TikTok Says It Has Safety Measures in Place for Teens, But Just How Safe Is It? (2024)

Being a parent means wanting to keep your child safe wherever they are. In today's world, that means keeping them safe online, too. One of the most popular apps among tweens and teens is TikTok.

In 2023, 150 million Americans used TikTok. That makes it one of the hottest social media sites for tweens and teens. In fact, according to Pew Research, in 2022, it was second only to YouTube, with 67% of teens ages 13 to 17 saying they used the app.

But as kids continue to hit download, parents are still asking the question: Is TikTok safe for kids?

TikTok Says It Has Safety Measures in Place for Teens, But Just How Safe Is It? (1)

Is TikTok Safe for Kids?

While it may seem like TikTok came out of nowhere, the app began in 2014 as a lip-synching site called Musical.ly. In 2018, it was acquired by a Bejing-based company and merged into the Chinese app TikTok, explains Titania Jordan, the chief parenting officer of parental-control app Bark.

Lip-synching is still a major theme on the app, but TikTok's content runs the gamut. On the platform, you'll find everything from challenges to songs and dances to educational and entertaining content.

If it sounds like TikTok is fertile ground for a lot of fun and a good deal of trouble, that's because it is. No matter which social media platform your child uses—even if it's a purportedly trustworthy, limited version aimed at children like YouTube Kids—they'll likely encounter potential safety issues.

TikTok has already been faced with accusations that it's not safe for kids and may even violate some child privacy laws. As a result, the app has been forced to make some safety changes directed specifically toward younger teen users.

TikTok Safety Concerns for Kids

On September 15, 2023, Europe hit TikTok with a €345 million fine, accusing the company of not protecting children's privacy. Europe has stringent privacy rules, but, notably, this is the first time the app has faced consequences for violating any privacy laws.

Ireland led the investigation, finding that the sign-up process for teens made their accounts public by default. They say those settings also allowed children under 13 to access the platform even though they aren't permitted to have accounts.

In a statement, TikTok said it disagreed with the decision. They say that most of the decision's criticisms are no longer relevant because of measures TikTok took months before the investigation began.

Top TikTok Safety Concerns for Kids

As with any social media app or online platform, there are potential concerns and dangers about the TikTok app, especially for kids. Here are some of the top TikTok safety concerns parents and caregivers should be aware of.

Predator use

TikTok allows users to contact anyone in the world, which comes with its own host of hazards. "Like any social media platform that has a direct message or commenting feature, there's always the possibility that your child could be chatting with anyone, including strangers," Jordan says.

For kids under 16, the direct messages and duets features are turned off. But for older teens with access to these features, predators may use these to send young users explicit messages. (Plus, kids can enter a different birthday year when they create their account, easily circumventing the age controls.)

Jordan points out that the app's format encourages interaction, which could tempt kids to interact with other users. "TikTok is a platform that encourages performance, and many of its users are excited to showcase their talents," she notes. "This can make it easy for predators to use flattery and compliments as a way into kids' lives, making them feel special while putting them at ease."

Jordan also adds that the app's "Duets" feature, which allows you to remix another user's video and lip-sync or dance alongside them in a new clip, has been exploited by sexual predators.

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Inappropriate content

The TikTok app is broken into two main feed sections. The default is the "For You Page" or FYP. This page is the first page to pop up when you open the app and is populated based on what the algorithm thinks you'll like based on how you use the app. In theory, populated content should be fairly innocent for kids, but the reality is that many factors beyond age influence what pops up.

And if you swipe left, you'll see a more personally curated feed called "Following." This feed features uploads from the people you choose to follow. It's the former public feed that's particularly problematic, Jordan notes.

"Even if you set your own account to private, you may still be exposed to sexual or violent content posted to the public feed," she says. "Ranging from overtly sexual TikToks to physically dangerous stunts that kids may want to recreate, to overtly racist and discriminatory commentary, there is a wide range of concerning content on the platform."

