61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (2024)

Staying home with your kid is great. You can watch them grow and save money on nannies. But sometimes, you really miss the ‘adult’ stuff. And you worry a long career break can be detrimental to your future.

Luckily, it’s never been easier to combine work and home life. Businesses have finally realized many office workers can easily do their jobs from home. There’s never been that many jobs for stay-at-home moms!

This guide offers ideas for 61 stay-at-home-mom jobs and tips to get them fast.

This guide will show you:

  • How to make money as a stay-at-home mom (really).
  • Where and how to find stay-at-home-mom jobs that pay.
  • The best job site for work-at-home jobs for moms and how to use it like a pro.
  • Tips for getting the best jobs for moms most people wouldn’t think of.

Just want to know how to find stay-at-home-mom jobs?

Google “remote” + [JOB TITLE] + “jobs”. Click “search.” Then click the blue jobs bar.

You’ll find dozens of the best jobs for moms (and jobs for pregnant women).

The pay info for our jobs for stay-at-home-moms list comes from Glassdoor. If you’re good you’ll earn more.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (1)

Use this resume template

Sample resume made with our builder—See more resume samples here.

Looking for temp jobs while pregnant? Follow up with


How to Find Legit Stay at Home Mom Jobs

Why is it so hard to find real stay-at-home-mom jobs?


It’s called “overwhelmed.”

The kids are swinging from the light fixtures. Someone just discovered Sharpies, and the cat’s on fire.

Not to mention there’s this little thing called “income.”

You need to know how to make money as a stay at home mom.

The short answer?

How Can a Stay at Home Mom Make Money?

Step 1. Assess your skills. Many careers like waitress or receptionist aren’t jobs for stay-at-home-moms. If you’re lucky, you’ll have skills that work in jobs that do.

Step 2. Look at our list of stay-at-home-mom jobs ideas below. It’s got skilled and unskilled SAHM jobs. Make a short list of the ones that fit.

Step 3. Pick your favorite(s). Narrow down your short list to the work-at-home jobs for moms you want. Consider pay and training times.

Step 4. Plug your stay at home moms job ideas into Google. Google for Jobs is the best search site to find jobs for stay-at-home-moms. It’s got the best AI. Plus it scrapes jobs from all the other sites, and from company web pages.

I’ll show how below the list of work at home jobs.

Step 5. Don’t ignore local mom ‘n’ pops! Some of the best stay-at-home jobs for moms are right under your nose. Scroll to the bottom for tips to find them.

Be picky. There are tons of great home-based and online jobs for moms out there. There’s piles of bad ones too. Apply to lots. Work at several for a day each. Pick one.

Pro Tip: Just want the best jobs for moms with minimal training? Word-search on this page for minimal. You’ll find dozens of the best jobs for stay at home moms with no experience.

Want to try other job sites in your stay-at-home-mom jobs search? See our guide: Job Sites: 15 Best Job Search Engines and How to Use Them Perfectly


61 Best Stay at Home Mom Jobs that Pay Well in 2019

Here’s the big list of jobs for stay-at-home moms.

It’s got 61 stay-at-home-mom jobs, plus median salary and training times.

They’re all pregnant-friendly jobs.

The best tip?

Write up your job skills. Then look through the list to find a fit.

Are you wondering how to make money while pregnant and unemployed? Or how can a stay-at-home mom make money?

Scroll down below the list for tips.

Day Care Stay at Home Mom Jobs

One of the most popular and best jobs for moms with young kids? In-home day care.

If you love coming up with activities and more kids means more fun, this isn’t a bad option.

1. In-Home Day Care. In rural areas, these jobs for stay-at-home-moms pay $20+ per kid per day. It’s more in cities.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $27,430

2. Babysitter. Not into full-fledged day care? Give a shout on Facebook for these part-time jobs for moms.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $18,000

Typing Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

If you can type, you can probably do lots more. But—

Typing jobs for stay-at-home-moms are easy if you’ve got the skills.

3. Typist. You’ll need at least 40 WPM for these jobs for stay-at-home moms. Test your speed free at KeyHero.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $27,430

4. Data Entry. These stay-at-home-mom jobs need good 10-Key and Qwerty skills—Training: Minimal. Pay: $31,153

5. Legal Transcriptionist. Type dispositions and legal terms for these SAHM jobs.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $28,570

6. Law Enforcement Transcriptionist. Learn police codes and terms on the fly for these legit work-from-home jobs for moms.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $28,570

7. Medical Transcriptionist. You can find good mom jobs typing doctorspeak if you can learn the terms.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $28,570

Phone SAHM Jobs

Nobody really likes phone jobs, do they?

But these work-at-home jobs for moms are easy to get and do.

