic achievement and well-being sense. Health related outcomes include mental stress, physical stress reactions, sleeping related problems, fatigue, and malady.

What are 3 techniques you can implement to help you improve your time management skills? ›

Top 15 Time Management Skills
  • Make a Plan. Effective time management isn't achieved randomly. ...
  • Create a Priority List Rather Than a To-Do List. ...
  • Start Early. ...
  • Breakdown Every Task Into Small Chunks. ...
  • Practice Decision Making. ...
  • Delegate tasks. ...
  • Set SMART Goals. ...
  • Set Up Deadlines.
Apr 6, 2022

What are the best strategies and techniques for effective classroom management in online education? ›

Online Classroom Management
  • Tip 1: Put Distractions Away. ...
  • Tip 2: Treat the Webcam Like a Person. ...
  • Tip 3: Have a Dress Code. ...
  • Tip 4: Address Discipline Issues Fast. ...
  • Tip 5: Teach Lessons That Privilege Text. ...
  • Tip 6: Add Visual Cues to Your Lessons. ...
  • Tip 7: Flip the Classroom. ...
  • Tip 8: Decide on Signals.
Nov 19, 2020

What is the most common student time management problem? ›

8 Common Time Management Challenges (With Solutions)
  1. Not utilizing technology. ...
  2. Being frequently distracted. ...
  3. Multitasking. ...
  4. Procrastinating. ...
  5. Using your cell phone to respond to communications. ...
  6. Not having enough energy. ...
  7. Being busy rather than effective. ...
  8. Not taking breaks.
Feb 9, 2021

How procrastination impacts negatively on time management? ›

Procrastination is NOT a time management issue, it is an emotional management issue. When you separate procrastination from a perceived inability to complete a task, you will give yourself the breathing space you need to get back on track, start meeting deadlines and stop beating yourself up because of procrastination.

How does poor time management affect academic performance? ›

The non-cognitive personal behavior i.e., perspective of students regarding time management is also an effective predictor of educational achievement as with poor time management skills it gets difficult for students to plan their studies and which causes them anxiety and agitation at the assessment time which usually ...

What are some barriers to effective time management for students? ›

Barriers to Time Management
  • Anxiety. Anxiety can be a nuisance, but it can also feel completely overwhelming. ...
  • Expectations. Managing time effectively quickly becomes impossible when you're trying to satisfy everyone else's goals.
  • Perfectionism. ...
  • Distraction.

How does time management help us achieve your academic goals? ›

Effective time management allows students to complete more in less time, because their attention is focused and they're not wasting time on distractions (such as social media, for example. Efficient use of time also reduces stress, as students tick off items from their to-do list.

What are the 5 reasons that time management is important? ›

How could time management be crucial to your business?
  • It can help in sticking to deadlines. ...
  • Time management can often improve focus and overall efficiency. ...
  • Better time management can lead to less procrastination. ...
  • A good schedule can lead to less stress and more freedom. ...
  • Time management is easier now than ever before.
May 19, 2022

What are the problems that students face in online learning? ›

7 Top Challenges with Online Learning For Students (and Solutions)
  • Isolation.
  • Motivation.
  • Equipment.
  • Tech Issues.
  • Distractions.
  • Time Management.
  • Barriers to learning (Disabilities / Special Needs)
Aug 18, 2022

How do you keep students motivated in online classes? ›

How to Motivate Learners in an Online Learning Environment
  1. Personalizing Learning.
  2. Rewarding Students' Success.
  3. Providing Meaningful Feedback.
  4. Allow Self-Monitoring.
  5. Setting Clear Goals and Learning Paths.
  6. Encouraging Collaboration with Others.
  7. Using a Variety of Learning Tools.
Jan 22, 2022

What principles do you use to motivate students in online class? ›

Basic Teaching Principles Transferred To Online Courses
  • Contact between students and faculty. ...
  • Develop cooperation and collaboration among students. ...
  • Set up an active learning environment. ...
  • Feedback: It must be prompt. ...
  • Communicate high expectations tempered with realism. ...
  • Respect the diversity in your class.
Apr 16, 2016

How will procrastination negatively impact your studies? ›

For many students, academic procrastination is associated with dysfunctional learning outcomes such as low academic performance, low quality of academic work, lack of knowledge, time pressure, dropout and lengthened course of study.

How does procrastination affect to the future of students? ›

For students, procrastination is associated with a wide range of academic issues, such as worse exam scores, worse grades, having to repeat assignments, increased course failures, increased course withdrawals, longer study duration, and an increased likelihood of dropping out (rather than graduating).

What are the negative effects of procrastination? ›

People who procrastinate tend to have high levels of anxiety as well as poor impulse control. Procrastination is even linked to physical illness. People who procrastinate experience more stress and tend to delay treatments—which can create a cycle of poor health due to just putting things off.

What is the solution for procrastination? ›

Tip #1 for avoiding procrastination is to reduce the number of decisions you need to make during a given day by making those decisions ahead of time and/or creating habits around certain areas of your life to boost your effectiveness and prevent you from draining your energy by thinking about whether to do them or not.

What is the main problem of academic performance? ›

Learning Infrastructure

Besides, schools with a shortage of teaching equipment, seating area, cramped classrooms, and outdated technology also affect the child's will to learn and basic understanding of the subjects, and thus the academic performance.

What are the three 3 benefits of overcoming procrastination? ›

What are the benefits of overcoming procrastination? Peace of mind, a feeling of strength and purpose, and healthy feeling of being in charge of your life. While procrastination makes you feel weak, useless, and helpless, taking charge of your life will make you feel strong, competent, and capable.

What are the positive and negative effects of procrastination? ›

While persistent procrastination can lead to stress and lower performance, research shows intentional stalling may not always be bad. Sometimes, delaying a deadline may render a positive result.

What are the 3 most common types of procrastination? ›

It's amazing how many people procrastinate even when they know it will affect them negatively. But in reality, there are three types of procrastination: classic procrastination, creative avoidance, and priority dilution.

How does procrastination affect behavior? ›

Thus, procrastination is associated with a number of adverse states and problems, including increased stress, lower task performance, reduced well-being, regret and suffering, and risk of mental and physical illness (Tice and Baumeister, 1997; Steel, 2007; Klingsieck, 2013; Steel and Ferrari, 2013; Sirois, 2014).

How does procrastination affect students mental health? ›

We procrastinate when we know what to do, but put off doing it until later. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and guilt. It can also leave us feeling unproductive, lazy, and ineffectual. In others words, it can affect the way we feel about ourselves.

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