Negative mental health impact

TikToks in either feed might also feature content that's highly personal or sensitive, Jordan notes. Not only are these videos potentially disturbing to viewers who see them in passing, but reactions to posts can also have a negative impact.

"Kids who admit to depression are often met with dismissive and sarcastic reactions," she claims. "Some are even publicly encouraged to attempt suicide." (Reactions and comments on posts could be from real users or even bots, but young kids especially might not be able to tell the difference.)

TikTok encourages content creation, as users can use the "React" feature to respond to videos they like with their own take (a variation of "duet" only available to older teens). While this set-up could support a child's artistic impulses, it might also cause anxiety, Jordan says. "Kids may get sucked into the pressure to create more and better content, and this can cause anxiety, especially if they're not getting popular," she notes.

TikTok addiction has negative downstream effects as well. Research out of China found that depression, anxiety, and stress stemming from TikTok addiction is linked to tied to poorer working memory for teens.

Plus, researchers have found that functional movement disorders presenting with tics are on the rise thanks to social media, primarily TikTok. In 2021, a case report of six teen girls had explosive onset of tic-like movements. All reported exposure to a specific social media influencer before symptom onset.

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Dangerous trends

Jordan adds that teens may be tempted to chase after internet popularity by taking part in TikTok challenges, which can often be dangerous. Take, for example, the "cinnamon challenge," which encouraged kids to eat a spoonful of cinnamon in under a minute, resulting in gagging, choking, and inhaling the spice.

The "choking game" (also called "blackout challenge," "choking challenge," or "passout challenge") first emerged in 2008 and then resurfaced on TikTok. The "game" involves intentionally trying to choke yourself to obtain a brief high. When it first appeared, it caused deaths in 31 states, mainly affecting 11- to 16-year-olds.

The "Kiki challenge" encouraged people to jump out of a moving car and then dance alongside it. A TikTok trend about "chroming," which is huffing, led to the death of an 11-year-old boy in the UK in March 2024.

Cyberbullying risks

As a social media platform, TikTok opens avenues for cyberbullying and trolling.

"When videos aren't funny or successful, they're referred to as 'cringey,'" Jordan explains. "It provides fodder for bullies to make fun of them. People can also create multiple accounts, using aliases to target others they don't like. Trolling is popular on TikTok, too—especially through the 'Reactions' feature."

According to 2022 findings from Security.org, of all the social networks, kids on YouTube are the most likely to be cyberbullied at 79%, followed by Snapchat at 69%, TikTok at 64%, and Facebook at 49%.

User data privacy concerns

In 2019, the Federal Trade Commission fined TikTok $5.7 million for violating the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Later that same year, the US government opened a national security review of the acquisition of TikTok by a Chinese company.

"This is the largest civil penalty in a children's privacy case in history," Jordan says. "The law requires companies to obtain parental consent to collect the data of kids under 13, and TikTok did not do so. They also failed to notify parents of exactly how they collected children's data or allow them to ask to have that data deleted."

Given the violation, thousands of parents complained, and TikTok launched increased efforts to improve privacy and security on the platform, according to Jordan. Nonetheless, the case is a reason parents should remain vigilant against data abuses, she says.

TikTok Safety Measures To Take Now

TikTok has been taking small steps to make its platform safer for kids. In March 2023, TikTok implemented some parental controls on the app. Among them is an automatic 60-minute screen time limit for all teens. However, there is a catch: Teens can extend that time limit once reached.

The app also launched screen time limits that parents can set for their children, and parents can also mute notifications for their children.