8. Phone Survey Conductor. Call people at home and ask questions.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $27,099

9. Telemarketer. You’ll need a phone and grit. And you’ve got both .—Training: Minimal. Pay: $25,969

10. Call Center Representative. You know those radio ads with the 800-numbers? These part-time jobs for moms answer them.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $32,214

11. Customer Service. More fun than call-center work. Requires product knowledge—Training: Minimal. Pay: $34,780

12. Dispatcher. Taxis, trucks, and cop cars need to know where to go. That means more stay-at-home-mom jobs for you.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $37,112

Teaching Work-at-Home Mom Jobs

If you’re a good teacher, you can find well-paying teaching and tutoring jobs online.

These make some of the best SAHM jobs because you can fit them to your schedule.

13. Online Tutor. If you’re good at any subject, these make solid home jobs for moms. If you’re good you’ll make more than the median.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $25,500

14. Test Scorer. You won’t find these flexible jobs for moms in search sites. Contact schools and teachers directly instead.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $24,380

15. ESL Teacher. There are lots of good online jobs for stay-at-home moms teaching English.—Training: Bachelor’s Degree, Teaching Certificate. Pay: $54,337

Pro Tip: Wondering how to find these jobs for stay-at-home-moms in search engines? Scroll past the list to see the most effective way.

Writing Jobs Online for Moms

Do you have grammar and writing skills? These writer/editor/blogger stay-at-home jobs for moms might be your next chapter.

16. Proofreader. Checking spelling and grammar. Plus, you’ll make your kids spelling bee champs.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $36,290

17. Copy Editor. Check grammar, spelling, facts, and research with these online jobs for moms.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $45,506

18. Content Creator. Jobs for moms who can blog and write.—Training: On-the-job. Pay: $54,455

19. Editor. Google’s got tons of remote jobs for moms who can manage writers.—Training: On-the-job, can take years. Pay: $61,655

20. Journalist. This one takes a long time to develop and you won’t find it in the job sites. Join a pro association like the ASJA.—Training: On-the-job, can take years. Pay: $45,925

Computer Science Stay at Home Mom Jobs

If you’ve got a head for code, these are the best paid jobs for stay-at-home-moms on the planet.

21. Help Desk Worker/Desktop Support. Help non-techies jump through hoops.—Training: Certificate, 1 Month. Pay: $43,835

22. Computer Scientist. As a CS, you can do any of the stay-at-home-mom jobs below.—Training: Bachelor’s Degree. Pay: $109,075

23. Computer Programmer. Can you write code, or learn to? These are great stay-at-home jobs online.—Training: 6 months to 2 years online training. Pay: $64,719

24. Software Engineer. Also “software developer”. This is more than programming because you design the apps.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $104,463

25. Web Developer. Jobs for stay-at-home-moms who build website back-ends pay massive money.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $88,488

26. Web Designer. Create the shape of sites and apps for these work-at-home jobs for moms.—Training: Train online (shortest route about 3 months) or Bachelor’s Degree. Pay: $56,143

27. UX Designer & UI Developer. Make websites play nice with users.—Training: Learn online. Shortest route about 3 months. Pay: $97,460

28. SQL Developer. Write code to store and retrieve data for websites. Lots of nesting, so, great jobs for pregnant women. ;)—Training: Online, about 2 months. Pay: $81,714

29. DevOps Engineer. Someone needs to drive the great web development wagon train westward. That could be you.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $138,378

Artistic Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

Are you an artistic momma? Try these creative stay-at-home-mom jobs.

30. Graphic Designer. If you’re good with graphics, you’ll find lots of work-from-home jobs for moms here.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $48,256

31. Video Editor. Cook raw footage into gorgeous product with Adobe Premiere.—Training: On the job or a few weeks online. Pay: $46,274

32. Musician. If you’ve got skills, you can find these jobs for stay-at-home moms in Google.—Training: Must have skill. Pay: $40,000

33. Computer Animator. These work-from-home jobs for moms come from networking, not job search websites.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $61,000

Marketing Jobs for Moms

Dig for legit work-from-home jobs for moms in the marketing world on Google for Jobs.

Many marketing teams rely on remote talent like you. (Mine does!)

34. Social Media Specialist/Manager. If you can handle Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook, you can be a work-at-home mom.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $54,500

35. SEO Specialist. This is all about keywords and search intent. Training: Online, self-taught. Pay: $66,848

36. Marketing Specialist. These at-home jobs for moms turn heads to bring in bucks.—Training: On-the-job or college degree. Pay: $42,153

37. Marketing Manager. If you can lead a marketing team, you can find hundreds of work-from-home moms jobs online.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $93,125

Pro Tip: Need experience for these SAHM jobs? Pick up the principles on YouTube, in blogs, and in Lynda classes. Your first month is free.

