Use Of Patch Function In PowerApps (2024)

In this article, we will learn about the Patch function and how to use it in PowerApps.

Patch function is used to create or update single records or a list of records in the Data source. Using this, values of fields can be modified without affecting other properties. The patch can be used to save data across multiple screens. While working with complex types Patch is very helpful. Let's take an example

Step 1

Create a list in SharePoint named Employees with fields and Data Type

  • Name - Single Line of Text
  • Address - Multiple lines of Text
  • DOB - Date and Time
  • Age - Number
  • Salary - Currency
  • Profile - Hyperlink

Use Of Patch Function In PowerApps (1)

Step 2

Go to your PowerApp.Add Label and Textbox Control for Name field to the Screen

Add Label.After adding it to screen select Label and change its Text property from Property Pane

Use Of Patch Function In PowerApps (2)

Add Textbox from Insert menu.After adding Select text input and Change its Default and Hint Text property

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Same way to add other Labels for Age and TextInput for Age. Just need to change the Format property to Number

Use Of Patch Function In PowerApps (4)

For Address add another label and rich text input

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For Date of Birth, add Date picker control from the Input menu

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Add Linkedin profile URL text field and update property

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For Salary, add label and TextInput of Number format

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Step 3

Now add 2 more buttons for Save and Cancel on the form

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Step 4

Now on click of the Save button, we will write our Patch code

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For the Number and Currency field we need to convert the text to number using the Value() function. To save the Date and Time field, it will use controlname.SelectedDate

Syntax of Patch


Here source refers to the List on which the operation needs to be performed

Record includes the data on which update needs to be done if any. If using Patch we want to create a new record required Defaults function.

The update refers to the actual record going to add/update. It includes the record in curly braces {}and can be in any number separated by a comma.

Like in the example below,

Patch(Employees, Defaults(Employees), { Title:txtName.Text, 'Date of Birth': txtDate.SelectedDate, Address:txtAddress.HtmlText, Age:Value(txtAge.Text), Salary:Value(txtSalary.Text), Profiles:txtProfile.Text });

Step 5

On click of cancel button, Add Navigate(HomeScreen)

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Step 6

Run the Screen and Add details,

Step 7

After filling in details, click on save. Now navigate to the list and look at data inserted in the SharePoint list.

Step 8

Now add one more screen that includes Gallery which will Display all data from the Employees list. New Controls > Add Vertical Gallery

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Step 9

Now after inserting Gallery, Select Gallery > Right Panel select Data Source as Employees

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Step 10

Add New icon and on OnSelect property, add Navigate() function with formMode - New

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Step 11

On select of Next Arrow icon > Add Navigate() function with formMode - Edit

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Step 12

Go to EmployeesData screen > Set Gallery1.Selected.<Field name> to all text values

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Like this way set for all other controls.

Also set conditions in the header to display Edit or New Employee.

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Step 13

Now open on click of Save button and update Patch function as below,

Patch(Employees,If(formMode="New", Defaults(Employees),LookUp(Employees,ID=Gallery1.Selected.ID)), { Title:txtName.Text, 'Date of Birth': txtDate.SelectedDate, Address:txtAddress.HtmlText, Age:Value(txtAge.Text), Salary:Value(txtSalary.Text), Profiles:txtProfile.Text }); Navigate(HomeScreen);

Step 14

Now let's run the application, click on the next arrow to navigate

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Step 15

Update All fields with some separate data and click on save

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Step 16

Now you can see updated data

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So in this way, we can use the Patch function to create and update records in the SharePoint list using the same screen. We can update any number of records using Patch.

Hope this helps.Happy low coding..!!!

Use Of Patch Function In PowerApps (2024)


Use Of Patch Function In PowerApps? ›

Use the Patch function to modify records in complex situations, such as when you do updates that require no user interaction or use forms that span multiple screens. To update records in a data source more easily for simple changes, use the Edit form control instead.