The following are TikTok safety measures included in the app:

  • Daily screen limit of 60 minutes (all teens)
  • Accounts private by default (all teens)
  • Can't host a LIVE (all teens)
  • Financial transactions feature disabled (all teens)
  • The "Suggest Your Account to Others" feature is turned off (all teens)
  • No FYP feed (kids 13-15)
  • No direct messaging access (kids 13-15)
  • No duet or stitch features (kids 13-15)
  • Their videos may not be downloaded (kids 13-15)
  • Only their friends may comment on their posts (kids 13-15)
  • No push notifications after 9 p.m. (kids 13-15)
  • No push notifications after 10 p.m. (teens 16-17)

In addition, "Family Pairing Mode" lets parents link to their teenager's TikTok account and control content and privacy settings. Here, you can manage screen time, restrict content, limit or turn off direct messages.

Plus, there are steps you can take to help make TikTok safe for kids as well.

Manage your child's app settings

While in the TikTok app and from your child's profile, you'll see three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, Jordan notes. "Clicking on those dots will take you to the Privacy and settings section of the app," she explains.

  • When you scroll down to the "Privacy and safety" option under "Account," you will see the option to set the child's account to private (recommended to toggle that on), as well as allow others to find them (recommended to toggle that off).
  • Also, under the "Safety" section of that same screen, you can customize who can post comments, who can Duet with your child, who can react to their videos, who can send them messages, and who can view videos they liked, she says. You can choose from "Everyone," "Friends," and "Off."

"Keep in mind that your child may open the app and change these settings at any time, which is why it's important for you to also view the 'Digital Wellbeing' section of the 'Privacy and settings' screen," Jordan adds.

This offers a passcode-enabled screen time management system, as well as a restricted mode, to limit the appearance of inappropriate content.

Ensure your child's account is set up with the correct age

The TikTok app is meant for kids 13 or older and many full settings in the app aren't accessible until the age of 16 and older. But these settings only work as intended if the account is opened with the correct birth year—and there is nothing stopping kids of any age from opening an account with a birth year that gets around these limitations.

"Check that your child's TikTok account has been set up using the correct date of birth," advises Jo O'Reilly, digital privacy advocate at ProPrivacy. "Some children might set their account up with a fake age, to appear older than they are, and this makes it more likely that they will be exposed to content that is not suitable for them."

As an extra step, you can use an external parental control and monitoring app, like Bark, Secure Teen, or Norton Family Premier, to further safeguard and monitor your child's safety in the TikTok app.

Talk with kids about internet and TikTok safety

Jordan encourages parents to have open, honest, and ongoing conversations about what's happening in this digital space. "If your child uses the app and you have not yet sat down with them to look at it together, that would be a great first step," she says.

She did this with her tween son, and they skipped past inappropriate posts and discussed why sharing certain content on the platform isn't wise.

"We also discussed why it's so important to have a private account and only connect with people you truly know in real life," Jordan says. They also talked about how screenshots and screen recording tech can mean something seemingly impermanent might get turned into something else that haunts you.

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Understand TikTok yourself

Laura Bedrossian, vice president of social strategy at integrated marketing communications agency Hot Paper Lantern, reminds parents that knowledge is power.

"If your kid is on any social media platform, make sure you as a parent or guardian have some understanding of it," she notes. "Download the app yourself and see what it's all about so you can answer questions or even ask your child about what they're seeing on an app. Keep an open and honest discussion about their—and your—digital literacy and footprint."

Key Takeaway

No social media app, including TikTok, will ever be completely safe for kids. But TikTok does have certain restrictions in place, like screen time limits, to help safeguard young teens. There are also additional steps parents can take to help make social media a safer place for their kids if they choose to allow apps like TikTok.

TikTok Says It Has Safety Measures in Place for Teens, But Just How Safe Is It? (2024)


TikTok Says It Has Safety Measures in Place for Teens, But Just How Safe Is It? ›

How safe is TikTok? Using any social network can be risky, but it's possible for kids to safely use the app with adult supervision (and a private account). TikTok has different rules for different ages: Users under age 13 can't post videos or comment, and content is curated for a younger audience.