Research Online Jobs for Moms

Are you a top-notch internet detective who can pull it all together?

These online jobs for stay-at-home moms pay pretty well and don’t require a ton of training.

38. Researcher. Dig in, pull facts, and help your boss see forest through the decision trees.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $61,085

39. Research Assistant. Just starting out? Try jobs for stay-at-home-moms helping the main researcher.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $30,647

Accounting/Finance Stay at Home Mom Jobs

Have you got a CPA license or are you good with numbers? Try these stay-at-home-mom jobs.

40. Accountant. These SAHM jobs need a CPA license. If you don’t have one already, move along.—Training: Bachelor’s degree and monster test. Pay: $55,202

41. Bookkeeper. No license. Keep track of the money. These work-at-home jobs for moms are everywhere.—Training: On the job or online in four months. Pay: $34,677

Analyst Work at Home Jobs for Moms

If you’re really good at massaging data, these jobs for stay-at-home-moms may fit.

42. Business Analyst. For these stay-at-home-mom jobs, speak truth to power with hard data skills.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $70,170

43. Data Analyst. Use big data tools like Hadoop or Cloudera to see what’s really going on amid a world of figures.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $65,470

44. Financial Analyst. If you don’t already have a CFA certification, this one’s off-limits.—Training: Bachelor’s degree and certification. Pay: $63,829

45. Actuary. Insurance companies hire stay-at-home moms who make numbers sit up and beg.—Training: Get certified by CAS or SOA. Pay: $107,598

46. Biostatistician. Health care needs statisticians too. Lots of SAHM jobs here.—Training: Generally bachelor’s degree. Some do it with less. Pay: $92,426

Engineering Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

If you’re not already an engineer, you won’t find many work-at-home jobs for moms in this part.

Already got a degree? Try these legit work-from-home jobs for moms.

47. Assistant Engineer. Do you understand the way things work? You can get SAHM jobs here with an associate’s degree.—Pay: $68,000

48. Engineer. Search a specific engineer job + “remote” in Google to find tons of these jobs for stay-at-home-moms.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $77,182

49. Mechanical Engineer. Got your mechanical engineering degree but want to be a work-at-home mom? Google “remote mechanical engineer jobs” and click the big blue bar.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $73,016

50. Civil Engineer. Yes, there’s tons of remote CE positions that work as stay-at-home-mom jobs.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $68,638

51. Electrical Engineer. If you’ve got the training, you can find at-home-jobs for moms here too.—Training: Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $83,088

Pro Tip: How long can you work while pregnant? Some go right up to the day (my wife did). Check with your OB. Then check the best jobs for pregnant women in this article.

Healthcare Stay at Home Mom Jobs

You need a license for these legit stay-at-home-mom jobs.

52. Telework Nurse/Doctor. If you’re licensed, you can do these as a work-at-home mom.—Training: Nursing or med school. Pay: $76,710–$300,000

53. Massage Therapist. Welcome clients to your home and work your magic. Also try reiki practitioner and aromatherapist.—Training: State license. Pay: $45,408

54. Mental Health Counselor. Online therapy’s a thing, and works as SAHM jobs.—Training: Varies by state from Certification to Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $45,449

55. Addiction Counselor. Plenty of work-from-home jobs for moms online in this field.—Training: Varies by state from Certification to Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $37,762

56. Marriage Counselor. Rural couples love not driving. That creates online jobs for moms.—Training: Varies by state from Certification to Bachelor’s degree. Pay: $53,000

Other Legitimate Work at Home Jobs for Moms

Need a few more SAHM jobs with minimal training?

57. Virtual Assistant. Basically an online secretary. Good unskilled stay-at-home-mom jobs.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $22,000

58. Recruiter. Many are underhanded, but you don’t have to be.—Training: Minimal to bachelor’s degree. Pay: $49,712

59. Translator. If you’re fluent, Google, “remote translator jobs” to find lots of legit SAHM jobs.—Training: Minimal. Pay: $44,190

60. Amazon Top Work From Home Jobs. Amazon has stacks of jobs for stay-at-home-moms. Training: Variable. Pay: Variable

61. Network Marketer. Multi-level marketing (MLM) has detractors and proponents. Research heavily before you jump.—Training: Minimal. Pay: Variable

I joined a network marketing company on social media as a casual side-business. In a few months I experienced increased sales and a growing team of friends who wanted to share the products as well. In eight months I started seeing paychecks approaching the same size as my husband’s. A little sorting through of products, compensation plans and timing of the company will hopefully lead you to the right fit.

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (2)

Tara Ray Heffner

SAHM and Network Marketer

Is That Really All the Stay at Home Mom Jobs?


You can find far more than 61 work-at-home jobs for moms.

Almost any job will work from home.

Google “remote” + [YOUR CAREER] + jobs. Click “Search.” Then click the big blue bar.