What is the difference between update and Patch in Powerapps? ›

Use the Update function to replace an entire record in a data source. In contrast, the UpdateIf and the Patch functions modify one or more values in a record, leaving the other values alone. For a collection, the entire record must match. Collections allow duplicate records, so multiple records might match.

Does Powerapps Patch or collect? ›

An important difference is Patch() can only add to an existing collection whereas Collect will create the collection if it doesn't already exist. So use Patch to amend records in existing collections and Collect to define a new collection. Patch is also more suitable for amending a subset of fields in a collection.

What is the patch function in PowerApps update? ›

The “Patch” function used to update data in a data source in PowerApps. Here is the syntax of the “Patch” function: Patch ( DataSource, BaseRecord, UpdateRecord1 [, UpdateRecord2, ... ] ) DataSource : The data source to modify or create records in.

How to use a patch? ›

Apply a new contraceptive patch to your body each week — on the same day of the week — for three weeks in a row. Apply each new patch to a different area of skin to avoid irritation. After you remove a patch, fold it in half with the sticky sides together and throw it in the trash. Don't flush it down the toilet.

What is the difference between Patch and collect? ›

The Collect function and Patch functon both could save a new record into a data source. But Collect function could not be used to modify an existing record within your data source, the Patch function could achieve this.

Can we Patch collection in PowerApps? ›

To patch multiple records, you can use a ForAll function to iterate through a collection of records and apply the Patch function to each record. By using the Patch function and the ForAll function, you can easily update multiple records in Power Apps.

What is the Patch function in PowerApps Dataverse? ›

The PowerApps Patch function in Dataverse is a helpful tool that allows you to update or add data to tables. It's a way to tell your app to change information in specific places, like updating names or adding new records. This function works well with Dataverse, which is where your data is stored.

What Power Apps cannot do? ›

Apps created through Power Apps are designed to only be used internally within a company and cannot be published to any app stores. Power Apps is able to connect and interact with applications in the Microsoft suite such as Excel, Sharepoint, and Power BI.

How do I Patch multiple records in Power Apps? ›

Formulas to bulk update records
  1. Patch() function—Use this function when the collection matches the data source. ...
  2. ForAll() function + nested Patch + disambiguation operator—Use this function when the data sources have different columns that you need to join.
Dec 16, 2022

Where are collections stored in Power Apps? ›

Collections are an array that you store in memory in PowerApps and can be used in many ways. In this tutorial, I'll cover how to create and use collections. Collections can be used to: keep data or take data offline, to manipulate data and batch it up to your data source of choice, SQL Server for instance.

What's the meaning of Patch? ›

1. : a piece of material used to mend or cover a hole or a weak spot. 2. : a tiny piece of black silk or court plaster worn on the face or neck especially by women to hide a blemish or to heighten beauty.

What is the difference between Patch and update if? ›

I understand that Patch changes a single record, while UpdateIf can update a whole set of records. I want to understand the performance difference of one vs the other on the same task. So patching a single record, or using UpdateIf with a condition that will match a single record.

What is the difference between patching and updating? ›

Key differences between patch vs update

A patch is a targeted fix for a specific issue or vulnerability, while an update is a more comprehensive upgrade that includes various improvements and changes. Patches are usually smaller in size and quicker to install, as they only address specific problems.

What is the difference between patch method and update method? ›

PUT is a method of modifying resource where the client sends data that updates the entire resource . PATCH is a method of modifying resources where the client sends partial data that is to be updated without modifying the entire data.

What is the difference between patch and update if? ›

I understand that Patch changes a single record, while UpdateIf can update a whole set of records. I want to understand the performance difference of one vs the other on the same task. So patching a single record, or using UpdateIf with a condition that will match a single record.

What is the difference between put update and patch? ›

PUT and PATCH both perform modifications on existing data, but they do so differently because of idempotency. PUT modifies a record's information and creates a new record if one is not available, and PATCH updates a resource without sending the entire body in the request.

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