How do I turn off minor safety on TikTok? ›

How to turn Restricted Mode on or off
  1. In the TikTok app, tap Profile at the bottom.
  2. Tap the Menu ☰ button at the top, then select Settings and privacy.
  3. Tap Content preferences.
  4. Tap Restricted Mode.
  5. Follow the steps in the app to set or enter a passcode, then turn Restricted Mode on or off.

Is there a way to safely use TikTok? ›

There are steps that all users can take to make their use of TikTok more secure:
  1. To set your account to private: Go to your profile page. ...
  2. To control who comments on your TikTok posts: Within “Privacy and Safety”, tap “Who can send me comments” ...
  3. To control who duets with you: ...
  4. To control who sends you direct messages:

What is the safety concern with TikTok? ›

Information TikTok collects

You could also unwittingly provide sensitive information in direct messages. As well, if you take a photo of a document or a place that has sensitive information and store it on your cellphone. Even if you don't conscientiously share it with TikTok, the app has access to it.

What are the rules for TikTok for minors? ›

We're committed to providing an age-appropriate experience, so it's important that your teen provides their real date of birth. The minimum age to use the full TikTok experience is 13 and in addition to this, we don't allow younger people on TikTok to use age-restricted features such as LIVE and Direct Messaging.

Why did my TikTok get taken down for minor safety? ›

TikTok may ban your account if we believe you're under 13 years old (or under 14 in Indonesia, Quebec, and South Korea). If you believe we made a mistake, you may submit an appeal.

What is minor safety on TikTok? ›

In the US, if someone enters a birthday that confirms they're under 13, they'll be directed into TikTok for Younger Users, a curated viewing experience with additional safeguards and privacy protections designed specifically for this audience.

Can TikTok access everything on your phone? ›

Can TikTok access your personal information? Yes, TikTok can access your personal information if you provide it while using the app, such as creating an account, uploading content, or interacting in other ways.

Is there a safer alternative to TikTok? ›

Triller. Originally founded in 2015 as a video-editing app, Triller quickly gained traction as a viable TikTok alternative. With millions of downloads and A-list names using the platform, Triller is establishing itself as a powerful social media platform.

Does TikTok have access to my bank account? ›

TikTok could very likely capture the card details of multiple users using account credentials, very likely giving TikTok access to the user's bank account and payment history.

Why is the US worried about TikTok? ›

Among lawmakers' chief concerns about TikTok is that its Chinese ownership poses grave national security risks to the United States. They worry the app could be used to spread misinformation, sow division and meddle in elections.

Should I let my 13 year old have TikTok? ›

What age is TikTok recommended for? Common Sense recommends the app for age 15+ mainly due to the privacy issues and mature content. TikTok requires that users be at least 13 years old to use the basic TikTok features, although there is a way for younger kids to access the app.

Why was TikTok banned in the US? ›

Concerns that the Chinese government could access sensitive user data through the short-form video app TikTok, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, have prompted the U.S. government to pass legislation banning the social media platform unless it is sold to a government-approved buyer.

What does TikTok do if you're under 16? ›

You must be 13 years and older to have an account.

If we learn someone is below the minimum age to have an account on TikTok, we will ban that account. If you believe you were incorrectly banned, you can appeal the decision.

What is the kid version of TikTok? ›

Zigazoo connects your child's imagination with video editing tools and music designed to spark their creativity! Zigazoo fosters social and intellectual growth with playful video challenges designed specifically for kids.

Does TikTok have parental controls? ›

Family Pairing is a TikTok parental control feature that allows a parent to link their TikTok account to their teen's account and set controls for the following: Screen Time Management: Choose how much time your child can spend on TikTok each day. Restricted Mode: Make certain content subject matter off-limits.

How to get rid of age protection on TikTok? ›

If you are over 18, you can disable Restricted Mode so you won't see the age-protected error. Because you can't change your age after creating your TikTok account, there's no way to disable Restricted Mode if you haven't turned 18 aside from creating a new account.

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