Pro Tip: The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ensures 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave to most long-term employees.

Is your work experience as tiny as your baby’s? You can still get good stay-at-home-mom jobs with the right resume. See our guide: First Resume with No Work Experience Samples

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check. Start building aprofessional resume template here for free.

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (3)

Create my resume now

When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better.


How to Find Online Jobs for Moms

You’re rich!

You’ve seen the 61 jobs for stay-at-home moms in our list. Your troubles are over. Right?

Well—not so fast. Those are stay-at-home-mom jobs ideas.

To find legit work-at-home jobs for moms you can apply to:

Don’t use job sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, or LinkedIn.

They’re great for different reasons. (Legit listings, salary data, networking.)

But they’re not the best sites to find SAHM jobs.

Do use Google.


“Remote” + [JOB TITLE] + “jobs”.

Click “search.” You’ll see a big blue bar that says “Jobs: Work from home.”

Click it. You’ll get hundreds of real jobs for stay-at-home-moms you can apply to.

Why is Google best?

They’ve got the best programmers and the best AI. They scrape listings from all over the web. They even pull jobs from company websites.

Pro Tip: Set up alerts in Google to find new stay-at-home-mom jobs while you sleep. Just flip the little switch in your browser’s lower left.

We’ve got great resume examples for most of the stay-at-home-mom jobs ideas in this guide: Resume Examples for Every Profession


Don’t Ignore the Mom ‘n’ Pops!

You’re missing out.

You’ve seen our 61 great stay-at-home-mom jobs and how to find them.


The best SAHM jobs might not be online.

Talk to your network. Chat with friends on social media. Talk to local business owners.

Ask around. You never know who might need help.

I turned my organizational skills into a part-time freelance bookkeeping and administrative job for a small business owner. I told my buddy (we hired his crew to do our roof) that he should let me do the booking for him. He agreed and we learned Quickbooks together. Now I update his website, run his FB page, do payroll, marketing, keep track of taxes, from the comfort of my laptop in my bed after the kiddos go to sleep. I let go of the career idea for a while and took the pressure off myself. Decided to do something stress-free. Now I get to spend my days with my favorite humans while I can!

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (4)

Andra Dickey

SAHM and Admin

Pro Tip: Use networking to help find jobs for stay-at-home-moms. One woman I interviewed (with no degree) got a $100,000 job via networking job search.

Want your resume for stay-at-home-mom jobs to fit like a custom onesie? See our guide: 6 Tips on How to Tailor Your Resume to a Job Description


How to Work from Home With a Baby

Yes, but how???

You know how to find stay-at-home-mom jobs.

But how to work from home with baby? How to make money while pregnant?

Here’s how—

Pick part-time, flexible jobs for stay-at-home-moms.

Choose stay-at-home mom jobs with part-time hours to save your sanity.

I mostly use nap times and evenings to work my little ‘side hustle.

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (5)

Tara Ray Heffner

SAHM and Network Marketer

Ask your spouse for help.

You can’t work even online jobs for moms without a break from baby. Carving out some work time with your spouse is key.

Reach out to family and friends.

Your spouse may help, but not enough to cover all your hours. For even part-time work-at-home jobs for moms, ask family.

I couldn’t do it alone. My husband works long shifts. So after much frustration I reached out to my family and asked for support for a couple hours a week so I could complete some non-kid related tasks. I’m so glad I did because as it turns out my family was very willing to help us out. I was able to have my mother come by one evening a week and do bedtime routine with the kids so I could concentrate on my work. I opened the door and I received a warm and willing response.

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (6)

Andra Dickey

SAHM and Admin

Trade child care with other stay-at-home moms.

Is your child too young for daycare, or is the cost too high? You can still work stay-at-home-mom jobs if you get help. See if other local SAHMs might do a babysitting swap.

We worked out a child care trade off with another family. I watch their kids for free so they can have time alone together and then they watch ours. Working at home with a baby and a preschooler is sometimes impossible without support. My advice is to keep that in mind and reach out.

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (7)

Andra Dickey

SAHM and Admin

Cherish family time.

Don’t let even the best jobs for moms pry you from these precious years. Make sure you set aside sacred family time, and guard it with your life.

Set aside time devoted to family where devices are put away. It’s easy for a stay at home job to become an all day at home job. Phones and devices are accessible everywhere and all the time. The tension is real. Even though a schedule might exist, there’s the feeling of urgency to respond to emails/messages/calls. It is likely that I could wait an hour or until the scheduled time to respond...but, well, there’s no time like the present...right?! Ha ha. So yes, time for family where there is no “work” is huge (and marriages won’t implode, either).

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (8)

Tara Ray Heffner

SAHM and Network Marketer

Pro Tip: Get creative. One SAHM we talked to went garage-saling with her kids in tow. Then during nap times and at night, she listed the stuff on eBay. Not big money, but she did it during mommy hours and it was fun to get out and about.

Want your resume for stay-at-home-mom jobs to stand out like a sleeping newborn? See our guide: How to Make a Resume for a Job: Writing Guide

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here.Here's what it may look like:

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (9)

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

Key Takeaway

Here’s a recap of how to find stay-at-home-mom jobs:

  • Use Google for Jobs to find the best jobs for stay-at-home moms. Search “remote” + [JOB TITLE] + “jobs”. Then click “Search,” then click the blue bar.
  • Get inspiration from the list of work-at-home jobs for moms in this article.
  • Don’t ignore mom ‘n’ pops. Local businesses are often starved for help. Some of the best jobs for moms come from lending your skills to locals.
  • Reach out for help, not only to find stay-at-home-mom jobs, but to get time to work them. You can’t do any job if you can’t get a break from baby.

Do you have questions on how to find the best jobs for pregnant women and moms? Got tips for other work-from-home moms? Give us a shout in the comments! We’d be happy to reply.

61 Real Stay at Home Mom Jobs and How to Get a Good One Fast (2024)


How can I work-from-home as a mom? ›

11 Tips For Work-At-Home Moms
  1. Get your baby on a schedule. ...
  2. Create rituals. ...
  3. Keep a running To Do list with daily action items. ...
  4. Set timers. ...
  5. Make use of drive time. ...
  6. Schedule walking meetings. ...
  7. Wake up early. ...
  8. Only respond to emails that truly need a response.

What is the best work-from-home job site? ›

Great work-from-home websites to find your dream job
  • Upwork.
  • Fiverr.
  • Freelancer.
  • Remote.co.
  • JustRemote.
  • Pangian.
  • PowerToFly.
  • Remotive.
30 Apr 2020

How can a stay-at-home mom make money 2022? ›

Stay at Home Mom Jobs
  1. 1 Start a Blog.
  2. 2 Freelance Write.
  3. 3 Virtual Assistant.
  4. 4 Pinterest Manager.
  5. 5 Sell on Etsy.
  6. 6 Be a Coach.
  7. 7 Create a Subscription Box Business.
  8. 8 Become a Professional Organizer.
13 Apr 2022

How can I earn money working from home? ›

How to Make Money From Home in 2022
  1. Proofreading. EQUIPMENT: Computer, internet access, word processing software. ...
  2. Become a virtual assistant. ...
  3. Become a Transcriptionist. ...
  4. Work as a freelance writer. ...
  5. Start a blog. ...
  6. Become a professional dog walker. ...
  7. Work as a virtual bookkeeper. ...
  8. Start a dropshipping business.
4 Oct 2022

How can I get money without a job? ›

15 Ways to Make Money Without a Job
  1. Participate in paid market research. ...
  2. Become a virtual assistant. ...
  3. Transcribe audio and video. ...
  4. Sell online. ...
  5. Housesit. ...
  6. Write online reviews. ...
  7. Start a blog. ...
  8. Game on Twitch.
5 Aug 2021

What jobs can I do with a baby? ›

  • School Bus Driver. Out of all the jobs where you can bring your baby, school bus driver may be the most flexible in terms of hours and, if you have school age kids, the chance to be off during the school vacations. ...
  • Gym or Athletic Club. ...
  • In Home Daycare. ...
  • Companies that welcome children.

How can I be a stay-at-home mom if I can't afford it? ›

How can I afford to be a stay at home mom?
  1. Start a flexible career you can work at home. ...
  2. Budget — track spending (and cut expenses) ...
  3. Cancel subscriptions to save money. ...
  4. Shop around for insurance rates. ...
  5. Transfer your debt to 0% credit card. ...
  6. Meal plan.
10 Feb 2020

What jobs can I do from home on my own time? ›

Make Your Own Schedule Remote Jobs jobs
  • Senior Accountant. ...
  • Online Tutor (Looking For College Students) ...
  • Remote grading assistant/writing tutor. ...
  • Marketing Manager | Full-time, Fully Remote. ...
  • Psychedelic Guide. ...
  • Senior Tax Manager. ...
  • Financial Aid Advisor - 100% Remote.

Does Amazon pay you to work from home? ›

As of Oct 22, 2022, the average weekly pay for a Work From Home Amazon Customer Service in the United States is $985 a week.

What companies pay you to work from home? ›

18 companies that let you work from home
  • Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Zoom Video Communications is a company that provides cloud services for people to use for communication. ...
  • Hopper. ...
  • Kaplan. ...
  • TTEC. ...
  • Intuit. ...
  • Dell Technologies. ...
  • UnitedHealth Group. ...
  • Kelly Services.

Is there genuine work from home? ›

Freelancing websites – There are many websites where you can find freelance work or gigs. Make sure you work with clients who are verified, and your payment is guaranteed. Social Media – You can also find work from home opportunities from Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups and even Twitter.

How can I earn fast money? ›

Other Ways To Make Money Quickly
  1. Become a Ride-Share Driver. Average income of up to $377 per month. ...
  2. Make Deliveries for Amazon or Uber Eats. ...
  3. Become a Pet Sitter or Dog Walker. ...
  4. Get a Babysitting Gig. ...
  5. Install Christmas Lights for the Holidays. ...
  6. Become a Home Organizer. ...
  7. Help With Home Gardening. ...
  8. Assist With Deliveries or Moving.
19 Nov 2021

What can you do on OnlyFans to make money? ›

Paid subscriptions are, by far, the most popular way creators on OnlyFans choose to monetize their content. By going the paid subscription route, you're putting all your OnlyFans content behind a paywall. Only users who pay your monthly subscription price will be able to see your posts, stories, or streams.

Do stay at home moms get paid by the government? ›

Grants for Stay-at-Home Mothers. The federal government does not provide grants to any individual, including stay-at-home mothers. Instead, the funding flows to state agencies, universities, and charitable organizations to foster public service or stimulate the economy.

How can I make $100 a day? ›

How to make $100 a day: 36 creative ways to make money
  1. Take part in research (up to $150/hour) ...
  2. Get paid to take surveys. ...
  3. Get paid to watch videos online. ...
  4. Answer questions for money. ...
  5. Download this app and make money by going online. ...
  6. Get paid to play games online. ...
  7. 7. Make an extra $100 pet sitting. ...
  8. Become a shopper.

How can I make money from home with no experience? ›

17 Online Jobs You Can Do With No Experience
  1. Online Jobs That Don't Require Experience. Online Surveys. Virtual Assistant. Freelance Writer. Blogger. Proofreader. Transcription. Translation. Social Media Manager. Graphic Designer. Microtasker. Data Entry. Customer Service. ...
  2. Remote Online Jobs Are More Available Than Ever.
21 Sept 2021

How can I make money in one hour? ›

How to Make Money in One Hour or Less
  1. Use Survey Sites to Get Paid. ...
  2. Try Passive Income Apps. ...
  3. Start a Delivery Side Hustle. ...
  4. Complete Short Tasks on Amazon Mechanical Turk. ...
  5. Earn Extra Income Selling Things Around Your House. ...
  6. Donate Plasma. ...
  7. Get Paid to Shop. ...
  8. Become a Mystery Shopper.
27 Sept 2022

How do you work when you dont have childcare? ›

In this post, you'll explore 29 jobs that are great for new moms who can't afford a babysitter.
I'm sure you can find a few jobs on this list that you'll love doing to earn some extra money!
  1. Yoga or Fitness Instructor. ...
  2. Childcare Provider. ...
  3. Newspaper Carrier. ...
  4. Direct Selling. ...
  5. Driving For Uber or Lyft.
6 Feb 2019

Can you bring your kid to Amazon Flex? ›

Passengers and pets, except for service animals, must not have any interaction with customers. They cannot accompany you when you deliver packages to customers. 5. Passengers must not drive the vehicle while you're delivering for Amazon Flex.

Are stay-at-home moms happier? ›

  • Stay-at-home mothers are not miserable, but tend, in general, to find a lot of satisfaction in the work of caring for their families.
  • Survey evidence from two large, long-running survey programs shows that stay-at-home mothers are in fact just as happy as other mothers.
21 Apr 2022

How do stay-at-home moms make a schedule? ›

Once I applied the tactic to my stay at home mom schedule, I instantly became more productive, and managed to find time for fun and self care.
Tasks or Groups of Tasks to Add to Your Stay at Home Mom Schedule:
  1. Morning Routine.
  2. Cleaning.
  3. Errands.
  4. Outings/Playdates.
  5. Playing Outside.
  6. Independent Play Time.
  7. Nap/Quiet Time.
  8. Reading.

How do people afford two kids? ›

Affording a Second Child: How to Make Your Budget Work
  1. Think twice about upsizing. ...
  2. Be frugal about baby gear. ...
  3. Weigh your childcare options. ...
  4. Watch out for sneaky expenses. ...
  5. Prioritize financial goals in your new budget.

What job has the most flexible hours? ›

Check out these 80 most flexible jobs that not only pay well, but will also match your lifestyle.
  • Data Scientist. Data scientists are becoming in demand nowadays due to the amount of data being collected by major companies worldwide. ...
  • Photographer. ...
  • Dietitian. ...
  • Graphic Designer. ...
  • Virtual Assistant. ...
  • Plumber. ...
  • Blogger. ...
  • Electrician.
30 Jun 2022

What is the best career for a woman? ›

Here are the top 10 high-growth careers for women in the United States to consider:
  • Construction Manager. ...
  • Physician Assistant. ...
  • Environmental Scientist. ...
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrator. ...
  • Nurse Practitioner. ...
  • Public Relations Manager. ...
  • Computer Systems Analyst. ...
  • Psychologist.

How do you be a mom and have a career? ›

Career and Motherhood: 10 Ways to Make It Work
  1. Stop comparing yourself to other moms. ...
  2. Ask your kids how they feel and let that be your compass. ...
  3. Treat important family events like client meetings. ...
  4. Let your kids in on your decisions. ...
  5. Look beyond one day or one week. ...
  6. Find the right partner(s).
10 May 2017

How do I start an online work from home? ›

Take on a Side Gig

Freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr make it possible for you to work remotely before or after you go to your in-office job. Typically, you can apply to jobs that offer a fixed payment for a one-time job and those that provide hourly work and consistent hours every week or day.

How can I make money online with flexible hours? ›

These online jobs for college students provide flexible options and offer a balance between concentrating on your studies while earning some extra cash.
  1. Online personal trainer. ...
  2. Online beauty advisor. ...
  3. Freelance writer. ...
  4. Proofreader. ...
  5. Textbook seller. ...
  6. Social media manager. ...
  7. Consignor. ...
  8. Data entry specialist.
17 Oct 2022

What is the easiest job with the highest pay? ›

Top 18 Highest Paying Easy Jobs
  • Park Ranger. ...
  • Pharmacy Technician. ...
  • House Painter. ...
  • Sales Representative. ...
  • Voice Actor. ...
  • Nuclear Power Reactor Operator. ...
  • Medical Records Technician. ...
  • Truck Driver. For anyone who hears the call of the open road, being a truck driver might be one of the easiest jobs for you.

Is $20 per hour a good wage? ›

The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the average hourly wage in the US is $29.93, and the median hourly wage in 2020 was $16.36. Therefore, if you make $20 per hour, you earn less than the national average.

How much does Amazon pay to work remote? ›

The estimated base pay is $17 per hour. The estimated additional pay is $6 per hour. Additional pay could include bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.

Which Amazon position pays the most? ›

Highest Paying Jobs At Amazon
RankJob TitleAverage Salary
1Information Technology Project Manager$147,856
2Solutions Architect$145,783
4Data Engineer$132,051
16 more rows

Which Amazon job is best? ›

Best Amazon Jobs
  • Learning Specialist I. Average Salary: $72K-$107K. ...
  • Technical Writer. Average Salary: $98K. ...
  • Software Engineer. Average Salary: $115K. ...
  • Senior Technical Recruiter. Average Salary: $116K. ...
  • Security Engineer. Average Salary: $120K. ...
  • Data Scientist. Average Salary: $120K. ...
  • Art Director. ...
  • Principal Product Manager.
15 Aug 2022

How do I request work from home permanently? ›

Factors to consider before asking for a full-time remote work
  1. Work out all the details and list them. ...
  2. Present the benefits of work from home. ...
  3. List out the potential problems that may arise in remote work. ...
  4. Curate a proposal plan. ...
  5. Arrange a meeting with your Manager. ...
  6. Explain the reason for your request.
23 Dec 2021

How can I work from home with no experience online? ›

10 Work from Home Jobs that Require Little or No Experience (Entry Level Jobs)
  1. Administrative Assistant. ...
  2. Customer Service Representative. ...
  3. Data Entry. ...
  4. Interpreter. ...
  5. Sales Representative. ...
  6. Social Media Evaluator. ...
  7. Tech Support. ...
  8. Travel Consultant.

How do I get paid online? ›

How to make money online
  1. Pick up freelance work online. ...
  2. Test websites and apps. ...
  3. Pick up tasks on Amazon's Mechanical Turk. ...
  4. Take surveys for money. ...
  5. 5. Make money from your blog as an affiliate. ...
  6. Sell your wares on Etsy. ...
  7. Get advertising revenue from your blog or YouTube channel. ...
  8. Become an Instagram influencer.
8 Aug 2022

Which work I can start from home without investment? ›

Online Jobs from Home Without Investment
  • Freelancer. Freelancing is one of the oldest ways that people have chosen to earn money online. ...
  • Become a YouTuber. ...
  • Online Reselling Business. ...
  • Blogger. ...
  • Online Teaching/Coaching. ...
  • Selling products of your interests. ...
  • Data Entry/Typing. ...
  • Online Surveys.
12 Jul 2022

Which is the safest online jobs from home? ›

10 Best Online Jobs From Home Without Investment
  • Social media marketing. I'm sure everyone enjoys social media content, but have you ever wondered who is behind this and how does content reaches you? ...
  • Affiliate marketing. ...
  • Start your Youtube channel. ...
  • Freelancing. ...
  • Graphic designing. ...
  • Become a blogger. ...
  • Online tasks. ...
  • Virtual teacher.
29 Jun 2021

What is the best online job for beginners? ›

If you're not sure what kind of roles to look for, here's a list of online jobs to consider that require little or no experience:
  1. Data Entry Clerk. ...
  2. Proofreader or Copy Editor. ...
  3. Administrative, Virtual, or Executive Assistant. ...
  4. Social Media Coordinator or Manager. ...
  5. Graphic Designer. ...
  6. Writer. ...
  7. Customer Service Representative.
19 Apr 2022

What kind of job can I do with my baby? ›

  • School Bus Driver. Out of all the jobs where you can bring your baby, school bus driver may be the most flexible in terms of hours and, if you have school age kids, the chance to be off during the school vacations. ...
  • Gym or Athletic Club. ...
  • In Home Daycare. ...
  • Companies that welcome children.

Is it possible to work from home with an infant? ›

It is possible to work from home while caring for your little ones, but you may find it helpful to create a rough schedule and plan some fun indoor activities ahead of time so you have the supplies you'll need on hand.

How do stay at home moms reenter the workforce? ›

9 tips for re-entering the workforce after being a stay-at-home parent
  • Uncover what you really want. ...
  • Update your materials. ...
  • Refresh your skills. ...
  • Get active on social sites. ...
  • Call on your network and make new connections. ...
  • Look at all of your options. ...
  • Talk up your gap years. ...
  • Be patient and persistent.

How do you work when you dont have childcare? ›

In this post, you'll explore 29 jobs that are great for new moms who can't afford a babysitter.
I'm sure you can find a few jobs on this list that you'll love doing to earn some extra money!
  1. Yoga or Fitness Instructor. ...
  2. Childcare Provider. ...
  3. Newspaper Carrier. ...
  4. Direct Selling. ...
  5. Driving For Uber or Lyft.
6 Feb 2019

Can you bring your kid to Amazon Flex? ›

Passengers and pets, except for service animals, must not have any interaction with customers. They cannot accompany you when you deliver packages to customers. 5. Passengers must not drive the vehicle while you're delivering for Amazon Flex.

Do stay at home moms get paid? ›

Some stay-at-home parents work part-time or freelance jobs to earn money but the role of a homemaker is a non-paying job in the traditional sense.

How can I work from home with 2 kids? ›

Split your days up, so you each have an equal share of work and kids. For example, one of you could work for a solid, uninterrupted four-hour block in the morning, while the other one watches the kids during that time. In the afternoon, switch roles. While it's not a full day of work, some work is better than no work.

How do I request a work day from home? ›

  1. Research the landscape in your industry and organization. ...
  2. Emphasize the benefits to your organization. ...
  3. Create a clear and specific remote work plan. ...
  4. Time your request carefully. ...
  5. Ask in-person, not via email. ...
  6. Come prepared to lead the meeting. ...
  7. Expect some discomfort, but don't be dissuaded.

Do babies suffer when mothers return to work? ›

Do babies suffer when mothers return to work? Many moms feel guilty for not being with their babies during the workday, even if they know they're in good hands. Fortunately, research suggests that children don't experience any harm when their moms work outside the home.

How do you work full time and have a baby? ›

13 Tips for Balancing Work and a New Baby
  1. Set up a family calendar.
  2. Find good child care and have a healthy relationship with your caregiver.
  3. Divide and conquer.
  4. Have a backup babysitter in place.
  5. Make your mornings as easy as possible.
  6. Get the support you need at work.
  7. Get baby to bed.
  8. Simplify dinner.

Can babies miss their mom? ›

About Separation Anxiety

Between 4-7 months of age, babies develop a sense of "object permanence." They're realizing that things and people exist even when they're out of sight. Babies learn that when they can't see mom or dad, that means they've gone away.

What is the best job for a mom returning to work? ›

Careers that will suit moms planning to return to work are elementary school teachers, web developers, writers, virtual assistants, baristas, and customer service representatives, to mention a few. There are also some well-paid gaming jobs that offer great work-life balance.

What percentage of stay at home moms go back to work? ›

It's important to remember that spending time as a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean the end of your career for good. In fact, 70 percent of stay-at-home moms eventually return to work, and nearly half of those that do return full time.

Is it hard to go back to work after being a stay-at-home mom? ›

Stay-at-home moms go back to work all the time, whether it's when the children start school or whenever they feel it's the best time to do so. Many of them experience anxiety about returning to work after being a stay-at-home mom. You're not alone. One thing that you can do is embrace the process.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.